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# This script is used as extension of sonic_yang class. It has methods of
# class sonic_yang. A separate file is used to avoid a single large file.
from __future__ import print_function
import yang as ly
import syslog
from json import dump, dumps, loads
from xmltodict import parse
from glob import glob
This is the Exception thrown out of all public function of this class.
class SonicYangException(Exception):
# class sonic_yang methods, use mixin to extend sonic_yang
class SonicYangExtMixin:
load all YANG models, create JSON of yang models. (Public function)
def loadYangModel(self):
# get all files
self.yangFiles = glob(self.yang_dir +"/*.yang")
# load yang modules
for file in self.yangFiles:
m = self._load_schema_module(file)
if m is not None:
self.sysLog(msg="module: {} is loaded successfully".format(
raise(Exception("Could not load module {}".format(file)))
# keep only modules name in self.yangFiles
self.yangFiles = [f.split('/')[-1] for f in self.yangFiles]
self.yangFiles = [f.split('.')[0] for f in self.yangFiles]
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG,'Loaded below Yang Models')
# load json for each yang model
# create a map from config DB table to yang container
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="Yang Models Load failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("Yang Models Load failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return True
load JSON schema format from yang models
def _loadJsonYangModel(self):
for f in self.yangFiles:
m = self.ctx.get_module(f)
if m is not None:
xml = m.print_mem(ly.LYD_JSON, ly.LYP_FORMAT)
self.sysLog(msg="Parsed Json for {}".format(
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="JSON schema Load failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
def _preProcessYangGrouping(self, moduleName, module):
PreProcess Grouping Section of YANG models, and store it in
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'] as
[<List of Leafs>]
moduleName (str): name of yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
# create grouping dict
if self.preProcessedYang.get('grouping') is None:
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'] = dict()
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][moduleName] = dict()
# get groupings from yang module
groupings = module['grouping']
# if grouping is a dict, make it a list for common processing
if isinstance(groupings, dict):
groupings = [groupings]
for grouping in groupings:
gName = grouping["@name"]
gLeaf = grouping["leaf"]
self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][moduleName][gName] = gLeaf
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_preProcessYangGrouping failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
# preProcesss Generic Yang Objects
def _preProcessYang(self, moduleName, module):
PreProcess Generic Section of YANG models by calling
_preProcessYang<SectionName> methods.
moduleName (str): name of yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
# preProcesss Grouping
if module.get('grouping') is not None:
self._preProcessYangGrouping(moduleName, module)
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_preProcessYang failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
Create a map from config DB tables to container in yang model
This module name and topLevelContainer are fetched considering YANG models are
written using below Guidelines:
def _createDBTableToModuleMap(self):
for j in self.yJson:
# get module name
moduleName = j['module']['@name']
# preProcesss Generic Yang Objects
self._preProcessYang(moduleName, j['module'])
# get top level container
topLevelContainer = j['module'].get('container')
# if top level container is none, this is common yang files, which may
# have definitions. Store module.
if topLevelContainer is None:
self.confDbYangMap[moduleName] = j['module']
# top level container must exist for rest of the yang files and it should
# have same name as module name.
if topLevelContainer['@name'] != moduleName:
raise(SonicYangException("topLevelContainer mismatch {}:{}".\
format(topLevelContainer['@name'], moduleName)))
# Each container inside topLevelContainer maps to a sonic config table.
container = topLevelContainer['container']
# container is a list
if isinstance(container, list):
for c in container:
self.confDbYangMap[c['@name']] = {
"module" : moduleName,
"topLevelContainer": topLevelContainer['@name'],
"container": c,
"yangModule": j['module']
# container is a dict
self.confDbYangMap[container['@name']] = {
"module" : moduleName,
"topLevelContainer": topLevelContainer['@name'],
"container": container,
"yangModule": j['module']
Get module, topLevelContainer(TLC) and json container for a config DB table
def _getModuleTLCcontainer(self, table):
cmap = self.confDbYangMap
m = cmap[table]['module']
t = cmap[table]['topLevelContainer']
c = cmap[table]['container']
return m, t, c
Crop config as per yang models,
This Function crops from config only those TABLEs, for which yang models is
provided. The Tables without YANG models are stored in
def _cropConfigDB(self, croppedFile=None):
tables = list(self.jIn.keys())
for table in tables:
if table not in self.confDbYangMap:
# store in tablesWithOutYang
self.tablesWithOutYang[table] = self.jIn[table]
del self.jIn[table]
if len(self.tablesWithOutYang):
print("Note: Below table(s) have no YANG models:")
for table in self.tablesWithOutYang.keys():
print(str(table), end=", ")
if croppedFile:
with open(croppedFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.jIn, f, indent=4)
Extract keys from table entry in Config DB and return in a dict
tableKey: Config DB Primary Key, Example tableKey = "Vlan111|2a04:5555:45:6709::1/64"
keys: key string from YANG list, i.e. 'vlan_name ip-prefix'.
KeyDict = {"vlan_name": "Vlan111", "ip-prefix": "2a04:5555:45:6709::1/64"}
def _extractKey(self, tableKey, keys):
keyList = keys.split()
# get the value groups
value = tableKey.split("|")
# match lens
if len(keyList) != len(value):
raise Exception("Value not found for {} in {}".format(keys, tableKey))
# create the keyDict
keyDict = dict()
for i in range(len(keyList)):
keyDict[keyList[i]] = value[i].strip()
return keyDict
Fill the dict based on leaf as a list or dict @model yang model object
def _fillLeafDict(self, leafs, leafDict, isleafList=False):
if leafs is None:
# fill default values
def _fillSteps(leaf):
leaf['__isleafList'] = isleafList
leafDict[leaf['@name']] = leaf
if isinstance(leafs, list):
for leaf in leafs:
#print("{}:{}".format(leaf['@name'], leaf))
#print("{}:{}".format(leaf['@name'], leaf))
def _findYangModuleFromPrefix(self, prefix, module):
Find yang module name from prefix used in given yang module.
prefix (str): prefix used in given yang module.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
(str): module name or None
# get imports
yangImports = module.get("import");
if yangImports is None:
return None
# make a list
if isinstance(yangImports, dict):
yangImports = [yangImports]
# find module for given prefix
for yImport in yangImports:
if yImport['prefix']['@value'] == prefix:
return yImport['@module']
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_findYangModuleFromPrefix failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
return None
def _fillLeafDictUses(self, uses_s, table, leafDict):
Find the leaf(s) in a grouping which maps to given uses statement,
then fill leafDict with leaf(s) information.
uses_s (str): uses statement in yang module.
table (str): config DB table, this table is being translated.
leafDict (dict): dict with leaf(s) information for List\Container
corresponding to config DB table.
# make a list
if isinstance(uses_s, dict):
uses_s = [uses_s]
# find yang module for current table
table_module = self.confDbYangMap[table]['yangModule']
# uses Example: "@name": "bgpcmn:sonic-bgp-cmn"
for uses in uses_s:
# Assume ':' means reference to another module
if ':' in uses['@name']:
prefix = uses['@name'].split(':')[0].strip()
uses_module = self._findYangModuleFromPrefix(prefix, table_module)
uses_module = table_module
grouping = uses['@name'].split(':')[-1].strip()
leafs = self.preProcessedYang['grouping'][uses_module][grouping]
self._fillLeafDict(leafs, leafDict)
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_fillLeafDictUses failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
def _createLeafDict(self, model, table):
create a dict to map each key under primary key with a leaf in yang model.
This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
module (dict): json format of yang module.
table (str): config DB table, this table is being translated.
leafDict (dict): dict with leaf(s) information for List\Container
corresponding to config DB table.
leafDict = dict()
#Iterate over leaf, choices and leaf-list.
self._fillLeafDict(model.get('leaf'), leafDict)
#choices, this is tricky, since leafs are under cases in tree.
choices = model.get('choice')
if choices:
for choice in choices:
cases = choice['case']
for case in cases:
self._fillLeafDict(case.get('leaf'), leafDict)
# leaf-lists
self._fillLeafDict(model.get('leaf-list'), leafDict, True)
# uses should map to grouping,
if model.get('uses') is not None:
self._fillLeafDictUses(model.get('uses'), table, leafDict)
return leafDict
Convert a string from Config DB value to Yang Value based on type of the
key in Yang model.
@model : A List of Leafs in Yang model list
def _findYangTypedValue(self, key, value, leafDict):
# convert config DB string to yang Type
def _yangConvert(val):
# Convert everything to string
val = str(val)
# find type of this key from yang leaf
type = leafDict[key]['type']['@name']
if 'uint' in type:
vValue = int(val, 10)
# TODO: find type of leafref from schema node
elif 'leafref' in type:
vValue = val
#TODO: find type in sonic-head, as of now, all are enumeration
elif 'stypes:' in type:
vValue = val
vValue = val
return vValue
# if it is a leaf-list do it for each element
if leafDict[key]['__isleafList']:
vValue = list()
for v in value:
vValue = _yangConvert(value)
return vValue
Xlate a list
This function will xlate from a dict in config DB to a Yang JSON list
using yang model. Output will be go in self.xlateJson
Note: Exceptions from this function are collected in exceptionList and
are displayed only when an entry is not xlated properly from ConfigDB
to sonic_yang.json.
def _xlateList(self, model, yang, config, table, exceptionList):
#create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
#This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
#config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList keyList:{}".format(listKeys))
primaryKeys = list(config.keys())
for pkey in primaryKeys:
vKey = None
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList Extract pkey:{}".\
# Find and extracts key from each dict in config
keyDict = self._extractKey(pkey, listKeys)
# fill rest of the values in keyDict
for vKey in config[pkey]:
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateList vkey {}".format(vKey))
keyDict[vKey] = self._findYangTypedValue(vKey, \
config[pkey][vKey], leafDict)
# delete pkey from config, done to match one key with one list
del config[pkey]
except Exception as e:
# log debug, because this exception may occur with multilists
self.sysLog(msg="xlateList Exception:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_DEBUG, doPrint=True)
# with multilist, we continue matching other keys.
Process list inside a Container.
This function will call xlateList based on list(s) present in Container.
def _xlateListInContainer(self, model, yang, configC, table, exceptionList):
clist = model
yang[clist['@name']] = list()
self.sysLog(msg="xlateProcessListOfContainer: {}".format(clist['@name']))
self._xlateList(clist, yang[clist['@name']], configC, table, exceptionList)
# clean empty lists
if len(yang[clist['@name']]) == 0:
del yang[clist['@name']]
Process container inside a Container.
This function will call xlateContainer based on Container(s) present
in outer Container.
def _xlateContainerInContainer(self, model, yang, configC, table):
ccontainer = model
yang[ccontainer['@name']] = dict()
if not configC.get(ccontainer['@name']):
self.sysLog(msg="xlateProcessListOfContainer: {}".format(ccontainer['@name']))
self._xlateContainer(ccontainer, yang[ccontainer['@name']], \
configC[ccontainer['@name']], table)
# clean empty container
if len(yang[ccontainer['@name']]) == 0:
del yang[ccontainer['@name']]
# remove copy after processing
del configC[ccontainer['@name']]
Xlate a container
This function will xlate from a dict in config DB to a Yang JSON container
using yang model. Output will be stored in self.xlateJson
def _xlateContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
# To Handle multiple Lists, Make a copy of config, because we delete keys
# from config after each match. This is done to match one pkey with one list.
configC = config.copy()
exceptionList = list()
clist = model.get('list')
# If single list exists in container,
if clist and isinstance(clist, dict) and \
clist['@name'] == model['@name']+"_LIST" and bool(configC):
self._xlateListInContainer(clist, yang, configC, table, \
# If multi-list exists in container,
elif clist and isinstance(clist, list) and bool(configC):
for modelList in clist:
self._xlateListInContainer(modelList, yang, configC, table, \
# Handle container(s) in container
ccontainer = model.get('container')
# If single list exists in container,
if ccontainer and isinstance(ccontainer, dict) and bool(configC):
self._xlateContainerInContainer(ccontainer, yang, configC, table)
# If multi-list exists in container,
elif ccontainer and isinstance(ccontainer, list) and bool(configC):
for modelContainer in ccontainer:
self._xlateContainerInContainer(modelContainer, yang, configC, table)
## Handle other leaves in container,
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
vKeys = list(configC.keys())
for vKey in vKeys:
#vkey must be a leaf\leaf-list\choice in container
if leafDict.get(vKey):
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "xlateContainer vkey {}".format(vKey))
yang[vKey] = self._findYangTypedValue(vKey, configC[vKey], leafDict)
# delete entry from copy of config
del configC[vKey]
# All entries in copy of config must have been parsed.
if len(configC):
self.sysLog(msg="All Keys are not parsed in {}\n{}".format(table, \
configC.keys()), debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
self.sysLog(msg="exceptionList:{}".format(exceptionList), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise(Exception("All Keys are not parsed in {}\n{}".format(table, \
xlate ConfigDB json to Yang json
def _xlateConfigDBtoYang(self, jIn, yangJ):
# find top level container for each table, and run the xlate_container.
for table in jIn.keys():
cmap = self.confDbYangMap[table]
# create top level containers
key = cmap['module']+":"+cmap['topLevelContainer']
subkey = cmap['topLevelContainer']+":"+cmap['container']['@name']
# Add new top level container for first table in this container
yangJ[key] = dict() if yangJ.get(key) is None else yangJ[key]
yangJ[key][subkey] = dict()
self.sysLog(msg="xlateConfigDBtoYang {}:{}".format(key, subkey))
self._xlateContainer(cmap['container'], yangJ[key][subkey], \
jIn[table], table)
Read config file and crop it as per yang models
def _xlateConfigDB(self, xlateFile=None):
jIn= self.jIn
yangJ = self.xlateJson
# xlation is written in self.xlateJson
self._xlateConfigDBtoYang(jIn, yangJ)
if xlateFile:
with open(xlateFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.xlateJson, f, indent=4)
create config DB table key from entry in yang JSON
def _createKey(self, entry, keys):
keyDict = dict()
keyList = keys.split()
keyV = ""
for key in keyList:
val = entry.get(key)
if val:
#print("pair: {} {}".format(key, val))
keyDict[key] = sval = str(val)
keyV += sval + "|"
#print("VAL: {} {}".format(regex, keyV))
raise Exception("key {} not found in entry".format(key))
#print("kDict {}".format(keyDict))
keyV = keyV.rstrip("|")
return keyV, keyDict
Convert a string from Config DB value to Yang Value based on type of the
key in Yang model.
@model : A List of Leafs in Yang model list
def _revFindYangTypedValue(self, key, value, leafDict):
# convert yang Type to config DB string
def _revYangConvert(val):
# config DB has only strings, thank god for that :), wait not yet!!!
return str(val)
# if it is a leaf-list do it for each element
if leafDict[key]['__isleafList']:
vValue = list()
for v in value:
elif leafDict[key]['type']['@name'] == 'boolean':
vValue = 'true' if value else 'false'
vValue = _revYangConvert(value)
return vValue
Rev xlate from <TABLE>_LIST to table in config DB
def _revXlateList(self, model, yang, config, table):
# get keys from YANG model list itself
listKeys = model['key']['@value']
# create a dict to map each key under primary key with a dict yang model.
# This is done to improve performance of mapping from values of TABLEs in
# config DB to leaf in YANG LIST.
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
# list with name <NAME>_LIST should be removed,
if "_LIST" in model['@name']:
for entry in yang:
# create key of config DB table
pkey, pkeydict = self._createKey(entry, listKeys)
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateList pkey:{}".format(pkey))
config[pkey]= dict()
# fill rest of the entries
for key in entry:
if key not in pkeydict:
config[pkey][key] = self._revFindYangTypedValue(key, \
entry[key], leafDict)
Rev xlate a list inside a yang container
def _revXlateListInContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
modelList = model
# Pass matching list from Yang Json if exist
if yang.get(modelList['@name']):
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateListInContainer {}".format(modelList['@name']))
self._revXlateList(modelList, yang[modelList['@name']], config, table)
Rev xlate a container inside a yang container
def _revXlateContainerInContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
modelContainer = model
# Pass matching list from Yang Json if exist
if yang.get(modelContainer['@name']):
config[modelContainer['@name']] = dict()
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateContainerInContainer {}".format(modelContainer['@name']))
self._revXlateContainer(modelContainer, yang[modelContainer['@name']], \
config[modelContainer['@name']], table)
Rev xlate from yang container to table in config DB
def _revXlateContainer(self, model, yang, config, table):
# IF container has only one list
clist = model.get('list')
if isinstance(clist, dict):
self._revXlateListInContainer(clist, yang, config, table)
# IF container has lists
elif isinstance(clist, list):
for modelList in clist:
self._revXlateListInContainer(modelList, yang, config, table)
ccontainer = model.get('container')
# IF container has only one inner container
if isinstance(ccontainer, dict):
self._revXlateContainerInContainer(ccontainer, yang, config, table)
# IF container has only many inner container
elif isinstance(ccontainer, list):
for modelContainer in ccontainer:
self._revXlateContainerInContainer(modelContainer, yang, config, table)
## Handle other leaves in container,
leafDict = self._createLeafDict(model, table)
for vKey in yang:
#vkey must be a leaf\leaf-list\choice in container
if leafDict.get(vKey):
self.sysLog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "revXlateContainer vkey {}".format(vKey))
config[vKey] = self._revFindYangTypedValue(vKey, yang[vKey], leafDict)
rev xlate ConfigDB json to Yang json
def _revXlateYangtoConfigDB(self, yangJ, cDbJson):
yangJ = self.xlateJson
cDbJson = self.revXlateJson
# find table in config DB, use name as a KEY
for module_top in yangJ.keys():
# module _top will be of from module:top
for container in yangJ[module_top].keys():
# the module_top can the format
# moduleName:TableName or
# TableName
names = container.split(':')
if len(names) > 2:
raise SonicYangException("Invalid Yang data file structure")
table = names[0] if len(names) == 1 else names[1]
#print("revXlate " + table)
cmap = self.confDbYangMap[table]
cDbJson[table] = dict()
#print(key + "--" + subkey)
self.sysLog(msg="revXlateYangtoConfigDB {}".format(table))
self._revXlateContainer(cmap['container'], yangJ[module_top][container], \
cDbJson[table], table)
Reverse Translate tp config DB
def _revXlateConfigDB(self, revXlateFile=None):
yangJ = self.xlateJson
cDbJson = self.revXlateJson
# xlation is written in self.xlateJson
self._revXlateYangtoConfigDB(yangJ, cDbJson)
if revXlateFile:
with open(revXlateFile, 'w') as f:
dump(self.revXlateJson, f, indent=4)
Find a list in YANG Container
c = container
l = list name
return: list if found else None
def _findYangList(self, container, listName):
if isinstance(container['list'], dict):
clist = container['list']
if clist['@name'] == listName:
return clist
elif isinstance(container['list'], list):
clist = [l for l in container['list'] if l['@name'] == listName]
return clist[0]
return None
Find xpath of the PORT Leaf in PORT container/list. Xpath of Leaf is needed,
because only leaf can have leafrefs depend on them. (Public)
def findXpathPortLeaf(self, portName):
table = "PORT"
xpath = self.findXpathPort(portName)
module, topc, container = self._getModuleTLCcontainer(table)
list = self._findYangList(container, table+"_LIST")
xpath = xpath + "/" + list['key']['@value'].split()[0]
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="find xpath of port Leaf failed", \
debug = syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("find xpath of port Leaf failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return xpath
Find xpath of PORT. (Public)
def findXpathPort(self, portName):
table = "PORT"
module, topc, container = self._getModuleTLCcontainer(table)
xpath = "/" + module + ":" + topc + "/" + table
list = self._findYangList(container, table+"_LIST")
xpath = self._findXpathList(xpath, list, [portName])
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="find xpath of port failed", \
debug = syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("find xpath of port failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return xpath
Find xpath of a YANG LIST from keys,
xpath: xpath till list
list: YANG List
keys: list of keys in YANG LIST
def _findXpathList(self, xpath, list, keys):
# add list name in xpath
xpath = xpath + "/" + list['@name']
listKeys = list['key']['@value'].split()
i = 0;
for listKey in listKeys:
xpath = xpath + '['+listKey+'=\''+keys[i]+'\']'
i = i + 1
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="_findXpathList:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise e
return xpath
load_data: load Config DB, crop, xlate and create data tree from it. (Public)
input: data
debug Flag
returns: True - success False - failed
def loadData(self, configdbJson, debug=False):
# write Translated config in file if debug enabled
xlateFile = None
if debug:
xlateFile = "xlateConfig.json"
self.jIn = configdbJson
# reset xlate and tablesWithOutYang
self.xlateJson = dict()
self.tablesWithOutYang = dict()
# self.jIn will be cropped
# xlated result will be in self.xlateJson
self.sysLog(msg="Try to load Data in the tree")
self.root = self.ctx.parse_data_mem(dumps(self.xlateJson), \
except Exception as e:
self.root = None
self.sysLog(msg="Data Loading Failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("Data Loading Failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return True
Get data from Data tree, data tree will be assigned in self.xlateJson. (Public)
def getData(self, debug=False):
# write reverse Translated config in file if debug enabled
revXlateFile = None
if debug:
revXlateFile = "revXlateConfig.json"
self.xlateJson = loads(self._print_data_mem('JSON'))
# reset reverse xlate
self.revXlateJson = dict()
# result will be stored self.revXlateJson
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="Get Data Tree Failed:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("Get Data Tree Failed\n{}".format(str(e)))
return self.revXlateJson
Delete a node from data tree, if this is LEAF and KEY Delete the Parent.
def deleteNode(self, xpath):
# These MACROS used only here, can we get it from Libyang Header ?
node = self._find_data_node(xpath)
if node is None:
raise('Node {} not found'.format(xpath))
snode = node.schema()
# check for a leaf if it is a key. If yes delete the parent
if (snode.nodetype() == LYS_LEAF):
leaf = ly.Schema_Node_Leaf(snode)
if leaf.is_key():
# try to delete parent
nodeP = self._find_parent_data_node(xpath)
xpathP = nodeP.path()
if self._deleteNode(xpath=xpathP, node=nodeP) == False:
raise Exception('_deleteNode failed')
return True
# delete non key element
if self._deleteNode(xpath=xpath, node=node) == False:
raise Exception('_deleteNode failed')
except Exception as e:
self.sysLog(msg="deleteNode:{}".format(str(e)), \
debug=syslog.LOG_ERR, doPrint=True)
raise SonicYangException("Failed to delete node {}\n{}".\
format( xpath, str(e)))
return True
def XlateYangToConfigDB(self, yang_data):
config_db_json = dict()
self.xlateJson = yang_data
self.revXlateJson = config_db_json
self._revXlateYangtoConfigDB(yang_data, config_db_json)
return config_db_json
# End of class sonic_yang