- Why I did it
Barefoot uses hysteresis, instead of 'xon-threshold'. 'xon' is only
supported in static mode, so there is a need to add this attribute
to every mode in PG profile init file
- How I did it
'xon_offset' was added to pg_profile_lookup.ini
- How to verify it
Install and basic sanity tests including traffic.
Checked with:
pfcwd/test_pfc_config.py pfcwd/test_pfcwd_all_port_storm.py
pfcwd/test_pfcwd_function.py pfcwd/test_pfcwd_war_reboot.py
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Stachura <mariusz.stachura@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Stachura <mariusz.stachura@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Stachura <mariusz.stachura@intel.com>
What I did
Adding the dynamic headroom calculation support for Barefoot platforms.
Why I did it
Enabling dynamic mode for barefoot case.
How I verified it
The community tests are adjusted and pass.
A new SKU for MSN4700 Platform i.e. Mellanox-SN4700-V48C32
Port 1-24: 2x200G
Port 25-32: 4x100G
Downlinks: 48 (1-24)
Uplinks: 32 (25-32)
Shared Headroom: Enabled
Over Subscribe Ratio: 1:8
Default Topology: T1
Default Cable Length for T1: 300m
VxLAN source port range set: No
Static Policy Based Hashing Supported: No
Additional Details:
QoS params: The default ones defined in qos_config.j2 will be applied
Small Packet Percentage: Used 50% for traditional buffer model Note: For dynamic model, the value defined in LOSSLESS_TRAFFIC_PATTERN|AZURE|small_packet_percentage is used
Cable Lengths used for generating buffer_defaults_{t0,t1}.j2 values
Signed-off-by: Vivek Reddy Karri <vkarri@nvidia.com>
#### Why I did it
To add new SKU Mellanox-SN2700-D44C10 with following requirements:
| Port configuration | Value |
| ------ |--------- |
| Breakout mode for each port |**Defined in port mapping** |
| Speed of the port | **Defined in Port mapping** |
| Auto-negotiation enable/disable | **No setting required** |
| FEC mode | **No setting required** |
|Type of transceiver used | **Not needed**|
Buffer configuration | Value
------ |---------
Shared headroom | **Enabled**
Shared headroom pool factor | **2**
Dynamic Buffer | **Disable**
In static buffer scenario how many uplinks and downlinks? | **44 x50G and 2x100G Downlinks 8x100G uplinks**
2km cable support required? | **No**
Switch configuration | Value
------ |---------
Warmboot enabled? | **yes**
Should warmboot be added to SAI profile when enabled? | **yes**
Is VxLAN source port range set? | **No**
Should Vxlan source port range be added to SAI profile when set. | **No**
Is Static Policy Based Hashing enabled? | **No**
Port Mapping
| Ports | Mode |
| ------ |--------- |
| 1,2 | 1x100G |
| 3-6 | 2x50G |
| 7-10 | 1x100G |
| 11-22 | 2x50G |
| 23-26 | 1x100G |
| 27-32 | 2x50G |
Number of Uplinks / Downlinks:
TO topology: **44 x50G and 2x100G Downlinks 8x100G uplinks**.
#### How I did it
Defined the SKU as per requirements
#### How to verify it
Load the SKU and verify if all links come up and traffic passes.
Signed-off-by: maipbui <maibui@microsoft.com>
#### Why I did it
`eval()` - not secure against maliciously constructed input, can be dangerous if used to evaluate dynamic content. This may be a code injection vulnerability.
#### How I did it
`eval()` - use `literal_eval()`
changed the platform device name under nokia directory; we now need to specify marvell armhf/arm64 to provide more accurate platform identity. otherwise onie discovery won't recognize the asic being installed.
Why I did it
when we load images using onie discovery, the process was failing because of marvell ASIC mismatch
How I did it
replace the platform asic with marvell-armhf under 7215
How to verify it
load a new image using http server and verify that the image can be loaded successfully
Why I did it
For the change to support gearbox taps by gearbox_config.json (sonic-net/sonic-swss#2158), I need to add tests to sonic-swss/tests/test_gearbox.py to satisfy the test coverage of the change. The existing code in test_gearbox.py has already used brcm_gearbox_vs and here is to add some gearbox tap value to its gearbox_config.json, for the added tests in sonic-swss/tests/test_gearbox.py.
How I did it
How to verify it
This change itself will not affect existing code.
Signed-off-by: maipbui <maibui@microsoft.com>
#### Why I did it
`subprocess.Popen()` and `subprocess.run()` is used with `shell=True`, which is very dangerous for shell injection.
`os` - not secure against maliciously constructed input and dangerous if used to evaluate dynamic content
#### How I did it
Replace `os` by `subprocess`, remove `shell=True`
Remove unused functions
Signed-off-by: maipbui <maibui@microsoft.com>
Dependency: [PR (#12065)](https://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-buildimage/pull/12065) needs to merge first.
#### Why I did it
`subprocess.Popen()` and `subprocess.check_output()` is used with `shell=True`, which is very dangerous for shell injection.
#### How I did it
Disable `shell=True`, enable `shell=False`
#### How to verify it
Tested on DUT, compare and verify the output between the original behavior and the new changes' behavior.
Why I did it
Add components data for sonic-mgmt testing
How I did it
Update platform.json and add platform_components.json
How to verify it
Ran sonic-mgmt tests (test_chassis and test_component)
Why I did it
Some Arista products do not have an SSD but use an eMMC instead.
The SsdUtil plugin is therefore extended to support both.
How I did it
Implemented ssd_util.py platform plugin loaded by ssdutil.
This plugin fallback to the default SONiC implementation if the arista one can't be found.
How to verify it
Run show platform ssdhealth on a product with an eMMC
Multi-asic Docker instances are created behind Docker's default bridge
which doesn't allow talking to other Docker instances that are in the
host network (like database-chassis).
On linecards, we configure midplane interfaces to let per-asic docker
containers talk to CHASSIS_DB on the supervisor through internal chassis
On the supervisor we don't need to use chassis internal network, but we
still need a similar setup in order to allow fabric containers to talk
to database-chassis
Why I did it
This PR is to update TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE for SKU Arista-7050CX3-32S-D48C8 and Arista-7260CX3 T0.
The change is only to align the TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP for regular traffic and bounced traffic. It has no impact on business because we have no traffic being mapped to TC2 or TC6.
How I did it
Update TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE , and test cases as well.
How to verify it
Verified by running test case test_j2files.py
/sonic/src/sonic-config-engine$ python3 setup.py test -s tests/test_j2files.py
running test
Ran 29 tests in 25.390s
- Why I did it
Remove extra empty lines in the SN2201 pg_profile_lookup.ini to make it aligned with other platforms.
This extra empty line could confuse some test cases which need to parse this file.
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
Why I did it
After PFC interop testing between 8102 and 7050cx3, data packet losses were observed on the Rx ports of the 7050cx3 (inflow from 8102) during testing. This was primarily due to the slower response times to react to PFC pause packets for the 8102, when receiving such frames from neighboring devices. To solve for the packet drops, the 7050cx3 pg headroom size has to be increased to 160kB.
How I did it
Modified the xoff threshold value to 160kB in the pg_profile file to allow for the buffer manager to read that value when building the image, and configuring the device
How to verify it
run "mmuconfig -l" once image is built
Signed-off-by: dojha <devojha@microsoft.com>
* Update sensor names for msn4600c for the 5.10 kernel
Looks like a sensor was removed in the 5.10 kernel for the tps53679
sensor, so the names/indexing has changed.
Related to Azure/sonic-mgmt#4513.
Signed-off-by: Saikrishna Arcot <sarcot@microsoft.com>
* Update sensors file
Signed-off-by: Saikrishna Arcot <sarcot@microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Saikrishna Arcot <sarcot@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
Content of platform.json was outdated and some platform_tests/api of sonic-mgmt were failing.
How I did it
Added the necessary values to platform.json
How to verify it
Running platform_tests/api of sonic-mgmt should yield 100% passrate.
Why I did it
S5296F - Platform API 2.0 changes
How I did it
Implemented the functional API's needed for Platform API 2.0
How to verify it
Used the API 2.0 test suite to validate the test cases.
- Why I did it
This new breakout mode is required when a QSFP cable is used on the QSFP-DD supported 4700 port. since QSFP only uses the first 4 lanes, this mode is required to restrict the child ports to only use the first four lanes
- How I did it
Updated the platfrom.json file with the extended data
- How to verify it
Tested on one port:
root@msn-4700:/home/admin# show int status
Interface Lanes Speed MTU FEC Alias Vlan Oper Admin Type Asym PFC
----------- ------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------
Ethernet0 0 25G 9100 N/A etp1a routed up up QSFP28 or later N/A
Ethernet1 1 25G 9100 N/A etp1b routed down up N/A N/A
Ethernet2 2 25G 9100 N/A etp1c routed down up N/A N/A
Ethernet3 3 25G 9100 N/A etp1d routed down up N/A N/A
Signed-off-by: Vivek Reddy Karri <vkarri@nvidia.com>
#### Why I did it
Update scripts in sonic-buildimage from py-swsssdk to swsscommon
#### How I did it
Replace swsssdk with swsscommon in alphanetworks devices code.
#### How to verify it
Pass all E2E test case
#### Which release branch to backport (provide reason below if selected)
- Note we only backport fixes to a release branch, *not* features!
- Please also provide a reason for the backporting below.
- e.g.
- [x] 202006
- [ ] 201811
- [ ] 201911
- [ ] 202006
- [ ] 202012
- [ ] 202106
- [ ] 202111
- [ ] 202205
#### Description for the changelog
Replace swsssdk with swsscommon in alphanetworks devices code.
#### Link to config_db schema for YANG module changes
Provide a link to config_db schema for the table for which YANG model
is defined
Link should point to correct section on https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/master/src/sonic-yang-models/doc/Configuration.md
#### A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged)
#### Why I did it
Update scripts in sonic-buildimage from py-swsssdk to swsscommon
#### How I did it
Replace swsssdk with swsscommon in centec devices.
#### How to verify it
Pass all E2E test case
#### Which release branch to backport (provide reason below if selected)
- Note we only backport fixes to a release branch, *not* features!
- Please also provide a reason for the backporting below.
- e.g.
- [x] 202006
- [ ] 201811
- [ ] 201911
- [ ] 202006
- [ ] 202012
- [ ] 202106
- [ ] 202111
- [ ] 202205
#### Description for the changelog
Replace swsssdk with swsscommon in centec devices.
#### Link to config_db schema for YANG module changes
Provide a link to config_db schema for the table for which YANG model
is defined
Link should point to correct section on https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/master/src/sonic-yang-models/doc/Configuration.md
#### A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged)
#### Why I did it
Update scripts in sonic-buildimage from py-swsssdk to swsscommon
#### How I did it
Remove unused swsssdk import from accton device code
#### How to verify it
Pass all E2E test case
#### Which release branch to backport (provide reason below if selected)
- Note we only backport fixes to a release branch, *not* features!
- Please also provide a reason for the backporting below.
- e.g.
- [x] 202006
- [ ] 201811
- [ ] 201911
- [ ] 202006
- [ ] 202012
- [ ] 202106
- [ ] 202111
- [ ] 202205
#### Description for the changelog
Remove unused swsssdk import from accton device code
#### Link to config_db schema for YANG module changes
Provide a link to config_db schema for the table for which YANG model
is defined
Link should point to correct section on https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/master/src/sonic-yang-models/doc/Configuration.md
#### A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged)
Signed-off-by: maipbui maibui@microsoft.com
Why I did it
The xml.etree.ElementTree module is not secure against maliciously constructed data.
How I did it
Remove xml. Use lxml XML parsers package that prevent potentially malicious operation.
# Why I did it
platform-modules-belgite's deb requests linux-image-5.10.0-8-2-amd64-unsigned, which does not match the runtime kernel version
# How I did it
update the belgite's deb configuration in deb's control
# How to verify it
check the firsttime boot log in belgite platform
Co-authored-by: nicwu-cel <nicwu@celestica.com>
Port index 22 is associated with phy23_config.json, then same port index 22 in phy24_config.json may cause gearbox port creation error. Port Ethernet22 maps to index 23.
- Why I did it
SN5600 has an additional service interface with a different parameters than other interfaces.
- How I did it
Added the etp65 interface with the correct parameters.
- How to verify it
Run platform test on SN5600 platform.
Check the service port can startup correctly.
- Why I did it
New SKU for MSN-4700 Platform i.e. Mellanox-SN4700-C128
* Breakout: Port 1-32: 4x100G
* Downlinks: 120 (1-30)
* Uplinks: 8 (31-32)
* Shared Headroom: Enabled
* Over Subscribe Ratio: 1:8
* Default Topology: T2
* Default Cable Length for T2: 1500m
* QoS params: The default ones defined in qos_config.j2 will be applied
* Small Packet Percentage: Used 50% for traditional buffer model Note: For dynamic model, the value defined in LOSSLESS_TRAFFIC_PATTERN|AZURE|small_packet_percentage is used
Additional Details:
Switch Type has to be programmed as SpineRouter through config_db.json in DEVICE_METADATA|localhost|type field for the buffer values & cable lengths defined in the buffers_defaults_t2.j2 to apply on the device
Cable Lengths Used for generating buffer_defaults_{t0,t1,t2}.j2 values
Signed-off-by: Vivek Reddy Karri <vkarri@nvidia.com>
- Why I did it
Add new sensor conf file to support respined platforms(SN3700/SN3700C/SN4600C)
- How I did it
Add new sensor conf
Update the get_sensors_conf_path scripts to apply the sensor conf according to the HW respin version info
- How to verify it
run platform test(including sensor test)
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
Why I did it:
To fix hlx platform sfp+ module tx disable issue
How I did it:
Fix sfp+ tx disable function according SFF-8472 specification
Co-authored-by: Eric Zhu <erzhu@celestica.com>
- Why I did it
Support Mellanox-SN4600C-C64 as T1 switch in dual-ToR scenario
This is to port #11032 and #11299 from 202012 to master.
Support additional queue and PG in buffer templates, including both traditional and dynamic model
Support mapping DSCP 2/6 to lossless traffic in the QoS template.
Add macros to generate additional lossless PG in the dynamic model
Adjust the order in which the generic/dedicated (with additional lossless queues) macros are checked and called to generate buffer tables in common template buffers_config.j2
Buffer tables are rendered via using macros.
Both generic and dedicated macros are defined on our platform. Currently, the generic one is called as long as it is defined, which causes the generic one always being called on our platform. To avoid it, the dedicated macrio is checked and called first and then the generic ones.
Support MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP on ports with additional lossless queues.
On Mellanox-SN4600C-C64, buffer configuration for t1 is calculated as:
40 * 100G downlink ports with 4 lossless PGs/queues, 1 lossy PG, and 3 lossy queues
16 * 100G uplink ports with 2 lossless PGs/queues, 1 lossy PG, and 5 lossy queues
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Why I did it
Followup to #10656. This change adds the remaining configs for the 720DT-48S platform.
* How I did it
Adds the following:
gearbox_config.json and other gearbox-related config files, to enable traffic on external PHY ports (Ethernet0-23)
Also add missing facts in platform.json
* How to verify it
show interfaces status shows links up on interfaces Ethernet0-23
traffic flows with no errors on interfaces Ethernet0-23
Note: above testing depends on Add gbsyncd container for broncos #11154 and [orchagent]: Enhance initSaiPhyApi sonic-swss#2367, as well as having the appropriate PAI driver.
Co-authored-by: Samuel Angebault <staphylo@arista.com>
Signed-off-by: Neetha John <nejo@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
Improve throughput and latency for 7260 deployments
How I did it
Update the dynamic threshold to 0 and ECN settings as 2mb/10mb/5%
How to verify it
Updated unit tests to use the modified values for 7260 ecn settings.
Why I did it
This was an ask by Microsoft to provide:
7260 config.bcm file for hardware sku Arista-7260CX3-D92C16 (Named Arista-7260CX3-D96C16).
There are 16 100G uplinks:
All other ports are breakout to 2 50G ports.
How I did it
Copied existing Arista-7260CX3-D108C8 HWSKU and altered the bcm.config and port_config.ini files.
How to verify it
The new 100G ports do come up with a 201811 image using this HWSKU.
Co-authored-by: Zhi Yuan (Carl) Zhao <zyzhao@arista.com>
* [device]: Add SAI checksum verify to TD3 config
* A new config option was added to control the value of IPV4_INCR_CHECKSUM_ORIGINAL_VALUE_VERIFY in the EGR_FLEX_CONFIG control register (this prevents checksums of 0xffff from being propagated to other devices)
For 7800 LCs, set LAG mode to support 1024 number of 16-member system
Why I did it
The SOC property changes are necessary to match #10519 which increases the number of system LAG IDs to 1024.
Description for the changelog
For 7800 LCs, set LAG mode to support 1024 number of 16-member system
Why I did it
This linecard runs in multi-asic mode and therefore needs the use_pcie_id_chassis file to work properly.
The default_sku file was also missing which would break the boot when no minigraph is provided.
Description for the changelog
Add missing default_sku and use_pci_id_chassis configs for 7800R3A-36D2
Signed-off-by: polly_hsu polly_hsu@edge-core.com
Why I did it
Update to support as7816-64x DPB (Dynamic Port Breakout)
How I did it
Download the SONiC master image with commit, 64dc08a dated 2022-04-05 from SONiC Image Azure Pipelines
Update the file change of this PR accordingly
How to verify it
Set the default t1 topology configuration
Configure to breakout Ethernet0 from "1x100G[40G]" to "4x25G"
$ sudo config interface breakout Ethernet0 "4x25G" -f
Check the SONiC DBP interface status is expected
$ show interfaces status
Why I did it
Support Intel Tofino based platforms Netberg Aurora 610
ASIC: Intel Tofino BFN-T10-032D-020
Pors: 48x 25G + 8x 100G
How I did it
Added specification to device/netberg directory
Added platform/barefoot/sonic-platform-modules-netberg contains kernel modules, scripts and sonic_platform packages.
Modified the platform/barefoot/one-image.mk and platform/barefoot/rule.mk to include Aurora 610 related ID and files.
How to verify it
Build SONiC
Install the image on the device and verify the related components are installed and shown correctly.
Why I did it
Add 6512-32r support for Wistron platform
Update sw-to3200k for newer branch
How I did it
Add code in device and platform folder for 6512-32r
Update sw-to3200k code both in device and platform folder
How to verify it
Install on Wistron device and run command to verify
Signed-off-by: RogerChang Roger_Chang@wistron.com
Added initial set of config files to allow for booting and partial traffic testing in SONiC on the 720DT-48S.
How to verify it
- Switch boots
- show interfaces status shows links up on interfaces Ethernet24-51
- Traffic flows with no errors on interfaces Ethernet24-51
Signed-off-by: bingwang <wang.bing@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
This PR brings two changes
Add lossy PG profile for PG2 and PG6 on T1 for ports between T1 and T2.
After PR Update qos config to clear queues for bounced back traffic #10176 , the DSCP_TO_TC_MAP and TC_TO_PG_MAP is updated when remapping is enable
Before After Why do this change
"2" : "1" "2" : "2" Only change for leaf router to map DSCP 2 to TC 2 as TC 2 will be used for lossless TC
"6" : "1" "6" : "6" Only change for leaf router to map DSCP 6 to TC 6 as TC 6 will be used for lossless TC
Before After Why do this change
"2" : "0" "2" : "2" Only change for leaf router to map TC 2 to PG 2 as PG 2 will be used for lossless PG
"6" : "0" "6" : "6" Only change for leaf router to map TC 6 to PG 6 as PG 6 will be used for lossless PG
So, we have two new lossy PGs (2 and 6) for the T2 facing ports on T1, and two new lossless PGs (2 and 6) for the T0 facing port on T1.
However, there is no lossy PG profile for the T2 facing ports on T1. The lossless PGs for ports between T1 and T0 have been handled by buffermgrd .Therefore, We need to add lossy PG profiles for T2 facing ports on T1.
We don't have this issue on T0 because PG 2 and PG 6 are lossless PGs, and there is no lossy traffic mapped to PG 2 and PG 6
Map port level TC7 to PG0
Before the PCBB change, DSCP48 -> TC 6 -> PG 0.
After the PCBB change, DSCP48 -> TC 7 -> PG 7
Actually, we can map TC7 to PG0 to save a lossy PG.
How I did it
Update the qos and buffer template.
How to verify it
Verified by UT.
Update the bcm config file system_ref_core_clock_khz param to handlesystems with J2cplus linecards.
We need system_ref_core_clock_khz to be set to 1600000 for supporting j2 and j2cplus linecards on the same chassis.
* Support new platform SN2201 and RJ45 port
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
* remove unused import and redundant function
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
* fix error introduced by rebase
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
* Revert the special handling of RJ45 ports (#56)
* Revert the special handling of RJ45 ports
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Remove deadcode
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Support CPLD update for SN2201
A new class is introduced, deriving from ComponentCPLD and overloading _install_firmware
Change _install_firmware from private (starting with __) to protected, making it overloadable
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Initialize component BIOS/CPLD
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Remove swb_amb which doesn't on DVT board any more
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Remove the unexisted sensor - switch board ambient - from platform.json
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Do not report error on receiving unknown status on RJ45 ports
Translate it to disconnect for RJ45 ports
Report error for xSFP ports
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Add reinit for RJ45 to avoid exception
Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
Co-authored-by: Stephen Sun <5379172+stephenxs@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
Why I did it
S5212F - Platform API 2.0 changes
S5224F - Platform API 2.0 changes
How I did it
Implemented the functional API's needed for Platform API 2.0
Added media_settings.json, pcie.yaml, platform.json, system_health_monitoring_config.json files.
How to verify it
Used the API 2.0 test suite to validate the test cases.
Why I did it
This change adds the support for Arista 7060dx5_64s and 7060px5_64s
How I did it
How to verify it
We verified the platform driver is working and the ports are up on 7060dx5_64s and 7060px5_64s.
Add most configuration files for the DCS-7050PX4-32S and DCS-7050DX4-32S.
This review only contains platform configuration files, dataplane ones will follow in future change.
Co-authored-by: Zhi Yuan (Carl) Zhao <zyzhao@arista.com>
Why I did it
Added support for the device Z9432F
How I did it
Implemented the support for the platform Z9432F
Switch Vendor: DellEMC
Switch SKU: Z9432F-ON
ASIC Vendor: Broadcom
SONiC Image: sonic-broadcom.bin
* [Tunnel PFC] Tests for adding property 'sai_remap_prio_on_tnl_egress'
Add tests for adding property 'sai_remap_prio_on_tnl_egress', this
property should only be added in dual tor environment.
Test done:
Run test test_j2files.py
Co-authored-by: richardyu <richardyu@contoso.com>
- Why I did it
1. SN2201 sai profile needs to be updated according to the latest hardware.
2. In the reboot script, need to use the common symbol link of the power_cycle sysfs instead of directly accessing it due to SN2201 sysfs is different than other platforms.
3. echo 1 > $SYSFS_PWR_CYCLE will trigger the reboot immediately, the following sleep 3 and echo 0 > $SYSFS_PWR_CYCLE will never be executed, can be removed.
- How I did it
1. Replace the SN2201 sai profile with the latest one.
2. In the platform_reboot script, replace the direct sysfs path with the symbol link path.
3. Remove the redundant code from platform_reboot
- How to verify it
Perform reboot on all the Nvidia platforms, and check all can be rebooted successfully.
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
Why I did it
As part of PCBB changes, we need to enable 2 extra lossless queues. The changes in this PR are done to adjust only the reserved sizes on Th2 for the additional 2 lossless queues
Calculations are done based on 40 downlinks for T1 and 16 uplinks for dual ToR
How to verify it
Verified that the rendering works fine on Th2 dut
Unit tests have been updated to reflect the modified buffer sizes when pcbb is enabled. There are existing testcases that will test the original buffer sizes when pcbb is disabled. With these changes, was able to build sonic-config-engine wheel successfully
Signed-off-by: Neetha John <nejo@microsoft.com>
* [Tunnel PFC] Add property for tunnel PFC
Replace the config.bcm file with j2 template file
- Add 'sai_remap_prio_on_tnl_egress=1' property when device metadata local
- Host subtype is 'dualtor'
- Change sai.profile foe the new config.bcm.j2
Signed-off-by: bingwang <bingwang@microsoft.com>
Why I did it
This PR is to add two extra lossless queues for bounced back traffic.
HLD sonic-net/SONiC#950
SKUs include
How I did it
Update the buffers.json.j2 template and buffers_config.j2 template to generate new BUFFER_QUEUE table.
For T1 devices, queue 2 and queue 6 are set as lossless queues on T0 facing ports.
For T0 devices, queue 2 and queue 6 are set as lossless queues on T1 facing ports.
Queue 7 is added as a new lossy queue as DSCP 48 is mapped to TC 7, and then mapped into Queue 7
How to verify it
Verified by UT
Verified by coping the new template and generate buffer config with sonic-cfggen
* Removed unused default_config.json
* Remove asic.conf file from HW SKUs directories as they are not used by upstream code
* Enable dynamic PCI ID identification on Otterlake2
Co-authored-by: Maxime Lorrillere <mlorrillere@arista.com>
What/Why I did:
Issue1: By setting up of ipvlan interface in interface-config.sh we are not tolerant to failures. Reason being interface-config.service is one-shot and do not have restart capability.
Scenario: For example if let's say database service goes in fail state then interface-services also gets failed because of dependency check but later database service gets restart but interface service will remain in stuck state and the ipvlan interface nevers get created.
Solution: Moved all the logic in database service from interface-config service which looks more align logically also since the namespace is created here and all the network setting (sysctl) are happening here.With this if database starts we recreate the interface.
Issue 2: Use of IPVLAN vs MACVLAN
Currently we are using ipvlan mode. However above failure scenario is not handle correctly by ipvlan mode. Once the ipvlan interface is created and ip address assign to it and if we restart interface-config or database (new PR) service Linux Kernel gives error "Error: Address already assigned to an ipvlan device." based on this:https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/net/ipvlan/ipvlan_main.c#L978Reason being if we do not do cleanup of ip address assignment (need to be unique for IPVLAN) it remains in Kernel Database and never goes to free pool even though namespace is deleted.
Solution: Considering this hard dependency of unique ip macvlan mode is better for us and since everything is managed by Linux Kernel and no dependency for on user configured IP address.
Issue3: Namespace database Service do not check reachability to Supervisor Redis Chassis Server.
Currently there is no explicit check as we never do Redis PING from namespace to Supervisor Redis Chassis Server. With this check it's possible we will start database and all other docker even though there is no connectivity and will hit the error/failure late in cycle
Solution: Added explicit PING from namespace that will check this reachability.
Issue 4:flushdb give exception when trying to accces Chassis Server DB over Unix Sokcet.
Solution: Handle gracefully via try..except and log the message.
Why I did it
add celestica belgite platform
How I did it
add belgite platform in celestica
Co-authored-by: nicwu-cel <nicwu@celestica.com>
Co-authored-by: anjian <anjian@celestica.com>
Co-authored-by: sandycelestica <sandyli@celestica.com>
- Why I did it
Platform_reboot files for simx doesn't do aything different apart from calling /sbin/reboot. which is anyway done in the /usr/local/bin/reboot script i.e. the parent script which calls the platform specific reboot scripts if present.
Moreover, /sbin/reboot invoked in the platform specific reboot script is a non-blocking call and thus it returns back to the original script (although /sbin/reboot does it job in the background) and we see messages like this.
Signed-off-by: Vivek Reddy Karri <vkarri@nvidia.com>
Why I did it
To include ONIE version in show platform firmware status command output in DellEMC S6100 and Z9332f platforms.
How I did it
Include ‘ONIE’ in the list of components provided by platform APIs in DellEMC S6100 and Z9332f.
Unmount ONIE-BOOT if mounted using fast/soft/warm-reboot plugins in DellEMC S6100.
Why I did it
Fixes some pmon errors/warnings by providing missing configuration files
How I did it
Add missing pcie.yaml and sensors.conf for supported linecards
How to verify it
pcie-check should pass
sensors should display proper sensor names
* [PDDF] Rename temp for 7816/7326/7726
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
* Change naming to pddf device
Co-authored-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
Co-authored-by: ecsonic <ecsonic@edge-core.com>
Why I did it
The customer report of the PCIe Bus Errors upon the SDK initialization of as7816-64x.
How I did it
Based on the internal info and discussion, update "pcie_aspm=off" into ONIE_PLATFORM_EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX of installer.conf to resolve it.
Why I did it
The buffer pool & profile setting in buffer template was not correct and caused the errors like the following:
ERR swss#orchagent: :- parseReference: malformed reference:[BUFFER_PROFILE|ingress_lossless_profile]. Must not be surrounded by [ ]
How I did it
Fix the buffer pool & profile setting by removing "[]".
How to verify it
Loaded image with this fix in a switch and made sure the error was not seen anymore.
The v0.7.5 has bug fix for the support of gearbox port and macsec counters. It also includes a owl firmware update with owl.lz4.fw.1.94.0.bin.
How I did it
Update credo sai url for v0.7.5
Update gearbox_config.json with using firmware owl.lz4.fw.1.94.0.bin instead of owl.lz4.fw.1.92.1.bin
How to verify it
Test gearbox port and macsec counter successfully on A7280.
- Why I did it
There is a hardware bug that PSU voltage threshold sysfs returns incorrect value. The workaround is to call "sensor -s" to refresh it.
- How I did it
Call "sensor -s" when the threshold value is not incorrect and PSU is "DELTA 1100"
- How to verify it
Unit test and Manual test
This PR includes necessary changes for correct generating BUFFER_QUEUE values in DB. Changes are based on the schema.md
Why I did it
Change format of generating BUFFER_QUEUE in DB according to schema.md and yang-model.
Old format:
"Ethernet0,Ethernet100,Ethernet104,Ethernet108,Ethernet112,Ethernet116,Ethernet12,Ethernet120,Ethernet124,Ethernet16,Ethernet20,Ethernet24,Ethernet28,Ethernet32,Ethernet36,Ethernet4,Ethernet40,Ethernet44,Ethernet48,Ethernet52,Ethernet56,Ethernet60,Ethernet64,Ethernet68,Ethernet72,Ethernet76,Ethernet8,Ethernet80,Ethernet84,Ethernet88,Ethernet92,Ethernet96|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet0,Ethernet100,Ethernet104,Ethernet108,Ethernet112,Ethernet116,Ethernet12,Ethernet120,Ethernet124,Ethernet16,Ethernet20,Ethernet24,Ethernet28,Ethernet32,Ethernet36,Ethernet4,Ethernet40,Ethernet44,Ethernet48,Ethernet52,Ethernet56,Ethernet60,Ethernet64,Ethernet68,Ethernet72,Ethernet76,Ethernet8,Ethernet80,Ethernet84,Ethernet88,Ethernet92,Ethernet96|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
New format:
"Ethernet0|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet0|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet4|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet4|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet8|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
"Ethernet8|queue": {
"profile": "profile"
How I did it
Updated structure of buffers_defaults jinja templates.
Signed-off-by: Oleksandr Kozodoi <oleksandrx.kozodoi@intel.com>
* [device config] Adding configuration for default route fallback
* Set sai_tunnel_underlay_route_mode attribute to fallback to default route if more specific route is unavailable.
Why I did it
Prevent from i2c bus to get locked.
How I did it
Add sysfs driver to access ioport.
Command to reset i2c mux:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/as9716_32d_ioport/i2c_mux_rst
Command to bring i2c mux out of reset:
echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/as9716_32d_ioport/i2c_mux_rst
Signed-off-by: Brandon Chuang <brandon_chuang@edge-core.com>
Why I did it
Support pddf to as4630/as7816/as7326
How I did it
Send needed file to the PR for these platform
How to verify it
Test sensors and show platform cmd.
root@as7326-56x-3:/home/admin# show platform psustatus
PSU Model Serial HW Rev Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W) Status LED
PSU 1 FSF045-611 FSF0451912000505 N/A 12.06 5.50 66.00 OK green
PSU 2 FSF045-611 FSF0451912000568 N/A 12.00 5.50 66.00 OK green
root@as7326-56x-3:/home/admin# sensors
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6)
Main Board Temperature: +35.5 C (high = +80.0 C, hyst = +75.0 C)
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6)
CPU Board Temperature: +29.0 C (high = +80.0 C, hyst = +75.0 C)
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 2)
fan1: 9100 RPM
fan2: 9400 RPM
fan3: 9300 RPM
fan4: 9600 RPM
fan5: 9000 RPM
fan6: 9100 RPM
fan7: 9100 RPM
fan8: 9300 RPM
fan9: 9200 RPM
fan10: 9400 RPM
fan11: 9200 RPM
fan12: 9400 RPM
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +43.0 C
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 0)
in3: +12.06 V
fan1: 6272 RPM
temp1: +37.0 C
power2: 60.00 W
curr2: +6.00 A
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6)
Main Board Temperature: +40.0 C (high = +80.0 C, hyst = +75.0 C)
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6)
Main Board Temperature: +39.0 C (high = +80.0 C, hyst = +75.0 C)
Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 4)
in3: +12.00 V
fan1: 6144 RPM
temp1: +36.0 C
power2: 66.00 W
curr2: +5.50 A
Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0: +50.0 C (high = +82.0 C, crit = +104.0 C)
Core 0: +50.0 C (high = +82.0 C, crit = +104.0 C)
Core 1: +50.0 C (high = +82.0 C, crit = +104.0 C)
Core 2: +50.0 C (high = +82.0 C, crit = +104.0 C)
Core 3: +50.0 C (high = +82.0 C, crit = +104.0 C)
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
Why I did it
Added platform.json file for N3248TE
How I did it
Defined the platform.json file with the required components under chassis.
How to verify it
validated the API 2.0 test suite
Co-authored-by: Arun LK <Arun_L_K@dell.com>
DellEMC: N3248TE platform API2.0 changes
Why I did it
N3248TE Platform API 2.0 changes
How I did it
Implemented the functional API's needed for Platform API 2.0
Added system_health_monitoring_config.json file
How to verify it
Used the API 2.0 test suite to validate the test cases.
Co-authored-by: Arun LK <Arun_L_K@dell.com>
When do "skip_thermalcltd: true" will let "show platform fan" and "show platform temp" fail.
When enable thermalctld, these cmd will work well.
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
- Why I did it
Update NVIDIA Copyright header to "mellanox" files which were changed since 1.1.2022
- How I did it
Update the copyright header
- How to verify it
Sanity tests and PR checkers.
The following changes are provided to support bullseye and the latest master
branch content.
- Accommodate relocated fan and thermal sysfs entries in bullseye
- Add support for chassis and PSU HW revision
Why I did it
Fix platform issues introduced by the bullseye kernel upgrade.
How I did it
Minor fixes to Nokia ixs7215 platform code
How to verify it
Execute the following CLI commands
show platform summary
show platform fan
show platform temperature
Why I did it
The current code assumes that the value part does not have whitespace. So everything after the whitespace will be ignored. The syseeprom values returned from platform API do not match the output of "show platform syseeprom" on dx010 and e1031 device.
How I did it
This change improved the regular expression for parsing syseeprom values to accommodate whitespaces in the value.
PR 10021 provides the solution, but committed to the wrong place for dx010 and e1031.
How to verify it
Compile the sonic_platform wheel for dx010, then upload to device and install the wheel, verify the platform eeprom API.
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhu <erzhu@celestica.com>
Update device-specific files for new platform SN2201, including:
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
Co-authored-by: Stephen Sun <stephens@nvidia.com>
* Initial pass of EdgeCore platform changes.
* Remove libevent dependency from lldpd.
* Remove python2 dependencies python3.7 force from platform install script.
* Include usbmount support changes.
* Add missing 4630 install file.
* Update a few file permissions. Add umask line to Makefile. Specify python3.9 in install script.
* Misc platform updates:
- Add missing fan drawer component to sonic_platform
- Remove kernel version specification from Makefile
- Update to 4630 utility
* - Fix file permissions on source files
- Fix compile issue with 4630 driver modules (set_fs, get_fs, no longer supported in kernel 5.10)
* Fix missing/extra parens in 4630 util script.
* Fix indentation in fanutil.py.
* Integrate deltas from Edgecore to ec_platform branch.
* Installer update from Edgecore to resolve smbus serial console errors.
* Update stable_size for warm boot.
* Fix SFP dictionary key to match xcvrd.
* - Add missing define in event.py files needed for xcvrd
- Fix SFP info dict key for 7xxx switches
* 5835 platform file updates including installer and 5835 utility.
* 5835 fix for DMAR errors on serial console.
* Don't skip starting thermalctld in the pmon container.
* Revert several changes that were not related to platform.
* Run thermalctld in pmon container.
* Don't disable thermalctld in the pmon container.
* Fix prints/parens in 7816 install utility.
* - Incorporate 7816 changes from Edgecore
- Fix 7326 driver file using old kernel function
* Update kernel modules to use kernel_read().
* Fix compile errors with 7816 and 7326 driver modules.
* Fix some indents preventing platform files from loading.
* Update 7816 platform sfp dictionary to match field names in xcvrd.
* Add missing service and util files for 7816.
* Update file names, etc. based on full SKU for 7816.
* Delete pddf files not needed. These were causing conflicts with API2.0
* Remove pddf files suggested by Edgecore that were preventing API2.0 support from starting.
* Install API2.0 file instead of pddf.
* Update 7326 mac service file to not use pddf. Fix syntax errors in 7326 utility script.
* Fix sonic_platform setup file for 7326.
* Fix syntax errors in python scripts.
* Updates to 7326 platform files.
* Fix some tab errors pulled down from master merge.
* Remove pddf files that were added from previous merge.
* Updates for 5835.
* Fix missing command byte for 5835 psu status.
* Fix permission bits on 4630 service files.
* Update platforms to use new SFP refactoring.
* Fix unused var warnings.
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
SONiC has a concept of "platform components"
this may include - CPLD, FPGA, BIOS, BMC, etc.
These changes are needed to read the version of the BIOS and BMC component.
What I did
Create components.py module
Add funcion for reading componet version to thrift interface
How I did it
The previous implementaion didn't have platform components API, so fwutil return an empty list.
After implementation of the platform component API, we have actual list of platform components and firmware versions
How to verify it
Run manually 'fwutil show status' or run unit tests
Previous command output
Chassis Module Component Version Description
------------------------ -------- ----------- --------- -------------
New command output
Chassis Module Component Version Description
------------------------ -------- ----------- --------- -------------
Chassis1 N/A BIOS 1.2.3 Chassis BIOS
BMC 5.1 Chassis BMC
Signed-off-by: Taras Keryk <tarasx.keryk@intel.com>
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
SONiC has a concept of "platform components"
this may include - CPLD, FPGA, BIOS, BMC, etc.
These changes are needed to read the version of the BIOS and BMC component.
What I did
Create components.py module
Add funcion for reading componet version to thrift interface
How I did it
The previous implementaion didn't have platform components API, so fwutil return an empty list.
After implementation of the platform component API, we have actual list of platform components and firmware versions
How to verify it
Run manually 'fwutil show status' or run unit tests
Previous command output
Chassis Module Component Version Description
------------------------ -------- ----------- --------- -------------
New command output
Chassis Module Component Version Description
------------------------ -------- ----------- --------- -------------
Chassis1 N/A BIOS 1.2.3 Chassis BIOS
BMC 5.1 Chassis BMC
Signed-off-by: Taras Keryk <tarasx.keryk@intel.com>
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
get chassis name from json
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
Updated platform and platrom_components json
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
Fixed spaces in component.py
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
Fixed exception in component.py
* Update chassis.py
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component
Fixed spaces in component.py, chassis.py
* [BFN] Implementation API for platform component: Fixed spaces in component.py, chassis.py
* Fixed exception in get_bios_version
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang jostar_yang@accton.com.tw
Why I did it
Fix led drv because CPLD SPEC is updated.
Fix i2c bus order
How I did it
Fix led drv. Set blacklist to i801 and ismt. Let accton util to modprobe i801 and ismt.
How to verify it
Test led and sensors cmd. Results are fine.
Why I did it
To fix I2C bus order to meet with HW SPEC. Let i801 use bus-0 and ismt use bus-1
How I did it
Modprobe i801 and then do ismt. So i801 will use bus-0 and ismt will use bus-1.
How to verify it
Test show cmd and sensors work well
Co-authored-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang jostar_yang@accton.com.tw
Why I did it
Linux kernel 5.10, 'force_deselct_on_exit' parameter used for driver i2c_mux_pca954x is no longer valid. Instead an attribute 'idle_state' is added per MUX device. So set idle_state=-2 will let do deselect to pca954 when device channel exit . To avoid cause another device channel access i2c fail.
How I did it
Remove force_deselect_on_exit because not use this parameter.
Add "idle_state":"-2" to each "virt_bus"
How to verify it
Test all sysfs are fine.
* Add support for Accton wedge100bf_32qs platform
This pull request is based on wedge100bf_32x.
The components on the mainboard are the same as wedge100bf_32x, except for tofino 32Q and COMe models, so it refers to wedge100bf_32x to create new model: wedge100bf_32qs.
Signed-off-by: alvin_feng <alvin_feng@accton.com>
* Fix lgtm alerts issues
Signed-off-by: alvin_feng <alvin_feng@accton.com>
* Modify some file permissions and use symlink to link wedge100bf-32qs/sonic_platform
Signed-off-by: alvin_feng <alvin_feng@accton.com>
* Remove switch-sai.conf file
Signed-off-by: alvin_feng <alvin_feng@accton.com>
* Modify platform.json to avoid platform TCs issues and changes for correct generating BUFFER_QUEUE values in DB.
Signed-off-by: alvin_feng <alvin_feng@accton.com>
* Fix error name in platform.json
* Fix KeyError exception while sfputil show eeprom.
* Implement reset/lpmode related APIs, which need PR8115's sysfs.
* Fix EEPROM byte offset in several APIs
* Fix typos
* Implement get_position_in_parent() and is_replaceable()
Signed-off-by: Sean Wu <sean_wu@edge-core.com>
- Why I did it
The chassis name in MSN4410 platform_components.json is not correct
- How I did it
Fix the chassis name
- How to verify it
Run relevant platform API test
Signed-off-by: Kebo Liu <kebol@nvidia.com>
- Why I did it
Need to remove old static configs from sai.profile files.
New implementation: Azure/sonic-swss#1959
New configuration: #9658
- How I did it
Remove SAI_VXLAN_SRCPORT_RANGE_ENABLE=1 lines from files per HWSKU
- How to verify it
When static config is removed following test will fail (src port will be in range 0-255)
py.test vxlan/test_vnet_vxlan.py --inventory "../ansible/inventory, ../ansible/veos" --host-pattern (testbed)-t0 --module-path ../ansible/library/ --testbed (testbed)-t0 --testbed_file ../ansible/testbed.csv --allow_recover --assert plain --log-cli-level info --show-capture=no -ra --showlocals --disable_loganalyzer --skip_sanity --upper_bound_udp_port 65535 --lower_bound_udp_port 64128
* [AS4630-54PE] Add to support PDDF
Signed-off-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>
* Fix LGTM alerts
* Fix LGTM alerts
* Fix LGTM alerts
* Add post_device.sh to turn off stk led
* Add to support system_health
* Correct the wait and timeout mechanism for better CPU usage
* Add event.c to support port evt change
Co-authored-by: Jostar Yang <jostar_yang@accton.com.tw>