2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# This script is used as extension of sonic_yang class. It has methods of
# class sonic_yang. A separate file is used to avoid a single large file.
from __future__ import print_function
import yang as ly
import syslog
from json import dump, dumps, loads
from xmltodict import parse
from glob import glob
2021-12-09 11:34:01 -06:00
Type_1_list_maps_model = [
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
2021-12-09 11:34:01 -06:00
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
This is the Exception thrown out of all public function of this class.
class SonicYangException(Exception):
# class sonic_yang methods, use mixin to extend sonic_yang
class SonicYangExtMixin:
load all YANG models, create JSON of yang models. (Public function)
def loadYangModel(self):
# get all files
self.yangFiles = glob(self.yang_dir +"/*.yang")
# load yang modules
for file in self.yangFiles:
m = self._load_schema_module(file)
if m is not None:
self.sysLog(msg="module: {} is loaded successfully".format(m.name()))
raise(Exception("Could not load module {}".format(file)))
# keep only modules name in self.yangFiles
self.yangFiles = [f.split('/')[-1] for f in self.yangFiles]
self.yangFiles = [f.split('.')[0] for f in self.yangFiles]
2021-06-10 14:03:33 -05:00
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG,'Loaded below Yang Models')
2022-01-18 23:59:11 -06:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# load json for each yang model
# create a map from config DB table to yang container
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="Yang Models Load failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("Yang Models Load failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return True
load JSON schema format from yang models
def _loadJsonYangModel(self):
for f in self.yangFiles:
m = self.ctx.get_module(f)
if m is not None:
xml = m.print_mem(ly.LYD_JSON, ly.LYP_FORMAT)
self.sysLog(msg="Parsed Json for {}".format(m.name()))
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="JSON schema Load failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise e
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
def _preProcessYangGrouping(self, moduleName, module):
PreProcess Grouping Section of YANG models, and store it in
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'] as
[<List of Leafs>]
moduleName (str): name of yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
# create grouping dict
if self.preProcessedYang.get('grouping') is None:
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'] = dict()
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][moduleName] = dict()
# get groupings from yang module
groupings = module['grouping']
# if grouping is a dict, make it a list for common processing
if isinstance(groupings, dict):
groupings = [groupings]
for grouping in groupings:
gName = grouping["@name"]
gLeaf = grouping["leaf"]
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][moduleName][gName] = gLeaf
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_preProcessYangGrouping failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
# preProcesss Generic Yang Objects
def _preProcessYang(self, moduleName, module):
PreProcess Generic Section of YANG models by calling
_preProcessYang<SectionName> methods.
moduleName (str): name of yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
# preProcesss Grouping
if module.get('grouping') is not None:
self._preProcessYangGrouping(moduleName, module)
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_preProcessYang failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
Create a map from config DB tables to container in yang model
This module name and topLevelContainer are fetched considering YANG models are
written using below Guidelines:
def _createDBTableToModuleMap(self):
for j in self.yJson:
# get module name
moduleName = j['module']['@name']
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
# preProcesss Generic Yang Objects
self._preProcessYang(moduleName, j['module'])
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# get top level container
topLevelContainer = j['module'].get('container')
# if top level container is none, this is common yang files, which may
# have definitions. Store module.
if topLevelContainer is None:
self.confDbYangMap[moduleName] = j['module']
# top level container must exist for rest of the yang files and it should
# have same name as module name.
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
if topLevelContainer['@name'] != moduleName:
raise(SonicYangException("topLevelContainer mismatch {}:{}".\
format(topLevelContainer['@name'], moduleName)))
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# Each container inside topLevelContainer maps to a sonic config table.
container = topLevelContainer['container']
# container is a list
if isinstance(container, list):
for c in container:
self.confDbYangMap[c['@name']] = {
"module" : moduleName,
"topLevelContainer": topLevelContainer['@name'],
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
"container": c,
"yangModule": j['module']
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# container is a dict
self.confDbYangMap[container['@name']] = {
"module" : moduleName,
"topLevelContainer": topLevelContainer['@name'],
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
"container": container,
"yangModule": j['module']
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
Get module, topLevelContainer(TLC) and json container for a config DB table
def _getModuleTLCcontainer(self, table):
cmap = self.confDbYangMap
m = cmap[table]['module']
t = cmap[table]['topLevelContainer']
c = cmap[table]['container']
return m, t, c
Crop config as per yang models,
This Function crops from config only those TABLEs, for which yang models is
provided. The Tables without YANG models are stored in
def _cropConfigDB(self, croppedFile=None):
2020-11-07 15:03:41 -06:00
tables = list(self.jIn.keys())
for table in tables:
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
if table not in self.confDbYangMap:
# store in tablesWithOutYang
self.tablesWithOutYang[table] = self.jIn[table]
del self.jIn[table]
if len(self.tablesWithOutYang):
2022-01-04 21:42:10 -06:00
self.sysLog(msg=f"Note: Below table(s) have no YANG models: {', '.join(self.tablesWithOutYang)}", doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
if croppedFile:
with open(croppedFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.jIn, f, indent=4)
Extract keys from table entry in Config DB and return in a dict
tableKey: Config DB Primary Key, Example tableKey = "Vlan111|2a04:5555:45:6709::1/64"
keys: key string from YANG list, i.e. 'vlan_name ip-prefix'.
KeyDict = {"vlan_name": "Vlan111", "ip-prefix": "2a04:5555:45:6709::1/64"}
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
def _extractKey(self, tableKey, keys):
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
keyList = keys.split()
# get the value groups
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
value = tableKey.split("|")
# match lens
if len(keyList) != len(value):
raise Exception("Value not found for {} in {}".format(keys, tableKey))
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# create the keyDict
keyDict = dict()
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
for i in range(len(keyList)):
keyDict[keyList[i]] = value[i].strip()
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
return keyDict
Fill the dict based on leaf as a list or dict @model yang model object
def _fillLeafDict(self, leafs, leafDict, isleafList=False):
if leafs is None:
# fill default values
def _fillSteps(leaf):
leaf['__isleafList'] = isleafList
leafDict[leaf['@name']] = leaf
if isinstance(leafs, list):
for leaf in leafs:
#print("{}:{}".format(leaf['@name'], leaf))
#print("{}:{}".format(leaf['@name'], leaf))
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
def _findYangModuleFromPrefix(self, prefix, module):
Find yang module name from prefix used in given yang module.
prefix (str): prefix used in given yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
(str): module name or None
# get imports
yangImports = module.get("import");
if yangImports is None:
return None
# make a list
if isinstance(yangImports, dict):
yangImports = [yangImports]
# find module for given prefix
for yImport in yangImports:
if yImport['prefix']['@value'] == prefix:
return yImport['@module']
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_findYangModuleFromPrefix failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
return None
def _fillLeafDictUses(self, uses_s, table, leafDict):
Find the leaf(s) in a grouping which maps to given uses statement,
then fill leafDict with leaf(s) information.
uses_s (str): uses statement in yang module.
table (str): config DB table, this table is being translated.
leafDict (dict): dict with leaf(s) information for List\Container
corresponding to config DB table.
# make a list
if isinstance(uses_s, dict):
uses_s = [uses_s]
# find yang module for current table
table_module = self.confDbYangMap[table]['yangModule']
# uses Example: "@name": "bgpcmn:sonic-bgp-cmn"
for uses in uses_s:
# Assume ':' means reference to another module
if ':' in uses['@name']:
prefix = uses['@name'].split(':')[0].strip()
uses_module = self._findYangModuleFromPrefix(prefix, table_module)
uses_module = table_module
grouping = uses['@name'].split(':')[-1].strip()
leafs = self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][uses_module][grouping]
self._fillLeafDict(leafs, leafDict)
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_fillLeafDictUses failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
def _createLeafDict(self, model, table):
create a dict to map each key under primary key with a leaf in yang model.
This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
table (str): config DB table, this table is being translated.
leafDict (dict): dict with leaf(s) information for List\Container
corresponding to config DB table.
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
leafDict = dict()
#Iterate over leaf, choices and leaf-list.
self._fillLeafDict(model.get('leaf'), leafDict)
#choices, this is tricky, since leafs are under cases in tree.
choices = model.get('choice')
if choices:
for choice in choices:
cases = choice['case']
for case in cases:
self._fillLeafDict(case.get('leaf'), leafDict)
# leaf-lists
self._fillLeafDict(model.get('leaf-list'), leafDict, True)
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
# uses should map to grouping,
if model.get('uses') is not None:
self._fillLeafDictUses(model.get('uses'), table, leafDict)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
return leafDict
Convert a string from Config DB value to Yang Value based on type of the
key in Yang model.
@model : A List of Leafs in Yang model list
def _findYangTypedValue(self, key, value, leafDict):
# convert config DB string to yang Type
def _yangConvert(val):
# Convert everything to string
val = str(val)
# find type of this key from yang leaf
type = leafDict[key]['type']['@name']
if 'uint' in type:
vValue = int(val, 10)
# TODO: find type of leafref from schema node
elif 'leafref' in type:
vValue = val
#TODO: find type in sonic-head, as of now, all are enumeration
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
elif 'stypes:' in type:
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
vValue = val
vValue = val
return vValue
# if it is a leaf-list do it for each element
if leafDict[key]['__isleafList']:
vValue = list()
for v in value:
vValue = _yangConvert(value)
return vValue
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
Xlate a Type 1 map list
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
This function will xlate from a dict in config DB to a Yang JSON list
using yang model. Output will be go in self.xlateJson
Note: Exceptions from this function are collected in exceptionList and
are displayed only when an entry is not xlated properly from ConfigDB
to sonic_yang.json.
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
Type 1 Lists have inner list, which is diffrent from config DB.
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
Each field value in config db should be converted to inner list with
key and value.
Config DB:
"Dscp_to_tc_map1": {
"1": "1",
"2": "2"
YANG Model:
module: sonic-dscp-tc-map
+--rw sonic-dscp-tc-map
+--rw DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_LIST* [name]
+--rw name string
+--rw DSCP_TO_TC_MAP* [dscp]
+--rw dscp string
+--rw tc? string
"sonic-dscp-tc-map:sonic-dscp-tc-map": {
"sonic-dscp-tc-map:DSCP_TO_TC_MAP": {
"name": "map3",
"dscp": "64",
"tc": "1"
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
def _xlateType1MapList(self, model, yang, config, table, exceptionList):
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
#create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
#This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
#config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
inner_clist = model.get('list')
if inner_clist:
inner_listKey = inner_clist['key']['@value']
inner_leafDict = self._createLeafDict(inner_clist, table)
for lkey in inner_leafDict:
if inner_listKey != lkey:
inner_listVal = lkey
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList keyList:{}".format(listKeys))
primaryKeys = list(config.keys())
for pkey in primaryKeys:
vKey = None
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList Extract pkey:{}".\
# Find and extracts key from each dict in config
keyDict = self._extractKey(pkey, listKeys)
if inner_clist:
inner_yang_list = list()
for vKey in config[pkey]:
inner_keyDict = dict()
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList Key {} vkey {} Val {} vval {}".\
format(inner_listKey, str(vKey), inner_listVal, str(config[pkey][vKey])))
inner_keyDict[inner_listKey] = str(vKey)
inner_keyDict[inner_listVal] = str(config[pkey][vKey])
keyDict[inner_clist['@name']] = inner_yang_list
# delete pkey from config, done to match one key with one list
del config[pkey]
except Exception as e:
# log debug, because this exception may occur with multilists
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList Exception:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_DEBUG, doPrint=True)
# with multilist, we continue matching other keys.
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
Xlate a list
This function will xlate from a dict in config DB to a Yang JSON list
using yang model. Output will be go in self.xlateJson
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
Note: Exceptions from this function are collected in exceptionList and
are displayed only when an entry is not xlated properly from ConfigDB
to sonic_yang.json.
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
def _xlateList(self, model, yang, config, table, exceptionList):
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
# Type 1 lists need special handling because of inner yang list and
# config db format.
if model['@name'] in Type_1_list_maps_model:
self.sysLog(msg="_xlateType1MapList: {}".format(model['@name']))
self._xlateType1MapList(model, yang, config, table, exceptionList)
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
#create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
#This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
#config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList keyList:{}".format(listKeys))
2020-11-07 15:03:41 -06:00
primaryKeys = list(config.keys())
for pkey in primaryKeys:
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
vKey = None
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList Extract pkey:{}".\
# Find and extracts key from each dict in config
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
keyDict = self._extractKey(pkey, listKeys)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# fill rest of the values in keyDict
for vKey in config[pkey]:
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList vkey {}".format(vKey))
keyDict[vKey] = self._findYangTypedValue(vKey, \
config[pkey][vKey], leafDict)
# delete pkey from config, done to match one key with one list
del config[pkey]
except Exception as e:
# log debug, because this exception may occur with multilists
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList Exception:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_DEBUG, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# with multilist, we continue matching other keys.
Process list inside a Container.
This function will call xlateList based on list(s) present in Container.
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
def _xlateListInContainer(self, model, yang, configC, table, exceptionList):
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
clist = model
yang[clist['@name']] = list()
self.sysLog(msg="xlateProcessListOfContainer: {}".format(clist['@name']))
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self._xlateList(clist, yang[clist['@name']], configC, table, exceptionList)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# clean empty lists
if len(yang[clist['@name']]) == 0:
del yang[clist['@name']]
Process container inside a Container.
This function will call xlateContainer based on Container(s) present
in outer Container.
def _xlateContainerInContainer(self, model, yang, configC, table):
ccontainer = model
yang[ccontainer['@name']] = dict()
if not configC.get(ccontainer['@name']):
self.sysLog(msg="xlateProcessListOfContainer: {}".format(ccontainer['@name']))
self._xlateContainer(ccontainer, yang[ccontainer['@name']], \
configC[ccontainer['@name']], table)
# clean empty container
if len(yang[ccontainer['@name']]) == 0:
del yang[ccontainer['@name']]
# remove copy after processing
del configC[ccontainer['@name']]
Xlate a container
This function will xlate from a dict in config DB to a Yang JSON container
using yang model. Output will be stored in self.xlateJson
def _xlateContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
# To Handle multiple Lists, Make a copy of config, because we delete keys
# from config after each match. This is done to match one pkey with one list.
configC = config.copy()
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
exceptionList = list()
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
clist = model.get('list')
# If single list exists in container,
if clist and isinstance(clist, dict) and \
clist['@name'] == model['@name']+"_LIST" and bool(configC):
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self._xlateListInContainer(clist, yang, configC, table, \
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# If multi-list exists in container,
elif clist and isinstance(clist, list) and bool(configC):
for modelList in clist:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self._xlateListInContainer(modelList, yang, configC, table, \
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# Handle container(s) in container
ccontainer = model.get('container')
# If single list exists in container,
if ccontainer and isinstance(ccontainer, dict) and bool(configC):
self._xlateContainerInContainer(ccontainer, yang, configC, table)
# If multi-list exists in container,
elif ccontainer and isinstance(ccontainer, list) and bool(configC):
for modelContainer in ccontainer:
self._xlateContainerInContainer(modelContainer, yang, configC, table)
## Handle other leaves in container,
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
2020-11-18 03:59:55 -06:00
vKeys = list(configC.keys())
for vKey in vKeys:
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
#vkey must be a leaf\leaf-list\choice in container
if leafDict.get(vKey):
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateContainer vkey {}".format(vKey))
yang[vKey] = self._findYangTypedValue(vKey, configC[vKey], leafDict)
# delete entry from copy of config
del configC[vKey]
# All entries in copy of config must have been parsed.
if len(configC):
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="All Keys are not parsed in {}\n{}".format(table, \
configC.keys()), debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
self.sysLog(msg="exceptionList:{}".format(exceptionList), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise(Exception("All Keys are not parsed in {}\n{}".format(table, \
xlate ConfigDB json to Yang json
def _xlateConfigDBtoYang(self, jIn, yangJ):
# find top level container for each table, and run the xlate_container.
for table in jIn.keys():
cmap = self.confDbYangMap[table]
# create top level containers
key = cmap['module']+":"+cmap['topLevelContainer']
subkey = cmap['topLevelContainer']+":"+cmap['container']['@name']
# Add new top level container for first table in this container
yangJ[key] = dict() if yangJ.get(key) is None else yangJ[key]
yangJ[key][subkey] = dict()
self.sysLog(msg="xlateConfigDBtoYang {}:{}".format(key, subkey))
self._xlateContainer(cmap['container'], yangJ[key][subkey], \
jIn[table], table)
Read config file and crop it as per yang models
def _xlateConfigDB(self, xlateFile=None):
jIn= self.jIn
yangJ = self.xlateJson
# xlation is written in self.xlateJson
self._xlateConfigDBtoYang(jIn, yangJ)
if xlateFile:
with open(xlateFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.xlateJson, f, indent=4)
create config DB table key from entry in yang JSON
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
def _createKey(self, entry, keys):
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
keyDict = dict()
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
keyList = keys.split()
keyV = ""
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
for key in keyList:
val = entry.get(key)
if val:
#print("pair: {} {}".format(key, val))
keyDict[key] = sval = str(val)
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
keyV += sval + "|"
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
#print("VAL: {} {}".format(regex, keyV))
raise Exception("key {} not found in entry".format(key))
#print("kDict {}".format(keyDict))
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
keyV = keyV.rstrip("|")
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
return keyV, keyDict
Convert a string from Config DB value to Yang Value based on type of the
key in Yang model.
@model : A List of Leafs in Yang model list
def _revFindYangTypedValue(self, key, value, leafDict):
# convert yang Type to config DB string
def _revYangConvert(val):
# config DB has only strings, thank god for that :), wait not yet!!!
return str(val)
# if it is a leaf-list do it for each element
if leafDict[key]['__isleafList']:
vValue = list()
for v in value:
2021-06-18 13:47:45 -05:00
elif leafDict[key]['type']['@name'] == 'boolean':
vValue = 'true' if value else 'false'
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
vValue = _revYangConvert(value)
return vValue
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
Rev xlate from <TABLE>_LIST to table in config DB
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
Type 1 Lists have inner list, each inner list key:val should
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
be mapped to field:value in Config DB.
module: sonic-dscp-tc-map
+--rw sonic-dscp-tc-map
+--rw DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_LIST* [name]
+--rw name string
+--rw DSCP_TO_TC_MAP* [dscp]
+--rw dscp string
+--rw tc? string
"sonic-dscp-tc-map:sonic-dscp-tc-map": {
"sonic-dscp-tc-map:DSCP_TO_TC_MAP": {
"name": "map3",
"dscp": "64",
"tc": "1"
Config DB:
"Dscp_to_tc_map1": {
"1": "1",
"2": "2"
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
def _revXlateType1MapList(self, model, yang, config, table):
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
# create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
# This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
# config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
# Gather inner list key and value from model
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
inner_clist = model.get('list')
if inner_clist:
inner_listKey = inner_clist['key']['@value']
inner_leafDict = self._createLeafDict(inner_clist, table)
for lkey in inner_leafDict:
if inner_listKey != lkey:
inner_listVal = lkey
# list with name <NAME>_LIST should be removed,
if "_LIST" in model['@name']:
for entry in yang:
# create key of config DB table
pkey, pkeydict = self._createKey(entry, listKeys)
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateList pkey:{}".format(pkey))
config[pkey]= dict()
# fill rest of the entries
inner_list = entry[inner_clist['@name']]
for index in range(len(inner_list)):
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateList fkey:{} fval {}".\
config[pkey][str(inner_list[index][inner_listKey])] = str(inner_list[index][inner_listVal])
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
Rev xlate from <TABLE>_LIST to table in config DB
def _revXlateList(self, model, yang, config, table):
2021-12-06 13:41:39 -06:00
# special processing for Type 1 Map tables.
if model['@name'] in Type_1_list_maps_model:
self._revXlateType1MapList(model, yang, config, table)
2021-10-19 14:50:07 -05:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
# This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
# config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# list with name <NAME>_LIST should be removed,
if "_LIST" in model['@name']:
for entry in yang:
# create key of config DB table
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
pkey, pkeydict = self._createKey(entry, listKeys)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateList pkey:{}".format(pkey))
config[pkey]= dict()
# fill rest of the entries
for key in entry:
if key not in pkeydict:
config[pkey][key] = self._revFindYangTypedValue(key, \
entry[key], leafDict)
Rev xlate a list inside a yang container
def _revXlateListInContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
modelList = model
# Pass matching list from Yang Json if exist
if yang.get(modelList['@name']):
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateListInContainer {}".format(modelList['@name']))
self._revXlateList(modelList, yang[modelList['@name']], config, table)
Rev xlate a container inside a yang container
def _revXlateContainerInContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
modelContainer = model
# Pass matching list from Yang Json if exist
if yang.get(modelContainer['@name']):
config[modelContainer['@name']] = dict()
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateContainerInContainer {}".format(modelContainer['@name']))
self._revXlateContainer(modelContainer, yang[modelContainer['@name']], \
config[modelContainer['@name']], table)
Rev xlate from yang container to table in config DB
def _revXlateContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
# IF container has only one list
clist = model.get('list')
if isinstance(clist, dict):
self._revXlateListInContainer(clist, yang, config, table)
# IF container has lists
elif isinstance(clist, list):
for modelList in clist:
self._revXlateListInContainer(modelList, yang, config, table)
ccontainer = model.get('container')
# IF container has only one inner container
if isinstance(ccontainer, dict):
self._revXlateContainerInContainer(ccontainer, yang, config, table)
# IF container has only many inner container
elif isinstance(ccontainer, list):
for modelContainer in ccontainer:
self._revXlateContainerInContainer(modelContainer, yang, config, table)
## Handle other leaves in container,
2021-09-30 14:53:34 -05:00
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
for vKey in yang:
#vkey must be a leaf\leaf-list\choice in container
if leafDict.get(vKey):
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateContainer vkey {}".format(vKey))
config[vKey] = self._revFindYangTypedValue(vKey, yang[vKey], leafDict)
rev xlate ConfigDB json to Yang json
def _revXlateYangtoConfigDB(self, yangJ, cDbJson):
yangJ = self.xlateJson
cDbJson = self.revXlateJson
# find table in config DB, use name as a KEY
for module_top in yangJ.keys():
# module _top will be of from module:top
for container in yangJ[module_top].keys():
2021-06-10 14:03:33 -05:00
# the module_top can the format
# moduleName:TableName or
# TableName
names = container.split(':')
if len(names) > 2:
raise SonicYangException("Invalid Yang data file structure")
table = names[0] if len(names) == 1 else names[1]
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
#print("revXlate " + table)
cmap = self.confDbYangMap[table]
cDbJson[table] = dict()
#print(key + "--" + subkey)
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateYangtoConfigDB {}".format(table))
self._revXlateContainer(cmap['container'], yangJ[module_top][container], \
cDbJson[table], table)
Reverse Translate tp config DB
def _revXlateConfigDB(self, revXlateFile=None):
yangJ = self.xlateJson
cDbJson = self.revXlateJson
# xlation is written in self.xlateJson
self._revXlateYangtoConfigDB(yangJ, cDbJson)
if revXlateFile:
with open(revXlateFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.revXlateJson, f, indent=4)
Find a list in YANG Container
c = container
l = list name
return: list if found else None
def _findYangList(self, container, listName):
if isinstance(container['list'], dict):
clist = container['list']
if clist['@name'] == listName:
return clist
elif isinstance(container['list'], list):
clist = [l for l in container['list'] if l['@name'] == listName]
return clist[0]
return None
Find xpath of the PORT Leaf in PORT container/list. Xpath of Leaf is needed,
because only leaf can have leafrefs depend on them. (Public)
def findXpathPortLeaf(self, portName):
table = "PORT"
xpath = self.findXpathPort(portName)
module, topc, container = self._getModuleTLCcontainer(table)
list = self._findYangList(container, table+"_LIST")
xpath = xpath + "/" + list['key']['@value'].split()[0]
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="find xpath of port Leaf failed", \
debug = syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("find xpath of port Leaf failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return xpath
Find xpath of PORT. (Public)
def findXpathPort(self, portName):
table = "PORT"
module, topc, container = self._getModuleTLCcontainer(table)
xpath = "/" + module + ":" + topc + "/" + table
list = self._findYangList(container, table+"_LIST")
xpath = self._findXpathList(xpath, list, [portName])
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="find xpath of port failed", \
debug = syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("find xpath of port failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return xpath
Find xpath of a YANG LIST from keys,
xpath: xpath till list
list: YANG List
keys: list of keys in YANG LIST
def _findXpathList(self, xpath, list, keys):
# add list name in xpath
xpath = xpath + "/" + list['@name']
listKeys = list['key']['@value'].split()
i = 0;
for listKey in listKeys:
xpath = xpath + '['+listKey+'=\''+keys[i]+'\']'
i = i + 1
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="_findXpathList:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise e
return xpath
load_data: load Config DB, crop, xlate and create data tree from it. (Public)
input: data
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
debug Flag
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
returns: True - success False - failed
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
def loadData(self, configdbJson, debug=False):
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
# write Translated config in file if debug enabled
xlateFile = None
if debug:
xlateFile = "xlateConfig.json"
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
self.jIn = configdbJson
# reset xlate and tablesWithOutYang
self.xlateJson = dict()
self.tablesWithOutYang = dict()
# self.jIn will be cropped
# xlated result will be in self.xlateJson
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="Try to load Data in the tree")
self.root = self.ctx.parse_data_mem(dumps(self.xlateJson), \
except Exception as e:
self.root = None
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="Data Loading Failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("Data Loading Failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return True
Get data from Data tree, data tree will be assigned in self.xlateJson. (Public)
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
def getData(self, debug=False):
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
# write reverse Translated config in file if debug enabled
revXlateFile = None
if debug:
revXlateFile = "revXlateConfig.json"
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
self.xlateJson = loads(self._print_data_mem('JSON'))
# reset reverse xlate
self.revXlateJson = dict()
# result will be stored self.revXlateJson
2021-03-09 20:48:35 -06:00
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="Get Data Tree Failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("Get Data Tree Failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return self.revXlateJson
Delete a node from data tree, if this is LEAF and KEY Delete the Parent.
def deleteNode(self, xpath):
# These MACROS used only here, can we get it from Libyang Header ?
node = self._find_data_node(xpath)
if node is None:
raise('Node {} not found'.format(xpath))
snode = node.schema()
# check for a leaf if it is a key. If yes delete the parent
if (snode.nodetype() == LYS_LEAF):
leaf = ly.Schema_Node_Leaf(snode)
if leaf.is_key():
# try to delete parent
nodeP = self._find_parent_data_node(xpath)
xpathP = nodeP.path()
if self._deleteNode(xpath=xpathP, node=nodeP) == False:
raise Exception('_deleteNode failed')
return True
# delete non key element
if self._deleteNode(xpath=xpath, node=node) == False:
raise Exception('_deleteNode failed')
except Exception as e:
2021-03-28 02:49:10 -05:00
self.sysLog(msg="deleteNode:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
raise SonicYangException("Failed to delete node {}\n{}".\
format( xpath, str(e)))
return True
2021-06-10 14:03:33 -05:00
def XlateYangToConfigDB(self, yang_data):
config_db_json = dict()
self.xlateJson = yang_data
self.revXlateJson = config_db_json
self._revXlateYangtoConfigDB(yang_data, config_db_json)
return config_db_json
2020-05-21 18:27:57 -05:00
# End of class sonic_yang