Why I did it
To improve readability of config.bcm, fixed the alignment of soc properties
How to verify it
Build sonic_config_engine-1.0-py3-none-any.whl successfully
Signed-off-by: Neetha John <nejo@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
Update soc properties for certain roles that need to use pfcwd dlr init based recovery mechanism
How to verify it
Updated the templates on a 7050cx3 dual tor and 7260 T1 which satisfies these conditions and validated pfcwd recovery which uses DLR_INIT based mechanism. Also validated that this mechanism is not used on 7050cx3 single tor with the updated templates
Signed-off-by: Neetha John <nejo@microsoft.com>
This change is to disable the pcie firmware check done by Broadcom SAI. The change is needed for the Arista platform x86_64-arista_7050cx3_32s; otherwise, the check will fail, blocking the initialization.
There was a pcie firmware check added in brcm SDK and certain Arista hardwares do not compliant with the check, so we added the disable_pcie_firmware_check originally for x86_64-arista_7060dx4_32. For x86_64-arista_7050cx3_32s, it was able to pass the check but some firmware change done in August made it fail.
Why I did it
The PR is to apply separated DSCP_TO_TC_MAP and TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP to uplink ports on dualtor.
The traffic with DSCP 2 and DSCP 6 from T1 is treated as lossless traffic.
2 2 2
6 6 6
Traffic with DSCP 2 or DSCP 6 from downlink is still treated as lossy traffic as before.
How I did it
How to verify it
Verified by UT
Verified by coping the new template to a testbed, and rendering a config_db.json
Why I did it
This PR is to update TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE for SKU Arista-7050CX3-32S-D48C8 and Arista-7260CX3 T0.
The change is only to align the TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP for regular traffic and bounced traffic. It has no impact on business because we have no traffic being mapped to TC2 or TC6.
How I did it
Update TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE , and test cases as well.
How to verify it
Verified by running test case test_j2files.py
/sonic/src/sonic-config-engine$ python3 setup.py test -s tests/test_j2files.py
running test
Ran 29 tests in 25.390s
Why I did it
After PFC interop testing between 8102 and 7050cx3, data packet losses were observed on the Rx ports of the 7050cx3 (inflow from 8102) during testing. This was primarily due to the slower response times to react to PFC pause packets for the 8102, when receiving such frames from neighboring devices. To solve for the packet drops, the 7050cx3 pg headroom size has to be increased to 160kB.
How I did it
Modified the xoff threshold value to 160kB in the pg_profile file to allow for the buffer manager to read that value when building the image, and configuring the device
How to verify it
run "mmuconfig -l" once image is built
Signed-off-by: dojha <devojha@microsoft.com>
* [device]: Add SAI checksum verify to TD3 config
* A new config option was added to control the value of IPV4_INCR_CHECKSUM_ORIGINAL_VALUE_VERIFY in the EGR_FLEX_CONFIG control register (this prevents checksums of 0xffff from being propagated to other devices)
Signed-off-by: bingwang <wang.bing@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
This PR brings two changes
Add lossy PG profile for PG2 and PG6 on T1 for ports between T1 and T2.
After PR Update qos config to clear queues for bounced back traffic #10176 , the DSCP_TO_TC_MAP and TC_TO_PG_MAP is updated when remapping is enable
Before After Why do this change
"2" : "1" "2" : "2" Only change for leaf router to map DSCP 2 to TC 2 as TC 2 will be used for lossless TC
"6" : "1" "6" : "6" Only change for leaf router to map DSCP 6 to TC 6 as TC 6 will be used for lossless TC
Before After Why do this change
"2" : "0" "2" : "2" Only change for leaf router to map TC 2 to PG 2 as PG 2 will be used for lossless PG
"6" : "0" "6" : "6" Only change for leaf router to map TC 6 to PG 6 as PG 6 will be used for lossless PG
So, we have two new lossy PGs (2 and 6) for the T2 facing ports on T1, and two new lossless PGs (2 and 6) for the T0 facing port on T1.
However, there is no lossy PG profile for the T2 facing ports on T1. The lossless PGs for ports between T1 and T0 have been handled by buffermgrd .Therefore, We need to add lossy PG profiles for T2 facing ports on T1.
We don't have this issue on T0 because PG 2 and PG 6 are lossless PGs, and there is no lossy traffic mapped to PG 2 and PG 6
Map port level TC7 to PG0
Before the PCBB change, DSCP48 -> TC 6 -> PG 0.
After the PCBB change, DSCP48 -> TC 7 -> PG 7
Actually, we can map TC7 to PG0 to save a lossy PG.
How I did it
Update the qos and buffer template.
How to verify it
Verified by UT.
Signed-off-by: bingwang <bingwang@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
This PR is to add two extra lossless queues for bounced back traffic.
HLD sonic-net/SONiC#950
SKUs include
How I did it
Update the buffers.json.j2 template and buffers_config.j2 template to generate new BUFFER_QUEUE table.
For T1 devices, queue 2 and queue 6 are set as lossless queues on T0 facing ports.
For T0 devices, queue 2 and queue 6 are set as lossless queues on T1 facing ports.
Queue 7 is added as a new lossy queue as DSCP 48 is mapped to TC 7, and then mapped into Queue 7
How to verify it
Verified by UT
Verified by coping the new template and generate buffer config with sonic-cfggen
* [Tunnel PFC] Add property for tunnel PFC
Replace the config.bcm file with j2 template file
- Add 'sai_remap_prio_on_tnl_egress=1' property when device metadata local
- Host subtype is 'dualtor'
- Change sai.profile foe the new config.bcm.j2
* [device config] Adding configuration for default route fallback
* Set sai_tunnel_underlay_route_mode attribute to fallback to default route if more specific route is unavailable.
Depends on Azure/sonic-utilities#1626
Depends on Azure/sonic-swss#1754
QOS tables in config db used ABNF format i.e "[TABLE_NAME|name] to refer fieldvalue to other qos tables.
Config DB:
"Ethernet92|3": {
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.1]",
"Ethernet0|0": {
"profile": "[BUFFER_PROFILE|ingress_lossy_profile]"
"Ethernet0": {
"dscp_to_tc_map": "[DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE]",
"pfc_enable": "3,4",
"pfc_to_queue_map": "[MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_QUEUE|AZURE]",
"tc_to_pg_map": "[TC_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP|AZURE]",
"tc_to_queue_map": "[TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE]"
This format is not consistent with other DB schema followed in sonic.
And also this reference in DB is not required, This is taken care by YANG "leafref".
Removed this format from all platform files to consistent with other sonic db schema.
"Ethernet92|3": {
"scheduler": "scheduler.1",
"wred_profile": "AZURE_LOSSLESS"
Dependent pull requests:
#7752 - To modify platfrom files
#7281 - Yang model
Azure/sonic-utilities#1626 - DB migration
Azure/sonic-swss#1754 - swss change to remove ABNF format
Set hierarchical ecmp level to 2 instead of 3. Based on CS00011833367, ecmp level must be set to 2.
This is already handled for TH2 platforms. Change is required only for TD3
Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <prsunny@prince-vm.vzw1i4tqyeburcdz5lrgulxi2c.yx.internal.cloudapp.net>
Need A mmu configuration to get the device going without generating lots of warnings.
Similar to dummy MMU configuration for Arista-7050CX3-32S-C32, this configuration will need to be updated with correct numbers. This MMU configuration is copied from 7060 comparable hwsku.
Signed-off-by: Ying Xie <ying.xie@microsoft.com>