340 lines
9.5 KiB
340 lines
9.5 KiB
#include "SimulationData.h"
//#include "ElementFunctions.h"
#include "ElementGraphics.h"
#include "Elements.h"
gol_menu * LoadGOLMenu(int & golMenuCount)
gol_menu golMenu[NGOL] =
{"GOL", PIXPACK(0x0CAC00), 0, "Game Of Life: Begin 3/Stay 23"},
{"HLIF", PIXPACK(0xFF0000), 1, "High Life: B36/S23"},
{"ASIM", PIXPACK(0x0000FF), 2, "Assimilation: B345/S4567"},
{"2x2", PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), 3, "2x2: B36/S125"},
{"DANI", PIXPACK(0x00FFFF), 4, "Day and Night: B3678/S34678"},
{"AMOE", PIXPACK(0xFF00FF), 5, "Amoeba: B357/S1358"},
{"MOVE", PIXPACK(0xFFFFFF), 6, "'Move' particles. Does not move things.. it is a life type: B368/S245"},
{"PGOL", PIXPACK(0xE05010), 7, "Pseudo Life: B357/S238"},
{"DMOE", PIXPACK(0x500000), 8, "Diamoeba: B35678/S5678"},
{"34", PIXPACK(0x500050), 9, "34: B34/S34"},
{"LLIF", PIXPACK(0x505050), 10, "Long Life: B345/S5"},
{"STAN", PIXPACK(0x5000FF), 11, "Stains: B3678/S235678"},
{"SEED", PIXPACK(0xFBEC7D), 12, "Seeds: B2/S"},
{"MAZE", PIXPACK(0xA8E4A0), 13, "Maze: B3/S12345"},
{"COAG", PIXPACK(0x9ACD32), 14, "Coagulations: B378/S235678"},
{"WALL", PIXPACK(0x0047AB), 15, "Walled cities: B45678/S2345"},
{"GNAR", PIXPACK(0xE5B73B), 16, "Gnarl: B1/S1"},
{"REPL", PIXPACK(0x259588), 17, "Replicator: B1357/S1357"},
{"MYST", PIXPACK(0x0C3C00), 18, "Mystery: B3458/S05678"},
{"LOTE", PIXPACK(0xFF0000), 19, "Living on the Edge: B37/S3458/4"},
{"FRG2", PIXPACK(0x00FF00), 20, "Like Frogs rule: B3/S124/3"},
{"STAR", PIXPACK(0x0000FF), 21, "Like Star Wars rule: B278/S3456/6"},
{"FROG", PIXPACK(0x00AA00), 22, "Frogs: B34/S12/3"},
{"BRAN", PIXPACK(0xCCCC00), 23, "Brian 6: B246/S6/3"}
golMenuCount = NGOL;
gol_menu * golMenuT = (gol_menu*)malloc(NGOL*sizeof(gol_menu));
memcpy(golMenuT, golMenu, NGOL*sizeof(gol_menu));
return golMenuT;
int * LoadGOLRules(int & golRuleCount)
int golRules[NGOL+1][10] =
// 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,STATES live=1 spawn=2 spawn&live=3 States are kind of how long until it dies, normal ones use two states(living,dead) for others the intermediate states live but do nothing
golRuleCount = NGOL+1;
int * golRulesT = (int*)malloc((golRuleCount*10)*sizeof(int));
memcpy(golRulesT, golRules, (golRuleCount*10)*sizeof(int));
return golRulesT;
int * LoadGOLTypes(int & golTypeCount)
int golTypes[NGOL] =
golTypeCount = NGOL;
int * golTypesT = (int*)malloc((golTypeCount)*sizeof(int));
memcpy(golTypesT, golTypes, (golTypeCount)*sizeof(int));
return golTypesT;
wall_type * LoadWalls(int & wallCount)
wall_type wtypes[] =
{PIXPACK(0x808080), PIXPACK(0x000000), 0, Renderer::WallIcon, "ERASE", "Erases walls."},
{PIXPACK(0xC0C0C0), PIXPACK(0x101010), 0, Renderer::WallIcon, "CONDUCTIVE WALL","Blocks everything. Conductive."},
{PIXPACK(0x808080), PIXPACK(0x808080), 0, Renderer::WallIcon, "EWALL", "E-Wall. Becomes transparent when electricity is connected."},
{PIXPACK(0xFF8080), PIXPACK(0xFF2008), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "DETECTOR", "Detector. Generates electricity when a particle is inside."},
{PIXPACK(0x808080), PIXPACK(0x000000), 0, Renderer::WallIcon, "STREAMLINE", "Streamline. Set start point of a streamline."},
{PIXPACK(0x8080FF), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "FAN", "Fan. Accelerates air. Use the line tool to set direction and strength."},
{PIXPACK(0xC0C0C0), PIXPACK(0x101010), 2, Renderer::WallIcon, "LIQUID WALL", "Allows liquids, blocks all other particles. Conductive."},
{PIXPACK(0x808080), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "ABSORB WALL", "Absorbs particles but lets air currents through."},
{PIXPACK(0x808080), PIXPACK(0x000000), 3, Renderer::WallIcon, "WALL", "Basic wall, blocks everything."},
{PIXPACK(0x3C3C3C), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "AIRONLY WALL", "Allows air, but blocks all particles."},
{PIXPACK(0x575757), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "POWDER WALL", "Allows powders, blocks all other particles."},
{PIXPACK(0xFFFF22), PIXPACK(0x101010), 2, Renderer::WallIcon, "CONDUCTOR", "Conductor. Allows all particles to pass through and conducts electricity."},
{PIXPACK(0x242424), PIXPACK(0x101010), 0, Renderer::WallIcon, "EHOLE", "E-Hole. absorbs particles, releases them when powered."},
{PIXPACK(0x579777), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "GAS WALL", "Allows gases, blocks all other particles."},
{PIXPACK(0xFFEE00), PIXPACK(0xAA9900), 4, Renderer::WallIcon, "GRAVITY WALL", "Gravity wall. Newtonian Gravity has no effect inside a box drawn with this."},
{PIXPACK(0xFFAA00), PIXPACK(0xAA5500), 4, Renderer::WallIcon, "ENERGY WALL", "Allows energy particles, blocks all other particles."},
{PIXPACK(0xDCDCDC), PIXPACK(0x000000), 1, Renderer::WallIcon, "AIRBLOCK WALL", "Allows all particles, but blocks air."},
wallCount = UI_WALLCOUNT;
wall_type * wtypesT = (wall_type*)malloc(UI_WALLCOUNT*sizeof(wall_type));
memcpy(wtypesT, wtypes, UI_WALLCOUNT*sizeof(wall_type));
return wtypesT;
menu_section * LoadMenus(int & menuCount)
menu_section msections[] = //doshow does not do anything currently.
{"\xC1", "Walls", 0, 1},
{"\xC2", "Electronics", 0, 1},
{"\xD6", "Powered Materials", 0, 1},
{"\x99", "Sensors", 0, 1},
{"\xE2", "Force", 0, 1},
{"\xC3", "Explosives", 0, 1},
{"\xC5", "Gasses", 0, 1},
{"\xC4", "Liquids", 0, 1},
{"\xD0", "Powders", 0, 1},
{"\xD1", "Solids", 0, 1},
{"\xC6", "Radioactive", 0, 1},
{"\xCC", "Special", 0, 1},
{"\xD2", "Game Of Life", 0, 1},
{"\xD7", "Tools", 0, 1},
{"\xE4", "Decoration tools", 0, 1},
{"\xC8", "Cracker", 0, 0},
{"\xC8", "Cracker!", 0, 0},
menuCount = SC_TOTAL;
menu_section * msectionsT = (menu_section*)malloc(SC_TOTAL*sizeof(menu_section));
memcpy(msectionsT, msections, SC_TOTAL*sizeof(menu_section));
return msectionsT;
unsigned int * LoadLatent(int & elementCount)
unsigned int platent[PT_NUM] =
/* NONE */ 0,
/* DUST */ 0,
/* WATR */ 7500,
/* OIL */ 0,
/* FIRE */ 0,
/* STNE */ 0,
/* LAVA */ 0,
/* GUN */ 0,
/* NITR */ 0,
/* CLNE */ 0,
/* GAS */ 0,
/* C-4 */ 0,
/* GOO */ 0,
/* ICE */ 1095,
/* METL */ 919,
/* SPRK */ 0,
/* SNOW */ 1095,
/* WOOD */ 0,
/* NEUT */ 0,
/* PLUT */ 0,
/* PLNT */ 0,
/* ACID */ 0,
/* VOID */ 0,
/* WTRV */ 0,
/* CNCT */ 0,
/* DSTW */ 7500,
/* SALT */ 0,
/* SLTW */ 7500,
/* DMND */ 0,
/* BMTL */ 0,
/* BRMT */ 0,
/* PHOT */ 0,
/* URAN */ 0,
/* WAX */ 0,
/* MWAX */ 0,
/* PSCN */ 0,
/* NSCN */ 0,
/* LN2 */ 0,
/* INSL */ 0,
/* VACU */ 0,
/* VENT */ 0,
/* RBDM */ 0,
/* LRBD */ 0,
/* NTCT */ 0,
/* SAND */ 0,
/* GLAS */ 0,
/* PTCT */ 0,
/* BGLA */ 0,
/* THDR */ 0,
/* PLSM */ 0,
/* ETRD */ 0,
/* NICE */ 0,
/* NBLE */ 0,
/* BTRY */ 0,
/* LCRY */ 0,
/* STKM */ 0,
/* SWCH */ 0,
/* SMKE */ 0,
/* DESL */ 0,
/* COAL */ 0,
/* LO2 */ 0,
/* O2 */ 0,
/* INWR */ 0,
/* YEST */ 0,
/* DYST */ 0,
/* THRM */ 0,
/* GLOW */ 0,
/* BRCK */ 0,
/* CFLM */ 0,
/* FIRW */ 0,
/* FUSE */ 0,
/* FSEP */ 0,
/* AMTR */ 0,
/* BCOL */ 0,
/* PCLN */ 0,
/* HSWC */ 0,
/* IRON */ 0,
/* MORT */ 0,
/* LIFE */ 0,
/* DLAY */ 0,
/* CO2 */ 0,
/* DRIC */ 0,
/* CBNW */ 7500,
/* STOR */ 0,
/* STOR */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* SPNG */ 0,
/* RIME */ 0,
/* FOG */ 0,
/* BCLN */ 0,
/* LOVE */ 0,
/* DEUT */ 0,
/* WARP */ 0,
/* PUMP */ 0,
/* FWRK */ 0,
/* PIPE */ 0,
/* FRZZ */ 0,
/* FRZW */ 0,
/* GRAV */ 0,
/* BIZR */ 0,
/* BIZRG*/ 0,
/* BIZRS*/ 0,
/* INST */ 0,
/* ISOZ */ 0,
/* ISZS */ 0,
/* PRTI */ 0,
/* PRTO */ 0,
/* PSTE */ 0,
/* PSTS */ 0,
/* ANAR */ 0,
/* VINE */ 0,
/* INVS */ 0,
/* EQVE */ 0,
/* SPWN2*/ 0,
/* SPAWN*/ 0,
/* SHLD1*/ 0,
/* SHLD2*/ 0,
/* SHLD3*/ 0,
/* SHLD4*/ 0,
/* LOlZ */ 0,
/* WIFI */ 0,
/* FILT */ 0,
/* ARAY */ 0,
/* BRAY */ 0,
/* STKM2*/ 0,
/* BOMB */ 0,
/* C-5 */ 0,
/* SING */ 0,
/* QRTZ */ 0,
/* PQRT */ 0,
/* EMP */ 0,
/* BREL */ 0,
/* ELEC */ 0,
/* ACEL */ 0,
/* DCEL */ 0,
/* TNT */ 0,
/* IGNP */ 0,
/* BOYL */ 0,
/* GEL */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* FREE */ 0,
/* WIND */ 0,
/* H2 */ 0,
/* SOAP */ 0,
/* NBHL */ 0,
/* NWHL */ 0,
/* MERC */ 0,
/* PBCN */ 0,
/* GPMP */ 0,
/* CLST */ 0,
/* WIRE */ 0,
/* GBMB */ 0,
/* FIGH */ 0,
/* FRAY */ 0,
/* REPL */ 0,
elementCount = PT_NUM;
unsigned int * platentT = (unsigned int*)malloc(PT_NUM*sizeof(unsigned int));
memcpy(platentT, platent, PT_NUM*sizeof(unsigned int));
return platentT;