Longxiang Lyu 918e2d11f8 [dualtor] Let T0 delay 10 seconds before sending BGP updates (#12996)
Why I did it
To ensure, that after a BGP startup, dualtor T0 receives BGP updates before sending out BGP updates.
Please refer to sonic-net/SONiC#1161 for more details.

How I did it
add coalesce-time 10000 to the frr bgp startup config.

Signed-off-by: Longxiang Lyu <>
2023-02-04 09:54:05 +08:00

154 lines
6.6 KiB

{% from "common/functions.conf.j2" import get_ipv4_loopback_address, get_ipv6_loopback_address, get_vnet_interfaces %}
! template: bgpd/bgpd.main.conf.j2
! bgp multiple-instance
! BGP configuration
! TSA configuration
ip prefix-list PL_LoopbackV4 permit {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/32
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") != 'None' %}
{% if ( ('localhost' in DEVICE_METADATA) and ('bgp_adv_lo_prefix_as_128' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']) and
(DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_adv_lo_prefix_as_128'] == 'true') ) %}
ipv6 prefix-list PL_LoopbackV6 permit {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip_network }}/128
{% else %}
ipv6 prefix-list PL_LoopbackV6 permit {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | replace('/128', '/64') | ip_network }}/64
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if VLAN_INTERFACE is defined %}
{% set vnet_intfs = get_vnet_interfaces(VLAN_INTERFACE) %}
{% endif %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv4 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
ip prefix-list LOCAL_VLAN_IPV4_PREFIX seq {{ loop.index * 5 }} permit {{ prefix | ip_network }}/{{ prefix | prefixlen }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv6 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
ipv6 prefix-list LOCAL_VLAN_IPV6_PREFIX seq {{ loop.index * 5 }} permit {{ prefix | ip_network }}/{{ prefix | prefixlen }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'FrontEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' %}
{% set multi_asic = True %}
{% endif %}
{% if multi_asic is defined or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'chassis-packet' %}
ip prefix-list V4_P2P_IP permit ge 31 le 31
ipv6 prefix-list V6_P2P_IP permit ::/0 ge 126 le 126
route-map V4_CONNECTED_ROUTES permit 10
match ip address prefix-list V4_P2P_IP
route-map V6_CONNECTED_ROUTES permit 10
match ipv6 address prefix-list V6_P2P_IP
route-map HIDE_INTERNAL permit 10
set community no-export
{% if constants.bgp.peers is defined and constants.bgp.peers.internal is defined and is defined %}
on-match next
route-map HIDE_INTERNAL permit 20
set community {{ }} additive
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if (DEVICE_METADATA is defined) and ('localhost' in DEVICE_METADATA) and ('bgp_asn' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']) and (DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_asn'].lower() != 'none') and (DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_asn'].lower() != 'null') %}
router bgp {{ DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_asn'] }}
{% block bgp_init %}
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
{% if (DEVICE_METADATA is defined) and ('localhost' in DEVICE_METADATA) and ('subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']) and (DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'].lower() == 'dualtor') %}
coalesce-time 10000
{% endif %}
{% if constants.bgp.multipath_relax.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.multipath_relax.enabled %}
bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
{% endif %}
{% if constants.bgp.graceful_restart.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.graceful_restart.enabled and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] == 'ToRRouter' %}
bgp graceful-restart restart-time {{ constants.bgp.graceful_restart.restart_time | default(240) }}
bgp graceful-restart
bgp graceful-restart preserve-fw-state
bgp graceful-restart select-defer-time {{ constants.bgp.graceful_restart.select_defer_time | default(45) }}
{% endif %}
{# set router-id #}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'chassis-packet' %}
bgp router-id {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}
{% else %}
bgp router-id {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}
{% endif %}
{# advertise loopback #}
network {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/32
{% if ((multi_asic is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] != 'chassis-packet') or (DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq')) %}
network {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}/32 route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
{% endif %}
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") != 'None' %}
address-family ipv6
{% if ( ('localhost' in DEVICE_METADATA) and ('bgp_adv_lo_prefix_as_128' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']) and
(DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_adv_lo_prefix_as_128'] == 'true') ) %}
network {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/128
{% else %}
network {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/64
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ((multi_asic is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] != 'chassis-packet') or (DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq')) %}
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") != 'None' %}
address-family ipv6
network {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}/128 route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock bgp_init %}
{% block vlan_advertisement %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv4 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
network {{ prefix }}
{% elif prefix | ipv6 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
address-family ipv6
network {{ prefix }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock vlan_advertisement %}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'FrontEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'chassis-packet' %}
address-family ipv4
redistribute connected route-map V4_CONNECTED_ROUTES
address-family ipv6
redistribute connected route-map V6_CONNECTED_ROUTES
{% endif %}
{% if constants.bgp.maximum_paths.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.maximum_paths.enabled %}
{% block maximum_paths %}
address-family ipv4
maximum-paths {{ constants.bgp.maximum_paths.ipv4 | default(64) }}
address-family ipv6
maximum-paths {{ constants.bgp.maximum_paths.ipv6 | default(64) }}
{% endblock maximum_paths %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
! end of template: bgpd/bgpd.main.conf.j2