jacksonmj 42cfb74c2b Remove blocking walls from pmap
2.5% speed increase on a screen full of water
2011-08-27 18:37:03 +08:00

437 lines
11 KiB

#include <element.h>
if (!player[27])
create_part(-1, x, y, PT_STKM);
return 0;
run_stickman(player, UPDATE_FUNC_SUBCALL_ARGS);
return 0;
int run_stickman(float* playerp, UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS) {
int r, rx, ry;
float pp, d;
float dt = 0.9;///(FPSB*FPSB); //Delta time in square
if ((parts[i].ctype>0 && parts[i].ctype<PT_NUM && ptypes[parts[i].ctype].falldown>0) || parts[i].ctype==SPC_AIR || parts[i].ctype == PT_NEUT || parts[i].ctype == PT_PHOT)
playerp[2] = parts[i].ctype;
//Tempirature handling
if (parts[i].temp<243)
parts[i].life -= 1;
if ((parts[i].temp<309.6f) && (parts[i].temp>=243))
parts[i].temp += 1;
if (parts[i].life<1 || (pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>=4.5f && playerp[2] != SPC_AIR) ) //If his HP is less that 0 or there is very big wind...
for (r=-2; r<=1; r++)
create_part(-1, x+r, y-2, playerp[2]);
create_part(-1, x+r+1, y+2, playerp[2]);
create_part(-1, x-2, y+r+1, playerp[2]);
create_part(-1, x+2, y+r, playerp[2]);
kill_part(i); //Kill him
return 1;
//Follow gravity
float gvx, gvy;
gvx = gvy = 0.0f;
switch (gravityMode)
case 0:
gvy = 1;
case 1:
gvy = gvx = 0.0f;
case 2:
float gravd;
gravd = 0.01f - hypotf((parts[i].x - XCNTR), (parts[i].y - YCNTR));
gvx = ((float)(parts[i].x - XCNTR) / gravd);
gvy = ((float)(parts[i].y - YCNTR) / gravd);
gvx += gravx[(int)parts[i].y/CELL][(int)parts[i].x/CELL];
gvy += gravy[(int)parts[i].y/CELL][(int)parts[i].x/CELL];
parts[i].vx -= gvx*dt; //Head up!
parts[i].vy -= gvy*dt;
//Verlet integration
pp = 2*playerp[3]-playerp[5]+playerp[19]*dt*dt;
playerp[5] = playerp[3];
playerp[3] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[4]-playerp[6]+playerp[20]*dt*dt;
playerp[6] = playerp[4];
playerp[4] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[7]-playerp[9]+(playerp[21]+gvx)*dt*dt;
playerp[9] = playerp[7];
playerp[7] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[8]-playerp[10]+(playerp[22]+gvy)*dt*dt;
playerp[10] = playerp[8];
playerp[8] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[11]-playerp[13]+playerp[23]*dt*dt;
playerp[13] = playerp[11];
playerp[11] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[12]-playerp[14]+playerp[24]*dt*dt;
playerp[14] = playerp[12];
playerp[12] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[15]-playerp[17]+(playerp[25]+gvx)*dt*dt;
playerp[17] = playerp[15];
playerp[15] = pp;
pp = 2*playerp[16]-playerp[18]+(playerp[26]+gvy)*dt*dt;
playerp[18] = playerp[16];
playerp[16] = pp;
//Setting acceleration to 0
playerp[19] = 0;
playerp[20] = 0;
playerp[21] = 0;
playerp[22] = 0;
playerp[23] = 0;
playerp[24] = 0;
playerp[25] = 0;
playerp[26] = 0;
float gx, gy, dl, dr;
gx = (playerp[7] + playerp[15])/2 - gvy;
gy = (playerp[8] + playerp[16])/2 + gvx;
dl = pow(gx - playerp[7], 2) + pow(gy - playerp[8], 2);
dr = pow(gx - playerp[15], 2) + pow(gy - playerp[16], 2);
//Go left
if (((int)(playerp[0])&0x01) == 0x01)
if (dl>dr)
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[7], playerp[8], NULL))
playerp[21] = -3*gvy-3*gvx;
playerp[22] = 3*gvx-3*gvy;
playerp[19] = -gvy;
playerp[20] = gvx;
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[15], playerp[16], NULL))
playerp[25] = -3*gvy-3*gvx;
playerp[26] = 3*gvx-3*gvy;
playerp[19] = -gvy;
playerp[20] = gvx;
//Go right
if (((int)(playerp[0])&0x02) == 0x02)
if (dl<dr)
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[7], playerp[8], NULL))
playerp[21] = 3*gvy-3*gvx;
playerp[22] = -3*gvx-3*gvy;
playerp[19] = gvy;
playerp[20] = -gvx;
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[15], playerp[16], NULL))
playerp[25] = 3*gvy-3*gvx;
playerp[26] = -3*gvx-3*gvy;
playerp[19] = gvy;
playerp[20] = -gvx;
if (((int)(playerp[0])&0x04) == 0x04 &&
(!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[7], playerp[8], NULL) || !eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[15], playerp[16], NULL)))
parts[i].vy -= 4*gvy;
playerp[22] -= gvy;
playerp[26] -= gvy;
//Charge detector wall if foot inside
if (bmap[(int)(playerp[8]+0.5)/CELL][(int)(playerp[7]+0.5)/CELL]==WL_DETECT)
set_emap((int)playerp[7]/CELL, (int)playerp[8]/CELL);
if (bmap[(int)(playerp[16]+0.5)/CELL][(int)(playerp[15]+0.5)/CELL]==WL_DETECT)
set_emap((int)(playerp[15]+0.5)/CELL, (int)(playerp[16]+0.5)/CELL);
//Searching for particles near head
for (rx=-2; rx<3; rx++)
for (ry=-2; ry<3; ry++)
if (x+rx>=0 && y+ry>0 && x+rx<XRES && y+ry<YRES && (rx || ry))
r = pmap[y+ry][x+rx];
if (!r)
r = photons[y+ry][x+rx];
if (!r && !bmap[(y+ry)/CELL][(x+rx)/CELL])
if (ptypes[r&0xFF].falldown!=0 || (r&0xFF) == PT_NEUT || (r&0xFF) == PT_PHOT)
playerp[2] = r&0xFF; //Current element
if ((r&0xFF) == PT_PLNT && parts[i].life<100) //Plant gives him 5 HP
if (parts[i].life<=95)
parts[i].life += 5;
parts[i].life = 100;
if ((r&0xFF) == PT_NEUT)
if (parts[i].life<=100) parts[i].life -= (102-parts[i].life)/2;
else parts[i].life *= 0.9f;
if (bmap[(ry+y)/CELL][(rx+x)/CELL]==WL_FAN)
playerp[2] = SPC_AIR;
if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PRTI)
STKM_interact(playerp, i, rx, ry);
if (!parts[i].type)//STKM_interact may kill STKM
return 1;
//Head position
rx = x + 3*((((int)playerp[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 3*((((int)playerp[1])&0x01) == 0x01);
ry = y - 3*(playerp[1] == 0);
if (((int)(playerp[0])&0x08) == 0x08)
ry -= 2*(rand()%2)+1;
r = pmap[ry][rx];
if (ptypes[r&0xFF].state == ST_SOLID)
create_part(-1, rx, ry, PT_SPRK);
int np = -1;
if (playerp[2] == SPC_AIR)
create_parts(rx + 3*((((int)playerp[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 3*((((int)playerp[1])&0x01) == 0x01), ry, 4, 4, SPC_AIR, 0);
np = create_part(-1, rx, ry, playerp[2]);
if ( (np < NPART) && np>=0 && playerp[2] != PT_PHOT && playerp[2] != SPC_AIR)
parts[np].vx -= -gvy*(5*((((int)playerp[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 5*(((int)(playerp[1])&0x01) == 0x01));
parts[np].vy -= gvx*(5*((((int)playerp[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 5*(((int)(playerp[1])&0x01) == 0x01));
parts[i].vx -= (ptypes[(int)playerp[2]].weight*parts[np].vx)/1000;
if ((np < NPART) && np>=0 && playerp[2] == PT_PHOT)
int random = abs(rand()%3-1)*3;
if (random==0)
parts[np].vy = 0;
if (((int)playerp[1])&(0x01|0x02))
parts[np].vx = (((((int)playerp[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - (((int)(playerp[1])&0x01) == 0x01))*random;
parts[np].vx = random;
//Simulation of joints
d = 25/(pow((playerp[3]-playerp[7]), 2) + pow((playerp[4]-playerp[8]), 2)+25) - 0.5; //Fast distance
playerp[7] -= (playerp[3]-playerp[7])*d;
playerp[8] -= (playerp[4]-playerp[8])*d;
playerp[3] += (playerp[3]-playerp[7])*d;
playerp[4] += (playerp[4]-playerp[8])*d;
d = 25/(pow((playerp[11]-playerp[15]), 2) + pow((playerp[12]-playerp[16]), 2)+25) - 0.5;
playerp[15] -= (playerp[11]-playerp[15])*d;
playerp[16] -= (playerp[12]-playerp[16])*d;
playerp[11] += (playerp[11]-playerp[15])*d;
playerp[12] += (playerp[12]-playerp[16])*d;
d = 36/(pow((playerp[3]-parts[i].x), 2) + pow((playerp[4]-parts[i].y), 2)+36) - 0.5;
parts[i].vx -= (playerp[3]-parts[i].x)*d;
parts[i].vy -= (playerp[4]-parts[i].y)*d;
playerp[3] += (playerp[3]-parts[i].x)*d;
playerp[4] += (playerp[4]-parts[i].y)*d;
d = 36/(pow((playerp[11]-parts[i].x), 2) + pow((playerp[12]-parts[i].y), 2)+36) - 0.5;
parts[i].vx -= (playerp[11]-parts[i].x)*d;
parts[i].vy -= (playerp[12]-parts[i].y)*d;
playerp[11] += (playerp[11]-parts[i].x)*d;
playerp[12] += (playerp[12]-parts[i].y)*d;
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[7], playerp[8], NULL))
playerp[7] = playerp[9];
playerp[8] = playerp[10];
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[15], playerp[16], NULL))
playerp[15] = playerp[17];
playerp[16] = playerp[18];
//This makes stick man "pop" from obstacles
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[7], playerp[8], NULL))
float t;
t = playerp[7]; playerp[7] = playerp[9]; playerp[9] = t;
t = playerp[8]; playerp[8] = playerp[10]; playerp[10] = t;
if (!eval_move(PT_DUST, playerp[15], playerp[16], NULL))
float t;
t = playerp[15]; playerp[15] = playerp[17]; playerp[17] = t;
t = playerp[16]; playerp[16] = playerp[18]; playerp[18] = t;
//Keeping legs distance
if ((pow((playerp[7] - playerp[15]), 2) + pow((playerp[8]-playerp[16]), 2))<16)
float tvx, tvy;
tvx = -gvy;
tvy = gvx;
if (tvx || tvy)
playerp[21] -= 0.2*tvx/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[22] -= 0.2*tvy/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[25] += 0.2*tvx/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[26] += 0.2*tvy/hypot(tvx, tvy);
if ((pow((playerp[3] - playerp[11]), 2) + pow((playerp[4]-playerp[12]), 2))<16)
float tvx, tvy;
tvx = -gvy;
tvy = gvx;
if (tvx || tvy)
playerp[19] -= 0.2*tvx/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[20] -= 0.2*tvy/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[23] += 0.2*tvx/hypot(tvx, tvy);
playerp[24] += 0.2*tvy/hypot(tvx, tvy);
//If legs touch something
STKM_interact(playerp, i, (int)(playerp[7]+0.5), (int)(playerp[8]+0.5));
STKM_interact(playerp, i, (int)(playerp[15]+0.5), (int)(playerp[16]+0.5));
if (!parts[i].type)
return 1;
parts[i].ctype = playerp[2];
return 0;
void STKM_interact(float* playerp, int i, int x, int y)
int r;
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES || !parts[i].type)
r = pmap[y][x];
if (r)
if ((r&0xFF)==PT_SPRK) //If on charge
parts[i].life -= (int)(rand()*20/RAND_MAX)+32;
if (ptypes[r&0xFF].hconduct && (parts[r>>8].temp>=323 || parts[r>>8].temp<=243))
parts[i].life -= 2;
playerp[22] -= 1;
if ((r&0xFF)==PT_ACID) //If on acid
parts[i].life -= 5;
if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PLUT) //If on plut
parts[i].life -= 1;
if (ptypes[r&0xFF].properties&PROP_DEADLY)
parts[i].life -= 1;
if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PRTI && parts[i].type)
int nnx, count=1;//gives rx=0, ry=1 in update_PRTO
parts[r>>8].tmp = (int)((parts[r>>8].temp-73.15f)/100+1);
if (parts[r>>8].tmp>=CHANNELS) parts[r>>8].tmp = CHANNELS-1;
else if (parts[r>>8].tmp<0) parts[r>>8].tmp = 0;
for (nnx=0; nnx<80; nnx++)
if (!portalp[parts[r>>8].tmp][count][nnx].type)
portalp[parts[r>>8].tmp][count][nnx] = parts[i];
playerp[27] = 1;//stop SPWN creating a new STKM while he is in portal
void STKM_init_legs(float* playerp, int i)
int x, y;
x = (int)(parts[i].x+0.5f);
y = (int)(parts[i].y+0.5f);
playerp[3] = x-1;
playerp[4] = y+6;
playerp[5] = x-1;
playerp[6] = y+6;
playerp[7] = x-3;
playerp[8] = y+12;
playerp[9] = x-3;
playerp[10] = y+12;
playerp[11] = x+1;
playerp[12] = y+6;
playerp[13] = x+1;
playerp[14] = y+6;
playerp[15] = x+3;
playerp[16] = y+12;
playerp[17] = x+3;
playerp[18] = y+12;