
154 lines
6.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Platform-specific LED control functionality for SONiC
from sonic_led.led_control_base import LedControlBase
import swsssdk
import threading
import os
import logging
import struct
import time
import syslog
from socket import *
from select import *
except ImportError, e:
raise ImportError(str(e) + " - required module not found")
def DBG_PRINT(str):
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, str)
class LedControl(LedControlBase):
"""Platform specific LED control class"""
LED_MODE_UP = [11, 1]
LED_MODE_DOWN = [7, 2]
def _initSystemLed(self):
with open(self.f_led.format("system"), 'w') as led_file:
DBG_PRINT("init system led to normal")
with open(self.f_led.format("idn"), 'w') as led_file:
DBG_PRINT("init idn led to off")
except IOError as e:
def _initPanelLed(self):
with open(self.f_led.format("port1"), 'r') as led_file:
shouldInit = (int( == 0)
if shouldInit == True:
for (port, ctlid, defmode) in self.led_mapping[1:59]:
data = struct.pack('=HHHBBH', 0, 7, 4, ctlid, defmode, port)
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
data = struct.pack('=HHHBB34B', 0, 3, 36, 34, 0, *[x[0] for x in self.led_mapping[1:35]])
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
data = struct.pack('=HHHBB24B', 0, 3, 26, 24, 1, *[x[0] for x in self.led_mapping[35:59]])
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
data = struct.pack('=HHHB', 0, 5, 1, 1)
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
for idx in range(1, 55):
(port, ctlid, defmode) = self.led_mapping[idx]
with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(idx)), 'w') as led_file:
DBG_PRINT("init port{} led to mode={}".format(idx, defmode))
for idx in range(1, 55):
(port, ctlid, defmode) = self.led_mapping[idx]
with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(idx)), 'r') as led_file:
defmode = int(
data = struct.pack('=HHHBBH', 0, 7, 4, ctlid, defmode, port)
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
DBG_PRINT("init port{} led to mode={}".format(idx, defmode))
def _initDefaultConfig(self):
DBG_PRINT("start init led")
while True:
r_sel = [self.udpClient]
echo_req = struct.pack('=HHH', 0, 1, 0)
self.udpClient.sendto(echo_req, ('localhost', 8101))
result = select(r_sel, [], [], 1)
if self.udpClient in result[0]:
echo_rsp, srv_addr = self.udpClient.recvfrom(1024)
if echo_rsp:
DBG_PRINT("connect to sdk rpc server timeout, try again.")
except IOError as e:
DBG_PRINT("connect to sdk rpc server success.")
DBG_PRINT("init led done")
# Helper method to map SONiC port name to index
def _port_name_to_index(self, port_name):
# Strip "Ethernet" off port name
if not port_name.startswith(self.SONIC_PORT_NAME_PREFIX):
return -1
port_idx = int(port_name[len(self.SONIC_PORT_NAME_PREFIX):])
return port_idx
def _port_state_to_mode(self, port_idx, state):
if state == "up":
return self.LED_MODE_UP[0] if (port_idx < 49) else self.LED_MODE_UP[1]
return self.LED_MODE_DOWN[0] if (port_idx < 49) else self.LED_MODE_DOWN[1]
def _port_led_mode_update(self, port_idx, ledMode):
with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(port_idx)), 'w') as led_file:
(port, ctlid) = (self.led_mapping[port_idx][0], self.led_mapping[port_idx][1])
data = struct.pack('=HHHBBH', 0, 7, 4, ctlid, ledMode, port)
self.udpClient.sendto(data, ('localhost', 8101))
# Concrete implementation of port_link_state_change() method
def port_link_state_change(self, portname, state):
port_idx = self._port_name_to_index(portname)
ledMode = self._port_state_to_mode(port_idx, state)
with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(port_idx)), 'r') as led_file:
saveMode = int(
if ledMode == saveMode:
self._port_led_mode_update(port_idx, ledMode)
DBG_PRINT("update {} led mode from {} to {}".format(portname, saveMode, ledMode))
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# [macid, ctlid, defaultmode]
self.led_mapping = [(0, 0, 0)] # resv
self.led_mapping.extend([(4, 0, 7), (5, 0, 7), (6, 0, 7), (8, 0, 7), (9, 0, 7), (10, 0, 7), (12, 0, 7), (13, 0, 7)]) # panel port 1~8
self.led_mapping.extend([(14, 0, 7), (16, 0, 7), (17, 0, 7), (18, 0, 7), (20, 0, 7), (21, 0, 7), (22, 0, 7), (24, 0, 7)]) # panel port 9~16
self.led_mapping.extend([(25, 0, 7), (26, 0, 7), (28, 0, 7), (30, 0, 7), (31, 0, 7), (32, 0, 7), (34, 0, 7), (35, 0, 7)]) # panel port 17~24
self.led_mapping.extend([(48, 0, 7), (49, 0, 7), (51, 0, 7), (36, 0, 7), (37, 0, 7), (39, 0, 7), (55, 0, 7), (54, 0, 7)]) # panel port 25~32
self.led_mapping.extend([(53, 0, 7), (52, 0, 7), (52, 1, 7), (53, 1, 7), (54, 1, 7), (55, 1, 7), (38, 1, 7), (37, 1, 7)]) # panel port 33~40
self.led_mapping.extend([(36, 1, 7), (51, 1, 7), (50, 1, 7), (49, 1, 7), (48, 1, 7), (34, 1, 7), (33, 1, 7), (32, 1, 7)]) # panel port 41~48
self.led_mapping.extend([(28, 1, 2), (24, 1, 2), (20, 1, 2), (12, 1, 2), (8, 1, 2), (4, 1, 2)]) # panel port 49~54
self.led_mapping.extend([(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)])
self.f_led = "/sys/class/leds/{}/brightness"
self.udpClient = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)