jacob1 e280fea031 arbitrary gravity code cleanup
Was working on modernizing the code in my mod, copied all the changes here too
2019-08-05 00:08:06 -04:00

93 lines
1.7 KiB

#ifndef GRAVITY_H
#define GRAVITY_H
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include "Config.h"
#ifdef GRAVFFT
#include <fftw3.h>
class Simulation;
class Gravity
bool enabled = false;
// Maps to be processed by the gravity thread
float *th_ogravmap = nullptr;
float *th_gravmap = nullptr;
float *th_gravx = nullptr;
float *th_gravy = nullptr;
float *th_gravp = nullptr;
int th_gravchanged = 0;
std::thread gravthread;
std::mutex gravmutex;
std::condition_variable gravcv;
int grav_ready = 0;
int gravthread_done = 0;
bool ignoreNextResult = false;
#ifdef GRAVFFT
bool grav_fft_status = false;
float *th_ptgravx = nullptr;
float *th_ptgravy = nullptr;
float *th_gravmapbig = nullptr;
float *th_gravxbig = nullptr;
float *th_gravybig = nullptr;
fftwf_complex *th_ptgravxt, *th_ptgravyt, *th_gravmapbigt, *th_gravxbigt, *th_gravybigt;
fftwf_plan plan_gravmap, plan_gravx_inverse, plan_gravy_inverse;
struct mask_el {
char *shape;
char shapeout;
mask_el *next;
using mask_el = struct mask_el;
bool grav_mask_r(int x, int y, char checkmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], char shape[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]);
void mask_free(mask_el *c_mask_el);
void update_grav();
void update_grav_async();
#ifdef GRAVFFT
void grav_fft_init();
void grav_fft_cleanup();
//Maps to be used by the main thread
float *gravmap = nullptr;
float *gravp = nullptr;
float *gravy = nullptr;
float *gravx = nullptr;
unsigned *gravmask = nullptr;
unsigned char (*bmap)[XRES/CELL];
bool IsEnabled() { return enabled; }
void Clear();
void gravity_update_async();
void start_grav_async();
void stop_grav_async();
void gravity_mask();