Why I did it
To fix issue #10152 for dx010.
202012 Warm upgrade causes lacp-teardown on Dx010 TOR. platform code initialize slow causing lacp timeout.
How I did it
Remove the python2 sonic platform wheel which is deprecated.
Optimize the dx010 sonic platform script to speed up the init process.
How to verify it
Check the warm reboot log, warm reboot is 8-9s faster than before.
Signed-off-by: Eric Zhu <erzhu@celestica.com>
**- Why I did it**
- The thermalctld daemon on the Pmon docker requires support from the thermal manager API.
**- How I did it**
- Removed the old function for detecting a faulty fan.
- Removed the old function for detecting excess temperature.
- Implement thermal_manager APIs based on ThermalManagerBase
- Implement thermal_conditions APIs based on ThermalPolicyConditionBase
- Implement thermal_actions APIs based on ThermalPolicyActionBase
- Implement thermal_info APIs based on ThermalPolicyInfoBase
- Add thermal_policy.json