kellyyeh dab9c6983c
Changed DHCP table name to DHCP_RELAY (#8476)
* Changed DHCP table name to DHCP_RELAY
2021-08-20 09:18:48 -07:00

1747 lines
78 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import ipaddress
import math
import os
import sys
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from lxml import etree as ET
from lxml.etree import QName
from portconfig import get_port_config
from sonic_py_common.interface import backplane_prefix
# TODO: Remove this once we no longer support Python 2
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
UNICODE_TYPE = unicode
version_added: "1.9"
author: Guohan Lu (
short_description: Parse minigraph xml file and device description xml file
ns = "Microsoft.Search.Autopilot.Evolution"
ns1 = ""
ns2 = "Microsoft.Search.Autopilot.NetMux"
ns3 = ""
# Device types
spine_chassis_frontend_role = 'SpineChassisFrontendRouter'
chassis_backend_role = 'ChassisBackendRouter'
backend_device_types = ['BackEndToRRouter', 'BackEndLeafRouter']
console_device_types = ['MgmtTsToR']
# Default Virtual Network Index (VNI)
vni_default = 8000
# Minigraph parsing functions
class minigraph_encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, (
ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network,
ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address
return str(obj)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def get_peer_switch_info(link_metadata, devices):
peer_switch_table = {}
for data in link_metadata.values():
if "PeerSwitch" in data:
peer_hostname = data["PeerSwitch"]
peer_lo_addr_str = devices[peer_hostname]["lo_addr"]
peer_lo_addr = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(peer_lo_addr_str)) if peer_lo_addr_str else None
peer_switch_table[peer_hostname] = {
'address_ipv4': str(peer_lo_addr.network_address) if peer_lo_addr else peer_lo_addr_str
return peer_switch_table
def parse_device(device):
lo_prefix = None
lo_prefix_v6 = None
mgmt_prefix = None
d_type = None # don't shadow type()
hwsku = None
name = None
deployment_id = None
cluster = None
for node in device:
if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "Address")):
lo_prefix = node.find(str(QName(ns2, "IPPrefix"))).text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "AddressV6")):
lo_prefix_v6 = node.find(str(QName(ns2, "IPPrefix"))).text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "ManagementAddress")):
mgmt_prefix = node.find(str(QName(ns2, "IPPrefix"))).text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "Hostname")):
name = node.text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "HwSku")):
hwsku = node.text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeploymentId")):
deployment_id = node.text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "ElementType")):
d_type = node.text
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "ClusterName")):
cluster = node.text
if d_type is None and str(QName(ns3, "type")) in device.attrib:
d_type = device.attrib[str(QName(ns3, "type"))]
return (lo_prefix, lo_prefix_v6, mgmt_prefix, name, hwsku, d_type, deployment_id, cluster)
def calculate_lcm_for_ecmp (nhdevices_bank_map, nhip_bank_map):
banks_enumerated = {}
lcm_array = []
for value in nhdevices_bank_map.values():
for key in nhip_bank_map.keys():
if nhip_bank_map[key] == value:
if value not in banks_enumerated:
banks_enumerated[value] = 1
banks_enumerated[value] = banks_enumerated[value] + 1
for bank_enumeration in banks_enumerated.values():
lcm_list = range(1, bank_enumeration+1)
lcm_comp = lcm_list[0]
for i in lcm_list[1:]:
lcm_comp = lcm_comp * i / calculate_gcd(lcm_comp, i)
LCM = sum(lcm_array)
return int(LCM)
def calculate_gcd(x, y):
while y != 0:
(x, y) = (y, x % y)
return int(x)
def formulate_fine_grained_ecmp(version, dpg_ecmp_content, port_device_map, port_alias_map):
family = ""
tag = ""
neigh_key = []
if version == "ipv4":
family = "IPV4"
tag = "fgnhg_v4"
elif version == "ipv6":
family = "IPV6"
tag = "fgnhg_v6"
port_nhip_map = dpg_ecmp_content['port_nhip_map']
nhg_int = dpg_ecmp_content['nhg_int']
nhip_device_map = {port_nhip_map[x]: port_device_map[x] for x in port_device_map
if x in port_nhip_map}
nhip_devices = sorted(list(set(nhip_device_map.values())))
nhdevices_ip_bank_map = {device: bank for bank, device in enumerate(nhip_devices)}
nhip_bank_map = {ip: nhdevices_ip_bank_map[device] for ip, device in nhip_device_map.items()}
LCM = calculate_lcm_for_ecmp(nhdevices_ip_bank_map, nhip_bank_map)
FG_NHG_MEMBER = {ip: {"FG_NHG": tag, "bank": bank} for ip, bank in nhip_bank_map.items()}
nhip_port_map = dict(zip(port_nhip_map.values(), port_nhip_map.keys()))
for nhip, memberinfo in FG_NHG_MEMBER.items():
if nhip in nhip_port_map:
memberinfo["link"] = port_alias_map[nhip_port_map[nhip]]
FG_NHG_MEMBER[nhip] = memberinfo
FG_NHG = {tag: {"bucket_size": LCM, "match_mode": "nexthop-based"}}
for ip in nhip_bank_map:
neigh_key.append(str(nhg_int + "|" + ip))
NEIGH = {neigh_key: {"family": family} for neigh_key in neigh_key}
fine_grained_content = {"FG_NHG_MEMBER": FG_NHG_MEMBER, "FG_NHG": FG_NHG, "NEIGH": NEIGH}
return fine_grained_content
def parse_png(png, hname, dpg_ecmp_content = None):
neighbors = {}
devices = {}
console_dev = ''
console_port = ''
mgmt_dev = ''
mgmt_port = ''
port_speeds = {}
console_ports = {}
mux_cable_ports = {}
port_device_map = {}
png_ecmp_content = {}
FG_NHG = {}
NEIGH = {}
for child in png:
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")):
for link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "DeviceLinkBase"))):
linktype = link.find(str(QName(ns, "ElementType"))).text
if linktype == "DeviceSerialLink":
enddevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndDevice"))).text
endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text
startport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPort"))).text
baudrate = link.find(str(QName(ns, "Bandwidth"))).text
flowcontrol = 1 if link.find(str(QName(ns, "FlowControl"))) is not None and link.find(str(QName(ns, "FlowControl"))).text == 'true' else 0
if enddevice.lower() == hname.lower() and endport.isdigit():
console_ports[endport] = {
'remote_device': startdevice,
'baud_rate': baudrate,
'flow_control': flowcontrol
elif startport.isdigit():
console_ports[startport] = {
'remote_device': enddevice,
'baud_rate': baudrate,
'flow_control': flowcontrol
if linktype == "DeviceInterfaceLink":
endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text
port_device_map[endport] = startdevice
if linktype != "DeviceInterfaceLink" and linktype != "UnderlayInterfaceLink" and linktype != "DeviceMgmtLink":
enddevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndDevice"))).text
endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text
startport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPort"))).text
bandwidth_node = link.find(str(QName(ns, "Bandwidth")))
bandwidth = bandwidth_node.text if bandwidth_node is not None else None
if enddevice.lower() == hname.lower():
if endport in port_alias_map:
endport = port_alias_map[endport]
if linktype != "DeviceMgmtLink":
neighbors[endport] = {'name': startdevice, 'port': startport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[endport] = bandwidth
elif startdevice.lower() == hname.lower():
if startport in port_alias_map:
startport = port_alias_map[startport]
if linktype != "DeviceMgmtLink":
neighbors[startport] = {'name': enddevice, 'port': endport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[startport] = bandwidth
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "Devices")):
for device in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "Device"))):
(lo_prefix, lo_prefix_v6, mgmt_prefix, name, hwsku, d_type, deployment_id, cluster) = parse_device(device)
device_data = {'lo_addr': lo_prefix, 'type': d_type, 'mgmt_addr': mgmt_prefix, 'hwsku': hwsku }
if cluster:
device_data['cluster'] = cluster
if deployment_id:
device_data['deployment_id'] = deployment_id
if lo_prefix_v6:
device_data['lo_addr_v6'] = lo_prefix_v6
devices[name] = device_data
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")):
for if_link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, 'DeviceLinkBase'))):
if str(QName(ns3, "type")) in if_link.attrib:
link_type = if_link.attrib[str(QName(ns3, "type"))]
if link_type == 'DeviceSerialLink':
for node in if_link:
if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndPort")):
console_port = node.text.split()[-1]
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndDevice")):
console_dev = node.text
elif link_type == 'DeviceMgmtLink':
for node in if_link:
if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndPort")):
mgmt_port = node.text.split()[-1]
elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndDevice")):
mgmt_dev = node.text
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")):
for link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, 'DeviceLinkBase'))):
if link.find(str(QName(ns, "ElementType"))).text == "LogicalLink":
intf_name = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
if intf_name in port_alias_map:
intf_name = port_alias_map[intf_name]
mux_cable_ports[intf_name] = "true"
if (len(dpg_ecmp_content)):
for version, content in dpg_ecmp_content.items(): # version is ipv4 or ipv6
fine_grained_content = formulate_fine_grained_ecmp(version, content, port_device_map, port_alias_map) # port_alias_map
png_ecmp_content = {"FG_NHG_MEMBER": FG_NHG_MEMBER, "FG_NHG": FG_NHG, "NEIGH": NEIGH}
return (neighbors, devices, console_dev, console_port, mgmt_dev, mgmt_port, port_speeds, console_ports, mux_cable_ports, png_ecmp_content)
def parse_asic_external_link(link, asic_name, hostname):
neighbors = {}
port_speeds = {}
enddevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndDevice"))).text
endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text
startport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPort"))).text
bandwidth_node = link.find(str(QName(ns, "Bandwidth")))
bandwidth = bandwidth_node.text if bandwidth_node is not None else None
# if chassis internal is false, the interface name will be
# interface alias which should be converted to asic port name
if (enddevice.lower() == hostname.lower()):
if ((endport in port_alias_asic_map) and
(asic_name.lower() in port_alias_asic_map[endport].lower())):
endport = port_alias_asic_map[endport]
neighbors[port_alias_map[endport]] = {'name': startdevice, 'port': startport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[port_alias_map[endport]] = bandwidth
elif (startdevice.lower() == hostname.lower()):
if ((startport in port_alias_asic_map) and
(asic_name.lower() in port_alias_asic_map[startport].lower())):
startport = port_alias_asic_map[startport]
neighbors[port_alias_map[startport]] = {'name': enddevice, 'port': endport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[port_alias_map[startport]] = bandwidth
return neighbors, port_speeds
def parse_asic_internal_link(link, asic_name, hostname):
neighbors = {}
port_speeds = {}
enddevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndDevice"))).text
endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text
startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text
startport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPort"))).text
bandwidth_node = link.find(str(QName(ns, "Bandwidth")))
bandwidth = bandwidth_node.text if bandwidth_node is not None else None
if ((enddevice.lower() == asic_name.lower()) and
(startdevice.lower() != hostname.lower())):
if endport in port_alias_map:
endport = port_alias_map[endport]
neighbors[endport] = {'name': startdevice, 'port': startport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[endport] = bandwidth
elif ((startdevice.lower() == asic_name.lower()) and
(enddevice.lower() != hostname.lower())):
if startport in port_alias_map:
startport = port_alias_map[startport]
neighbors[startport] = {'name': enddevice, 'port': endport}
if bandwidth:
port_speeds[startport] = bandwidth
return neighbors, port_speeds
def parse_asic_png(png, asic_name, hostname):
neighbors = {}
devices = {}
port_speeds = {}
for child in png:
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")):
for link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "DeviceLinkBase"))):
# Chassis internal node is used in multi-asic device or chassis minigraph
# where the minigraph will contain the internal asic connectivity and
# external neighbor information. The ChassisInternal node will be used to
# determine if the link is internal to the device or chassis.
chassis_internal_node = link.find(str(QName(ns, "ChassisInternal")))
chassis_internal = chassis_internal_node.text if chassis_internal_node is not None else "false"
# If the link is an external link include the external neighbor
# information in ASIC ports table
if chassis_internal.lower() == "false":
ext_neighbors, ext_port_speeds = parse_asic_external_link(link, asic_name, hostname)
int_neighbors, int_port_speeds = parse_asic_internal_link(link, asic_name, hostname)
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "Devices")):
for device in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "Device"))):
(lo_prefix, lo_prefix_v6, mgmt_prefix, name, hwsku, d_type, deployment_id, cluster) = parse_device(device)
device_data = {'lo_addr': lo_prefix, 'type': d_type, 'mgmt_addr': mgmt_prefix, 'hwsku': hwsku }
if cluster:
device_data['cluster'] = cluster
if deployment_id:
device_data['deployment_id'] = deployment_id
if lo_prefix_v6:
device_data['lo_addr_v6']= lo_prefix_v6
devices[name] = device_data
return (neighbors, devices, port_speeds)
def parse_loopback_intf(child):
lointfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "LoopbackIPInterfaces")))
lo_intfs = {}
for lointf in lointfs.findall(str(QName(ns1, "LoopbackIPInterface"))):
intfname = lointf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
ipprefix = lointf.find(str(QName(ns1, "PrefixStr"))).text
lo_intfs[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {}
return lo_intfs
def parse_dpg(dpg, hname):
aclintfs = None
mgmtintfs = None
subintfs = None
tunnelintfs = defaultdict(dict)
for child in dpg:
In Multi-NPU platforms the acl intfs are defined only for the host not for individual asic.
There is just one aclintf node in the minigraph
Get the aclintfs node first.
if aclintfs is None and child.find(str(QName(ns, "AclInterfaces"))) is not None:
aclintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "AclInterfaces")))
In Multi-NPU platforms the mgmt intfs are defined only for the host not for individual asic
There is just one mgmtintf node in the minigraph
Get the mgmtintfs node first. We need mgmt intf to get mgmt ip in per asic dockers.
if mgmtintfs is None and child.find(str(QName(ns, "ManagementIPInterfaces"))) is not None:
mgmtintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "ManagementIPInterfaces")))
hostname = child.find(str(QName(ns, "Hostname")))
if hostname.text.lower() != hname.lower():
vni = vni_default
vni_element = child.find(str(QName(ns, "VNI")))
if vni_element != None:
if vni_element.text.isdigit():
vni = int(vni_element.text)
print("VNI must be an integer (use default VNI %d instead)" % vni_default, file=sys.stderr)
ipintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "IPInterfaces")))
intfs = {}
ip_intfs_map = {}
for ipintf in ipintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "IPInterface"))):
intfalias = ipintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
intfname = port_alias_map.get(intfalias, intfalias)
ipprefix = ipintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Prefix"))).text
intfs[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {}
ip_intfs_map[ipprefix] = intfalias
lo_intfs = parse_loopback_intf(child)
subintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "SubInterfaces")))
if subintfs is not None:
for subintf in subintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "SubInterface"))):
intfalias = subintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
intfname = port_alias_map.get(intfalias, intfalias)
ipprefix = subintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Prefix"))).text
subintfvlan = subintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Vlan"))).text
subintfname = intfname + VLAN_SUB_INTERFACE_SEPARATOR + subintfvlan
intfs[(subintfname, ipprefix)] = {}
mvrfConfigs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "MgmtVrfConfigs")))
mvrf = {}
if mvrfConfigs != None:
mv = mvrfConfigs.find(str(QName(ns1, "MgmtVrfGlobal")))
if mv != None:
mvrf_en_flag = mv.find(str(QName(ns, "mgmtVrfEnabled"))).text
mvrf["vrf_global"] = {"mgmtVrfEnabled": mvrf_en_flag}
mgmt_intf = {}
for mgmtintf in mgmtintfs.findall(str(QName(ns1, "ManagementIPInterface"))):
intfname = mgmtintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
ipprefix = mgmtintf.find(str(QName(ns1, "PrefixStr"))).text
mgmtipn = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(ipprefix), False)
gwaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(next(mgmtipn.hosts()))
mgmt_intf[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {'gwaddr': gwaddr}
voqinbandintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "VoqInbandInterfaces")))
voq_inband_intfs = {}
if voqinbandintfs:
for voqintf in voqinbandintfs.findall(str(QName(ns1, "VoqInbandInterface"))):
intfname = voqintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text
intftype = voqintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Type"))).text
ipprefix = voqintf.find(str(QName(ns1, "PrefixStr"))).text
if intfname not in voq_inband_intfs:
voq_inband_intfs[intfname] = {'inband_type': intftype}
voq_inband_intfs["%s|%s" % (intfname, ipprefix)] = {}
pcintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "PortChannelInterfaces")))
pc_intfs = []
pcs = {}
pc_members = {}
intfs_inpc = [] # List to hold all the LAG member interfaces
for pcintf in pcintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "PortChannel"))):
pcintfname = pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text
pcintfmbr = pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
pcmbr_list = pcintfmbr.split(';')
for i, member in enumerate(pcmbr_list):
pcmbr_list[i] = port_alias_map.get(member, member)
pc_members[(pcintfname, pcmbr_list[i])] = {'NULL': 'NULL'}
if pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Fallback"))) != None:
pcs[pcintfname] = {'members': pcmbr_list, 'fallback': pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Fallback"))).text, 'min_links': str(int(math.ceil(len() * 0.75)))}
pcs[pcintfname] = {'members': pcmbr_list, 'min_links': str(int(math.ceil(len(pcmbr_list) * 0.75)))}
port_nhipv4_map = {}
port_nhipv6_map = {}
nhg_int = ""
nhportlist = []
dpg_ecmp_content = {}
ipnhs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "IPNextHops")))
if ipnhs is not None:
for ipnh in ipnhs.findall(str(QName(ns, "IPNextHop"))):
if ipnh.find(str(QName(ns, "Type"))).text == 'FineGrainedECMPGroupMember':
ipnhfmbr = ipnh.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
ipnhaddr = ipnh.find(str(QName(ns, "Address"))).text
if "." in ipnhaddr:
port_nhipv4_map[ipnhfmbr] = ipnhaddr
elif ":" in ipnhaddr:
port_nhipv6_map[ipnhfmbr] = ipnhaddr
if port_nhipv4_map is not None and port_nhipv6_map is not None:
subnet_check_ip = list(port_nhipv4_map.values())[0]
for subnet_range in ip_intfs_map:
if ("." in subnet_range):
a = ipaddress.ip_address(UNICODE_TYPE(subnet_check_ip))
n = list(ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(subnet_range), False).hosts())
if a in n:
nhg_int = ip_intfs_map[subnet_range]
ipv4_content = {"port_nhip_map": port_nhipv4_map, "nhg_int": nhg_int}
ipv6_content = {"port_nhip_map": port_nhipv6_map, "nhg_int": nhg_int}
dpg_ecmp_content['ipv4'] = ipv4_content
dpg_ecmp_content['ipv6'] = ipv6_content
vlanintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "VlanInterfaces")))
vlans = {}
vlan_members = {}
dhcp_relay_table = {}
vlantype_name = ""
intf_vlan_mbr = defaultdict(list)
for vintf in vlanintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "VlanInterface"))):
vlanid = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "VlanID"))).text
vintfmbr = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
vmbr_list = vintfmbr.split(';')
for i, member in enumerate(vmbr_list):
for vintf in vlanintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "VlanInterface"))):
vintfname = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text
vlanid = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "VlanID"))).text
vintfmbr = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text
vlantype = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Type")))
if vlantype != None:
vlantype_name = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Type"))).text
vmbr_list = vintfmbr.split(';')
for i, member in enumerate(vmbr_list):
vmbr_list[i] = port_alias_map.get(member, member)
sonic_vlan_member_name = "Vlan%s" % (vlanid)
if vlantype_name == "Tagged":
vlan_members[(sonic_vlan_member_name, vmbr_list[i])] = {'tagging_mode': 'tagged'}
elif len(intf_vlan_mbr[member]) > 1:
vlan_members[(sonic_vlan_member_name, vmbr_list[i])] = {'tagging_mode': 'tagged'}
vlan_members[(sonic_vlan_member_name, vmbr_list[i])] = {'tagging_mode': 'untagged'}
vlan_attributes = {'vlanid': vlanid, 'members': vmbr_list }
dhcp_attributes = {}
# If this VLAN requires a DHCP relay agent, it will contain a <DhcpRelays> element
# containing a list of DHCP server IPs
vintf_node = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "DhcpRelays")))
if vintf_node is not None and vintf_node.text is not None:
vintfdhcpservers = vintf_node.text
vdhcpserver_list = vintfdhcpservers.split(';')
vlan_attributes['dhcp_servers'] = vdhcpserver_list
vintf_node = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Dhcpv6Relays")))
if vintf_node is not None and vintf_node.text is not None:
vintfdhcpservers = vintf_node.text
vdhcpserver_list = vintfdhcpservers.split(';')
vlan_attributes['dhcpv6_servers'] = vdhcpserver_list
dhcp_attributes['dhcpv6_servers'] = vdhcpserver_list
sonic_vlan_member_name = "Vlan%s" % (vlanid)
dhcp_relay_table[sonic_vlan_member_name] = dhcp_attributes
vlanmac = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "MacAddress")))
if vlanmac is not None and vlanmac.text is not None:
vlan_attributes['mac'] = vlanmac.text
sonic_vlan_name = "Vlan%s" % vlanid
if sonic_vlan_name != vintfname:
vlan_attributes['alias'] = vintfname
vlans[sonic_vlan_name] = vlan_attributes
acls = {}
for aclintf in aclintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "AclInterface"))):
if aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "InAcl"))) is not None:
aclname = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "InAcl"))).text.upper().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_")
stage = "ingress"
elif aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "OutAcl"))) is not None:
aclname = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "OutAcl"))).text.upper().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_")
stage = "egress"
sys.exit("Error: 'AclInterface' must contain either an 'InAcl' or 'OutAcl' subelement.")
aclattach = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text.split(';')
acl_intfs = []
is_mirror = False
is_mirror_v6 = False
# TODO: Ensure that acl_intfs will only ever contain front-panel interfaces (e.g.,
# maybe we should explicity ignore management and loopback interfaces?) because we
# decide an ACL is a Control Plane ACL if acl_intfs is empty below.
for member in aclattach:
member = member.strip()
if member in pcs:
# If try to attach ACL to a LAG interface then we shall add the LAG to
# to acl_intfs directly instead of break it into member ports, ACL attach
# to LAG will be applied to all the LAG members internally by SAI/SDK
elif member in vlans:
# For egress ACL attaching to vlan, we break them into vlan members
if stage == "egress":
elif member in port_alias_map:
# Give a warning if trying to attach ACL to a LAG member interface, correct way is to attach ACL to the LAG interface
if port_alias_map[member] in intfs_inpc:
print("Warning: ACL " + aclname + " is attached to a LAG member interface " + port_alias_map[member] + ", instead of LAG interface", file=sys.stderr)
elif member.lower().startswith('erspan') or member.lower().startswith('egress_erspan'):
if member.lower().startswith('erspanv6') or member.lower().startswith('egress_erspanv6'):
is_mirror_v6 = True
is_mirror = True
# Erspan session will be attached to all front panel ports
# initially. If panel ports is a member port of LAG, then
# the LAG will be added to acl table instead of the panel
# ports. Non-active ports will be removed from this list
# later after the rest of the minigraph has been parsed.
acl_intfs = pc_intfs[:]
for panel_port in port_alias_map.values():
# because of port_alias_asic_map we can have duplicate in port_alias_map
# so check if already present do not add
if panel_port not in intfs_inpc and panel_port not in acl_intfs:
# if acl is classified as mirror (erpsan) or acl interface
# are binded then do not classify as Control plane.
# For multi-asic platforms it's possible there is no
# interface are binded to everflow in host namespace.
if acl_intfs or is_mirror_v6 or is_mirror:
# Remove duplications
dedup_intfs = []
for intf in acl_intfs:
if intf not in dedup_intfs:
acls[aclname] = {'policy_desc': aclname,
'stage': stage,
'ports': dedup_intfs}
if is_mirror:
acls[aclname]['type'] = 'MIRROR'
elif is_mirror_v6:
acls[aclname]['type'] = 'MIRRORV6'
acls[aclname]['type'] = 'L3V6' if 'v6' in aclname.lower() else 'L3'
# This ACL has no interfaces to attach to -- consider this a control plane ACL
aclservice = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Type"))).text
# If we already have an ACL with this name and this ACL is bound to a different service,
# append the service to our list of services
if aclname in acls:
if acls[aclname]['type'] != 'CTRLPLANE':
print("Warning: ACL '%s' type mismatch. Not updating ACL." % aclname, file=sys.stderr)
elif acls[aclname]['services'] == aclservice:
print("Warning: ACL '%s' already contains service '%s'. Not updating ACL." % (aclname, aclservice), file=sys.stderr)
acls[aclname] = {'policy_desc': aclname,
'type': 'CTRLPLANE',
'stage': stage,
'services': [aclservice]}
print("Warning: Ignoring Control Plane ACL %s without type" % aclname, file=sys.stderr)
mg_tunnels = child.find(str(QName(ns, "TunnelInterfaces")))
if mg_tunnels is not None:
table_key_to_mg_key_map = {"encap_ecn_mode": "EcnEncapsulationMode",
"ecn_mode": "EcnDecapsulationMode",
"dscp_mode": "DifferentiatedServicesCodePointMode",
"ttl_mode": "TtlMode"}
for mg_tunnel in mg_tunnels.findall(str(QName(ns, "TunnelInterface"))):
tunnel_type = mg_tunnel.attrib["Type"]
tunnel_name = mg_tunnel.attrib["Name"]
tunnelintfs[tunnel_type][tunnel_name] = {
"tunnel_type": mg_tunnel.attrib["Type"].upper(),
for table_key, mg_key in table_key_to_mg_key_map.items():
# If the minigraph has the key, add the corresponding config DB key to the table
if mg_key in mg_tunnel.attrib:
tunnelintfs[tunnel_type][tunnel_name][table_key] = mg_tunnel.attrib[mg_key]
return intfs, lo_intfs, mvrf, mgmt_intf, voq_inband_intfs, vlans, vlan_members, dhcp_relay_table, pcs, pc_members, acls, vni, tunnelintfs, dpg_ecmp_content
return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
def parse_host_loopback(dpg, hname):
for child in dpg:
hostname = child.find(str(QName(ns, "Hostname")))
if hostname.text.lower() != hname.lower():
lo_intfs = parse_loopback_intf(child)
return lo_intfs
def parse_cpg(cpg, hname, local_devices=[]):
bgp_sessions = {}
bgp_internal_sessions = {}
bgp_voq_chassis_sessions = {}
myasn = None
bgp_peers_with_range = {}
for child in cpg:
tag = child.tag
if tag == str(QName(ns, "PeeringSessions")):
for session in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "BGPSession"))):
start_router = session.find(str(QName(ns, "StartRouter"))).text
start_peer = session.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPeer"))).text
end_router = session.find(str(QName(ns, "EndRouter"))).text
end_peer = session.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPeer"))).text
rrclient = 1 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "RRClient"))) is not None else 0
if session.find(str(QName(ns, "HoldTime"))) is not None:
holdtime = session.find(str(QName(ns, "HoldTime"))).text
holdtime = 180
if session.find(str(QName(ns, "KeepAliveTime"))) is not None:
keepalive = session.find(str(QName(ns, "KeepAliveTime"))).text
keepalive = 60
nhopself = 1 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "NextHopSelf"))) is not None else 0
# choose the right table and admin_status for the peer
voq_chassis = session.find(str(QName(ns, "VoQChassisInternal")))
if voq_chassis is not None and voq_chassis.text == "true":
table = bgp_voq_chassis_sessions
admin_status = 'up'
elif end_router.lower() in local_devices and start_router.lower() in local_devices:
table = bgp_internal_sessions
admin_status = 'up'
table = bgp_sessions
admin_status = None
if end_router.lower() == hname.lower():
table[start_peer.lower()] = {
'name': start_router,
'local_addr': end_peer.lower(),
'rrclient': rrclient,
'holdtime': holdtime,
'keepalive': keepalive,
'nhopself': nhopself
if admin_status:
table[start_peer.lower()]['admin_status'] = admin_status
elif start_router.lower() == hname.lower():
table[end_peer.lower()] = {
'name': end_router,
'local_addr': start_peer.lower(),
'rrclient': rrclient,
'holdtime': holdtime,
'keepalive': keepalive,
'nhopself': nhopself
if admin_status:
table[end_peer.lower()]['admin_status'] = admin_status
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "Routers")):
for router in child.findall(str(QName(ns1, "BGPRouterDeclaration"))):
asn = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "ASN"))).text
hostname = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "Hostname"))).text
if hostname.lower() == hname.lower():
myasn = asn
peers = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "Peers")))
for bgpPeer in peers.findall(str(QName(ns, "BGPPeer"))):
addr = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns, "Address"))).text
if bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeersRange"))) is not None: # FIXME: is better to check for type BGPPeerPassive
name = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text
ip_range = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeersRange"))).text
ip_range_group = ip_range.split(';') if ip_range and ip_range != "" else []
bgp_peers_with_range[name] = {
'name': name,
'ip_range': ip_range_group
if bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns, "Address"))) is not None:
bgp_peers_with_range[name]['src_address'] = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns, "Address"))).text
if bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeerAsn"))) is not None:
bgp_peers_with_range[name]['peer_asn'] = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeerAsn"))).text
for peer in bgp_sessions:
bgp_session = bgp_sessions[peer]
if hostname.lower() == bgp_session['name'].lower():
bgp_session['asn'] = asn
for peer in bgp_internal_sessions:
bgp_internal_session = bgp_internal_sessions[peer]
if hostname.lower() == bgp_internal_session['name'].lower():
bgp_internal_session['asn'] = asn
for peer in bgp_voq_chassis_sessions:
bgp_session = bgp_voq_chassis_sessions[peer]
if hostname.lower() == bgp_session['name'].lower():
bgp_session['asn'] = asn
bgp_monitors = { key: bgp_sessions[key] for key in bgp_sessions if 'asn' in bgp_sessions[key] and bgp_sessions[key]['name'] == 'BGPMonitor' }
def filter_bad_asn(table):
return { key: table[key] for key in table if 'asn' in table[key] and int(table[key]['asn']) != 0 }
bgp_sessions = filter_bad_asn(bgp_sessions)
bgp_internal_sessions = filter_bad_asn(bgp_internal_sessions)
bgp_voq_chassis_sessions = filter_bad_asn(bgp_voq_chassis_sessions)
return bgp_sessions, bgp_internal_sessions, bgp_voq_chassis_sessions, myasn, bgp_peers_with_range, bgp_monitors
def parse_meta(meta, hname):
syslog_servers = []
dhcp_servers = []
dhcpv6_servers = []
ntp_servers = []
tacacs_servers = []
mgmt_routes = []
erspan_dst = []
deployment_id = None
region = None
cloudtype = None
resource_type = None
downstream_subrole = None
switch_id = None
switch_type = None
max_cores = None
kube_data = {}
device_metas = meta.find(str(QName(ns, "Devices")))
for device in device_metas.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceMetadata"))):
if device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text.lower() == hname.lower():
properties = device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Properties")))
for device_property in properties.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceProperty"))):
name = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text
value = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Value"))).text
value_group = value.strip().split(';') if value and value != "" else []
if name == "DhcpResources":
dhcp_servers = value_group
elif name == "NtpResources":
ntp_servers = value_group
elif name == "SyslogResources":
syslog_servers = value_group
elif name == "TacacsServer":
tacacs_servers = value_group
elif name == "ForcedMgmtRoutes":
mgmt_routes = value_group
elif name == "ErspanDestinationIpv4":
erspan_dst = value_group
elif name == "DeploymentId":
deployment_id = value
elif name == "Region":
region = value
elif name == "CloudType":
cloudtype = value
elif name == "ResourceType":
resource_type = value
elif name == "DownStreamSubRole":
downstream_subrole = value
elif name == "SwitchId":
switch_id = value
elif name == "SwitchType":
switch_type = value
elif name == "MaxCores":
max_cores = value
elif name == "KubernetesEnabled":
kube_data["enable"] = value
elif name == "KubernetesServerIp":
kube_data["ip"] = value
return syslog_servers, dhcp_servers, dhcpv6_servers, ntp_servers, tacacs_servers, mgmt_routes, erspan_dst, deployment_id, region, cloudtype, resource_type, downstream_subrole, switch_id, switch_type, max_cores, kube_data
def parse_linkmeta(meta, hname):
link = meta.find(str(QName(ns, "Link")))
linkmetas = {}
for linkmeta in link.findall(str(QName(ns1, "LinkMetadata"))):
port = None
fec_disabled = None
# Sample: ARISTA05T1:Ethernet1/33;switch-t0:fortyGigE0/4
key = linkmeta.find(str(QName(ns1, "Key"))).text
endpoints = key.split(';')
for endpoint in endpoints:
t = endpoint.split(':')
if len(t) == 2 and t[0].lower() == hname.lower():
port = t[1]
# Cannot find a matching hname, something went wrong
has_peer_switch = False
upper_tor_hostname = ''
lower_tor_hostname = ''
auto_negotiation = None
properties = linkmeta.find(str(QName(ns1, "Properties")))
for device_property in properties.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceProperty"))):
name = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text
value = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Value"))).text
if name == "FECDisabled":
fec_disabled = value
elif name == "GeminiPeeringLink":
has_peer_switch = True
elif name == "UpperTOR":
upper_tor_hostname = value
elif name == "LowerTOR":
lower_tor_hostname = value
elif name == "AutoNegotiation":
auto_negotiation = value
linkmetas[port] = {}
if fec_disabled:
linkmetas[port]["FECDisabled"] = fec_disabled
if has_peer_switch:
if upper_tor_hostname == hname:
linkmetas[port]["PeerSwitch"] = lower_tor_hostname
linkmetas[port]["PeerSwitch"] = upper_tor_hostname
if auto_negotiation:
linkmetas[port]["AutoNegotiation"] = auto_negotiation
return linkmetas
def parse_asic_meta(meta, hname):
sub_role = None
switch_id = None
switch_type = None
max_cores = None
device_metas = meta.find(str(QName(ns, "Devices")))
for device in device_metas.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceMetadata"))):
if device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text.lower() == hname.lower():
properties = device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Properties")))
for device_property in properties.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceProperty"))):
name = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text
value = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Value"))).text
if name == "SubRole":
sub_role = value
elif name == "SwitchId":
switch_id = value
elif name == "SwitchType":
switch_type = value
elif name == "MaxCores":
max_cores = value
return sub_role, switch_id, switch_type, max_cores
def parse_deviceinfo(meta, hwsku):
port_speeds = {}
port_descriptions = {}
for device_info in meta.findall(str(QName(ns, "DeviceInfo"))):
dev_sku = device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "HwSku"))).text
if dev_sku == hwsku:
interfaces = device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "EthernetInterfaces"))).findall(str(QName(ns1, "EthernetInterface")))
interfaces = interfaces + device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "ManagementInterfaces"))).findall(str(QName(ns1, "ManagementInterface")))
for interface in interfaces:
alias = interface.find(str(QName(ns, "InterfaceName"))).text
speed = interface.find(str(QName(ns, "Speed"))).text
desc = interface.find(str(QName(ns, "Description")))
if desc != None:
port_descriptions[port_alias_map.get(alias, alias)] = desc.text
port_speeds[port_alias_map.get(alias, alias)] = speed
sysports = device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "SystemPorts")))
sys_ports = {}
if sysports is not None:
for sysport in sysports.findall(str(QName(ns, "SystemPort"))):
portname = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text
hostname = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "Hostname")))
asic_name = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "AsicName")))
system_port_id = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "SystemPortId"))).text
switch_id = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "SwitchId"))).text
core_id = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "CoreId"))).text
core_port_id = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "CorePortId"))).text
speed = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "Speed"))).text
num_voq = sysport.find(str(QName(ns, "NumVoq"))).text
key = portname
if asic_name is not None:
key = "%s|%s" % (asic_name.text, key)
if hostname is not None:
key = "%s|%s" % (hostname.text, key)
sys_ports[key] = {"system_port_id": system_port_id, "switch_id": switch_id, "core_index": core_id, "core_port_index": core_port_id, "speed": speed, "num_voq": num_voq}
return port_speeds, port_descriptions, sys_ports
# Function to check if IP address is present in the key.
# If it is present, then the key would be a tuple.
def is_ip_prefix_in_key(key):
return (isinstance(key, tuple))
# Special parsing for spine chassis frontend
def parse_spine_chassis_fe(results, vni, lo_intfs, phyport_intfs, pc_intfs, pc_members, devices):
chassis_vnet ='VnetFE'
chassis_vxlan_tunnel = 'TunnelInt'
chassis_vni = vni
# Vxlan tunnel information
lo_addr = ''
for lo in lo_intfs:
lo_network = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(lo[1]), False)
if lo_network.version == 4:
lo_addr = str(lo_network.network_address)
results['VXLAN_TUNNEL'] = {chassis_vxlan_tunnel: {
'src_ip': lo_addr
# Vnet information
results['VNET'] = {chassis_vnet: {
'vxlan_tunnel': chassis_vxlan_tunnel,
'vni': chassis_vni
# For each IP interface
for intf in phyport_intfs:
# A IP interface may have multiple entries.
# For example, "Ethernet0": {}", "Ethernet0|": {}"
# We only care about the one without IP information
if is_ip_prefix_in_key(intf) == True:
neighbor_router = results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'][intf]['name']
# If the neighbor router is an external router
if devices[neighbor_router]['type'] != chassis_backend_role:
# Enslave the interface to a Vnet
phyport_intfs[intf] = {'vnet_name': chassis_vnet}
# For each port channel IP interface
for pc_intf in pc_intfs:
# A port channel IP interface may have multiple entries.
# For example, "Portchannel0": {}", "Portchannel0|": {}"
# We only care about the one without IP information
if is_ip_prefix_in_key(pc_intf) == True:
intf_name = None
# Get a physical interface that belongs to this port channel
for pc_member in pc_members:
if pc_member[0] == pc_intf:
intf_name = pc_member[1]
if intf_name is None:
print('Warning: cannot find any interfaces that belong to %s' % (pc_intf), file=sys.stderr)
# Get the neighbor router of this port channel interface
neighbor_router = results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'][intf_name]['name']
# If the neighbor router is an external router
if devices[neighbor_router]['type'] != chassis_backend_role:
# Enslave the port channel interface to a Vnet
pc_intfs[pc_intf] = {'vnet_name': chassis_vnet}
# Post-processing functions
def filter_acl_table_bindings(acls, neighbors, port_channels, sub_role):
filter_acls = {}
# If the asic role is BackEnd no ACL Table (Ctrl/Data/Everflow) is binded.
# This will be applicable in Multi-NPU Platforms.
if sub_role == BACKEND_ASIC_SUB_ROLE:
return filter_acls
front_port_channel_intf = []
# List of Backplane ports
backplane_port_list = [v for k,v in port_alias_map.items() if v.startswith(backplane_prefix())]
# Get the front panel port channel.
for port_channel_intf in port_channels:
backend_port_channel = any(lag_member in backplane_port_list \
for lag_member in port_channels[port_channel_intf]['members'])
if not backend_port_channel:
for acl_table, group_params in acls.items():
group_type = group_params.get('type', None)
filter_acls[acl_table] = acls[acl_table]
# For Control Plane and Data ACL no filtering is needed
# Control Plane ACL has no Interface associated and
# Data Plane ACL Interface are attached via minigraph
# AclInterface.
if group_type != 'MIRROR' and group_type != 'MIRRORV6':
# Filters out back-panel ports from the binding list for Everflow (Mirror)
# ACL tables. We define an "back-panel" port as one that is a member of a
# port channel connected to back asic or directly connected to back asic.
# This will be applicable in Multi-NPU Platforms.
front_panel_ports = []
for port in group_params.get('ports', []):
# Filter out backplane ports
if port in backplane_port_list:
# Filter out backplane port channels
if port in port_channels and port not in front_port_channel_intf:
# Filters out inactive front-panel ports from the binding list for mirror
# ACL tables. We define an "active" port as one that is a member of a
# front pannel port channel or one that is connected to a neighboring device via front panel port.
active_ports = [port for port in front_panel_ports if port in neighbors.keys() or port in front_port_channel_intf]
if not active_ports:
print('Warning: mirror table {} in ACL_TABLE does not have any ports bound to it'.format(acl_table), file=sys.stderr)
filter_acls[acl_table]['ports'] = active_ports
return filter_acls
def enable_internal_bgp_session(bgp_sessions, filename, asic_name):
In Multi-NPU session the internal sessions will always be up.
So adding the admin-status 'up' configuration to bgp sessions
BGP session between FrontEnd and BackEnd Asics are internal bgp sessions
local_sub_role = parse_asic_sub_role(filename, asic_name)
for peer_ip in bgp_sessions.keys():
peer_name = bgp_sessions[peer_ip]['name']
peer_sub_role = parse_asic_sub_role(filename, peer_name)
if ((local_sub_role == FRONTEND_ASIC_SUB_ROLE and peer_sub_role == BACKEND_ASIC_SUB_ROLE) or
(local_sub_role == BACKEND_ASIC_SUB_ROLE and peer_sub_role == FRONTEND_ASIC_SUB_ROLE)):
bgp_sessions[peer_ip].update({'admin_status': 'up'})
# Main functions
def parse_xml(filename, platform=None, port_config_file=None, asic_name=None, hwsku_config_file=None):
""" Parse minigraph xml file.
Keyword arguments:
filename -- minigraph file name
platform -- device platform
port_config_file -- port config file name
asic_name -- asic name; to parse multi-asic device minigraph to
generate asic specific configuration.
root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
u_neighbors = None
u_devices = None
hwsku = None
bgp_sessions = None
bgp_monitors = []
bgp_asn = None
intfs = None
dpg_ecmp_content = {}
png_ecmp_content = {}
vlan_intfs = None
pc_intfs = None
tunnel_intfs = None
vlans = None
vlan_members = None
dhcp_relay_table = None
pcs = None
mgmt_intf = None
voq_inband_intfs = None
lo_intfs = None
neighbors = None
devices = None
sub_role = None
resource_type = None
downstream_subrole = None
docker_routing_config_mode = "separated"
port_speeds_default = {}
port_speed_png = {}
port_descriptions = {}
sys_ports = {}
console_ports = {}
mux_cable_ports = {}
syslog_servers = []
dhcp_servers = []
dhcpv6_servers = []
ntp_servers = []
tacacs_servers = []
mgmt_routes = []
erspan_dst = []
bgp_peers_with_range = None
deployment_id = None
region = None
cloudtype = None
switch_id = None
switch_type = None
max_cores = None
hostname = None
linkmetas = {}
host_lo_intfs = None
is_storage_device = False
local_devices = []
kube_data = {}
hwsku_qn = QName(ns, "HwSku")
hostname_qn = QName(ns, "Hostname")
docker_routing_config_mode_qn = QName(ns, "DockerRoutingConfigMode")
for child in root:
if child.tag == str(hwsku_qn):
hwsku = child.text
if child.tag == str(hostname_qn):
hostname = child.text
if child.tag == str(docker_routing_config_mode_qn):
docker_routing_config_mode = child.text
(ports, alias_map, alias_asic_map) = get_port_config(hwsku=hwsku, platform=platform, port_config_file=port_config_file, asic_name=asic_name, hwsku_config_file=hwsku_config_file)
# Get the local device node from DeviceMetadata
local_devices = parse_asic_meta_get_devices(root)
for child in root:
if asic_name is None:
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DpgDec")):
(intfs, lo_intfs, mvrf, mgmt_intf, voq_inband_intfs, vlans, vlan_members, dhcp_relay_table, pcs, pc_members, acls, vni, tunnel_intfs, dpg_ecmp_content) = parse_dpg(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "CpgDec")):
(bgp_sessions, bgp_internal_sessions, bgp_voq_chassis_sessions, bgp_asn, bgp_peers_with_range, bgp_monitors) = parse_cpg(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "PngDec")):
(neighbors, devices, console_dev, console_port, mgmt_dev, mgmt_port, port_speed_png, console_ports, mux_cable_ports, png_ecmp_content) = parse_png(child, hostname, dpg_ecmp_content)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "UngDec")):
(u_neighbors, u_devices, _, _, _, _, _, _) = parse_png(child, hostname, None)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "MetadataDeclaration")):
(syslog_servers, dhcp_servers, dhcpv6_servers, ntp_servers, tacacs_servers, mgmt_routes, erspan_dst, deployment_id, region, cloudtype, resource_type, downstream_subrole, switch_id, switch_type, max_cores, kube_data) = parse_meta(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "LinkMetadataDeclaration")):
linkmetas = parse_linkmeta(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInfos")):
(port_speeds_default, port_descriptions, sys_ports) = parse_deviceinfo(child, hwsku)
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DpgDec")):
(intfs, lo_intfs, mvrf, mgmt_intf, voq_inband_intfs, vlans, vlan_members, dhcp_relay_table, pcs, pc_members, acls, vni, tunnel_intfs, dpg_ecmp_content) = parse_dpg(child, asic_name)
host_lo_intfs = parse_host_loopback(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "CpgDec")):
(bgp_sessions, bgp_internal_sessions, bgp_voq_chassis_sessions, bgp_asn, bgp_peers_with_range, bgp_monitors) = parse_cpg(child, asic_name, local_devices)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "PngDec")):
(neighbors, devices, port_speed_png) = parse_asic_png(child, asic_name, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "MetadataDeclaration")):
(sub_role, switch_id, switch_type, max_cores ) = parse_asic_meta(child, asic_name)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "LinkMetadataDeclaration")):
linkmetas = parse_linkmeta(child, hostname)
elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInfos")):
(port_speeds_default, port_descriptions, sys_ports) = parse_deviceinfo(child, hwsku)
# set the host device type in asic metadata also
device_type = [devices[key]['type'] for key in devices if key.lower() == hostname.lower()][0]
if asic_name is None:
current_device = [devices[key] for key in devices if key.lower() == hostname.lower()][0]
current_device = [devices[key] for key in devices if key.lower() == asic_name.lower()][0]
results = {}
results['DEVICE_METADATA'] = {'localhost': {
'bgp_asn': bgp_asn,
'deployment_id': deployment_id,
'region': region,
'cloudtype': cloudtype,
'docker_routing_config_mode': docker_routing_config_mode,
'hostname': hostname,
'hwsku': hwsku,
'type': device_type,
'synchronous_mode': 'enable'
cluster = [devices[key] for key in devices if key.lower() == hostname.lower()][0].get('cluster', "")
if cluster:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['cluster'] = cluster
if kube_data:
results['KUBERNETES_MASTER'] = {
'disable': str(kube_data.get('enable', '0') == '0'),
'ip': kube_data.get('ip', '')
results['PEER_SWITCH'] = get_peer_switch_info(linkmetas, devices)
if bool(results['PEER_SWITCH']):
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['subtype'] = 'DualToR'
if len(results['PEER_SWITCH'].keys()) > 1:
print("Warning: more than one peer switch was found. Only the first will be parsed: {}".format(results['PEER_SWITCH'].keys()[0]))
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['peer_switch'] = list(results['PEER_SWITCH'].keys())[0]
# for this hostname, if sub_role is defined, add sub_role in
# device_metadata
if sub_role is not None:
current_device['sub_role'] = sub_role
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['sub_role'] = sub_role
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['asic_name'] = asic_name
elif switch_type == "voq":
# On Voq switches asic_name is mandatory even on single-asic devices
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['asic_name'] = 'Asic0'
# on Voq system each asic has a switch_id
if switch_id is not None:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['switch_id'] = switch_id
# on Voq system each asic has a switch_type
if switch_type is not None:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['switch_type'] = switch_type
# on Voq system each asic has a max_cores
if max_cores is not None:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['max_cores'] = max_cores
# Voq systems have an inband interface
if voq_inband_intfs is not None:
results['VOQ_INBAND_INTERFACE'] = {}
for key in voq_inband_intfs:
results['VOQ_INBAND_INTERFACE'][key] = voq_inband_intfs[key]
if resource_type is not None:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['resource_type'] = resource_type
if downstream_subrole is not None:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['downstream_subrole'] = downstream_subrole
results['BGP_NEIGHBOR'] = bgp_sessions
results['BGP_MONITORS'] = bgp_monitors
results['BGP_PEER_RANGE'] = bgp_peers_with_range
results['BGP_INTERNAL_NEIGHBOR'] = bgp_internal_sessions
results['BGP_VOQ_CHASSIS_NEIGHBOR'] = bgp_voq_chassis_sessions
if mgmt_routes:
# TODO: differentiate v4 and v6
next(iter(mgmt_intf.values()))['forced_mgmt_routes'] = mgmt_routes
results['MGMT_PORT'] = {}
results['MGMT_INTERFACE'] = {}
mgmt_intf_count = 0
mgmt_alias_reverse_mapping = {}
for key in mgmt_intf:
alias = key[0]
if alias in mgmt_alias_reverse_mapping:
name = mgmt_alias_reverse_mapping[alias]
name = 'eth' + str(mgmt_intf_count)
mgmt_intf_count += 1
mgmt_alias_reverse_mapping[alias] = name
results['MGMT_PORT'][name] = {'alias': alias, 'admin_status': 'up'}
if alias in port_speeds_default:
results['MGMT_PORT'][name]['speed'] = port_speeds_default[alias]
results['MGMT_INTERFACE'][(name, key[1])] = mgmt_intf[key]
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {}
for lo_intf in lo_intfs:
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'][lo_intf] = lo_intfs[lo_intf]
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'][lo_intf[0]] = {}
if host_lo_intfs is not None:
for host_lo_intf in host_lo_intfs:
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'][host_lo_intf] = host_lo_intfs[host_lo_intf]
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'][host_lo_intf[0]] = {}
results['MGMT_VRF_CONFIG'] = mvrf
phyport_intfs = {}
vlan_intfs = {}
pc_intfs = {}
vlan_invert_mapping = { v['alias']:k for k,v in vlans.items() if 'alias' in v }
vlan_sub_intfs = {}
for intf in intfs:
if intf[0][0:4] == 'Vlan':
vlan_intfs[intf] = {}
if bool(results['PEER_SWITCH']):
vlan_intfs[intf[0]] = {
'proxy_arp': 'enabled',
'grat_arp': 'enabled'
vlan_intfs[intf[0]] = {}
elif intf[0] in vlan_invert_mapping:
vlan_intfs[(vlan_invert_mapping[intf[0]], intf[1])] = {}
if bool(results['PEER_SWITCH']):
vlan_intfs[vlan_invert_mapping[intf[0]]] = {
'proxy_arp': 'enabled',
'grat_arp': 'enabled'
vlan_intfs[vlan_invert_mapping[intf[0]]] = {}
elif intf[0][0:11] == 'PortChannel':
pc_intfs[intf] = {}
pc_intfs[intf[0]] = {}
vlan_sub_intfs[intf] = {}
vlan_sub_intfs[intf[0]] = {'admin_status': 'up'}
phyport_intfs[intf] = {}
phyport_intfs[intf[0]] = {}
results['INTERFACE'] = phyport_intfs
results['VLAN_INTERFACE'] = vlan_intfs
if sys_ports:
results['SYSTEM_PORT'] = sys_ports
for port_name in port_speeds_default:
# ignore port not in port_config.ini
if port_name not in ports:
ports.setdefault(port_name, {})['speed'] = port_speeds_default[port_name]
for port_name in port_speed_png:
# not consider port not in port_config.ini
# If no port_config_file is found ports is empty so ignore this error
if port_config_file is not None:
if port_name not in ports:
print("Warning: ignore interface '%s' as it is not in the port_config.ini" % port_name, file=sys.stderr)
# skip management ports
if port_name in mgmt_alias_reverse_mapping.keys():
ports.setdefault(port_name, {})['speed'] = port_speed_png[port_name]
for port_name, port in list(ports.items()):
# get port alias from port_config.ini
alias = port.get('alias', port_name)
# generate default 100G FEC only if FECDisabled is not true and 'fec' is not defined in port_config.ini
# Note: FECDisabled only be effective on 100G port right now
if linkmetas.get(alias, {}).get('FECDisabled', '').lower() == 'true':
port['fec'] = 'none'
elif not port.get('fec') and port.get('speed') == '100000':
port['fec'] = 'rs'
# If AutoNegotiation is available in the minigraph, we override any value we may have received from port_config.ini
autoneg = linkmetas.get(alias, {}).get('AutoNegotiation')
if autoneg:
port['autoneg'] = 'on' if autoneg.lower() == 'true' else 'off'
# If connected to a smart cable, get the connection position
for port_name, port in ports.items():
if port_name in mux_cable_ports:
port['mux_cable'] = mux_cable_ports[port_name]
# set port description if parsed from deviceinfo
for port_name in port_descriptions:
# ignore port not in port_config.ini
if port_name not in ports:
ports.setdefault(port_name, {})['description'] = port_descriptions[port_name]
for port_name, port in ports.items():
if not port.get('description'):
if port_name in neighbors:
# for the ports w/o description set it to neighbor name:port
port['description'] = "%s:%s" % (neighbors[port_name]['name'], neighbors[port_name]['port'])
# for the ports w/o neighbor info, set it to port alias
port['description'] = port.get('alias', port_name)
# set default port MTU as 9100 and default TPID 0x8100
for port in ports.values():
port['mtu'] = '9100'
port['tpid'] = '0x8100'
# asymmetric PFC is disabled by default
for port in ports.values():
port['pfc_asym'] = 'off'
# set physical port default admin status up
for port in phyport_intfs:
if port[0] in ports:
ports.get(port[0])['admin_status'] = 'up'
if len(vlan_sub_intfs):
for subintf in vlan_sub_intfs:
if not isinstance(subintf, tuple):
parent_port = subintf.split(".")[0]
if parent_port in ports:
ports.get(parent_port)['admin_status'] = 'up'
for member in list(pc_members.keys()) + list(vlan_members.keys()):
port = ports.get(member[1])
if port:
port['admin_status'] = 'up'
for port in neighbors.keys():
if port in ports.keys():
# make all neighbors connected ports to 'admin_up'
ports[port]['admin_status'] = 'up'
# bring up the inband voq interfaces
for inband_port in voq_inband_intfs:
if inband_port in ports.keys():
ports[inband_port]['admin_status'] = 'up'
results['PORT'] = ports
results['CONSOLE_PORT'] = console_ports
if port_config_file:
port_set = set(ports.keys())
for (pc_name, mbr_map) in list(pcs.items()):
# remove portchannels that contain ports not existing in port_config.ini
# when port_config.ini exists
if not set(mbr_map['members']).issubset(port_set):
print("Warning: ignore '%s' as part of its member interfaces is not in the port_config.ini" % pc_name, file=sys.stderr)
del pcs[pc_name]
# set default port channel MTU as 9100 and admin status up and default TPID 0x8100
for pc in pcs.values():
pc['mtu'] = '9100'
pc['tpid'] = '0x8100'
pc['admin_status'] = 'up'
results['PORTCHANNEL'] = pcs
results['PORTCHANNEL_MEMBER'] = pc_members
for pc_intf in list(pc_intfs.keys()):
# remove portchannels not in PORTCHANNEL dictionary
if isinstance(pc_intf, tuple) and pc_intf[0] not in pcs:
print("Warning: ignore '%s' interface '%s' as '%s' is not in the valid PortChannel list" % (pc_intf[0], pc_intf[1], pc_intf[0]), file=sys.stderr)
del pc_intfs[pc_intf]
pc_intfs.pop(pc_intf[0], None)
results['PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE'] = pc_intfs
# for storage backend subinterface info present in minigraph takes precedence over ResourceType
if current_device['type'] in backend_device_types and bool(vlan_sub_intfs):
del results['INTERFACE']
is_storage_device = True
results['VLAN_SUB_INTERFACE'] = vlan_sub_intfs
elif current_device['type'] in backend_device_types and (resource_type is None or 'Storage' in resource_type):
del results['INTERFACE']
is_storage_device = True
for intf in phyport_intfs.keys():
if isinstance(intf, tuple):
intf_info = list(intf)
sub_intf = tuple(intf_info)
vlan_sub_intfs[sub_intf] = {}
vlan_sub_intfs[sub_intf] = {"admin_status" : "up"}
for pc_intf in pc_intfs.keys():
if isinstance(pc_intf, tuple):
pc_intf_info = list(pc_intf)
sub_intf = tuple(pc_intf_info)
vlan_sub_intfs[sub_intf] = {}
vlan_sub_intfs[sub_intf] = {"admin_status" : "up"}
results['VLAN_SUB_INTERFACE'] = vlan_sub_intfs
elif resource_type is not None and 'Storage' in resource_type:
is_storage_device = True
if is_storage_device:
results['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['storage_device'] = "true"
results['VLAN'] = vlans
results['VLAN_MEMBER'] = vlan_members
results['TUNNEL'] = get_tunnel_entries(tunnel_intfs, lo_intfs, hostname)
results['MUX_CABLE'] = get_mux_cable_entries(mux_cable_ports, neighbors, devices)
for nghbr in list(neighbors.keys()):
# remove port not in port_config.ini
if nghbr not in ports:
if port_config_file is not None:
print("Warning: ignore interface '%s' in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR as it is not in the port_config.ini" % nghbr, file=sys.stderr)
del neighbors[nghbr]
results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'] = neighbors
if asic_name is None:
results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA'] = { key:devices[key] for key in devices if key.lower() != hostname.lower() }
results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA'] = { key:devices[key] for key in devices if key in {device['name'] for device in neighbors.values()} }
results['SYSLOG_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in syslog_servers)
results['DHCP_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in dhcp_servers)
results['DHCP_RELAY'] = dhcp_relay_table
results['NTP_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in ntp_servers)
results['TACPLUS_SERVER'] = dict((item, {'priority': '1', 'tcp_port': '49'}) for item in tacacs_servers)
results['ACL_TABLE'] = filter_acl_table_bindings(acls, neighbors, pcs, sub_role)
results['FEATURE'] = {
'telemetry': {
'status': 'enabled'
results['TELEMETRY'] = {
'gnmi': {
'client_auth': 'true',
'port': '50051',
'log_level': '2'
'certs': {
'server_crt': '/etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.cer',
'server_key': '/etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.key',
'ca_crt': '/etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.cer'
results['RESTAPI'] = {
'config': {
'client_auth': 'true',
'allow_insecure': 'false',
'log_level': 'trace'
'certs': {
'server_crt': '/etc/sonic/credentials/restapiserver.crt',
'server_key': '/etc/sonic/credentials/restapiserver.key',
'ca_crt': '/etc/sonic/credentials/restapica.crt',
'client_crt_cname': 'client.restapi.sonic'
if len(png_ecmp_content):
results['FG_NHG_MEMBER'] = png_ecmp_content['FG_NHG_MEMBER']
results['FG_NHG'] = png_ecmp_content['FG_NHG']
results['NEIGH'] = png_ecmp_content['NEIGH']
# Do not configure the minigraph's mirror session, which is currently unused
# mirror_sessions = {}
# if erspan_dst:
# lo_addr = ''
# for lo in lo_intfs:
# lo_network = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(lo[1]), False)
# if lo_network.version == 4:
# lo_addr = str(lo_network.network_address)
# break
# count = 0
# for dst in erspan_dst:
# mirror_sessions['everflow{}'.format(count)] = {"dst_ip": dst, "src_ip": lo_addr}
# count += 1
# results['MIRROR_SESSION'] = mirror_sessions
# Special parsing for spine chassis frontend routers
if current_device['type'] == spine_chassis_frontend_role:
parse_spine_chassis_fe(results, vni, lo_intfs, phyport_intfs, pc_intfs, pc_members, devices)
# Enable console management feature for console swtich
results['CONSOLE_SWITCH'] = {
'console_mgmt' : {
'enabled' : 'yes' if current_device['type'] in console_device_types else 'no'
return results
def get_tunnel_entries(tunnel_intfs, lo_intfs, hostname):
lo_addr = ''
# Use the first IPv4 loopback as the tunnel destination IP
for addr in lo_intfs.keys():
ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(addr[1]))
if isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
lo_addr = str(ip_addr.network_address)
tunnels = {}
for type, tunnel_dict in tunnel_intfs.items():
for tunnel_key, tunnel_attr in tunnel_dict.items():
tunnel_attr['dst_ip'] = lo_addr
tunnels[tunnel_key] = tunnel_attr
return tunnels
def get_mux_cable_entries(mux_cable_ports, neighbors, devices):
mux_cable_table = {}
for intf in mux_cable_ports:
if intf in neighbors:
entry = {}
neighbor = neighbors[intf]['name']
entry['state'] = 'auto'
if devices[neighbor]['lo_addr'] is not None:
# Always force a /32 prefix for server IPv4 loopbacks
server_ipv4_lo_addr = devices[neighbor]['lo_addr'].split("/")[0]
server_ipv4_lo_prefix = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(server_ipv4_lo_addr))
entry['server_ipv4'] = str(server_ipv4_lo_prefix)
if 'lo_addr_v6' in devices[neighbor] and devices[neighbor]['lo_addr_v6'] is not None:
server_ipv6_lo_addr = devices[neighbor]['lo_addr_v6'].split('/')[0]
server_ipv6_lo_prefix = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(server_ipv6_lo_addr))
entry['server_ipv6'] = str(server_ipv6_lo_prefix)
mux_cable_table[intf] = entry
print("Warning: no server IPv4 loopback found for {}, skipping mux cable table entry".format(neighbor))
return mux_cable_table
def parse_device_desc_xml(filename):
root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
(lo_prefix, lo_prefix_v6, mgmt_prefix, hostname, hwsku, d_type, _, _) = parse_device(root)
results = {}
results['DEVICE_METADATA'] = {'localhost': {
'hostname': hostname,
'hwsku': hwsku,
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {('lo', lo_prefix): {}}
if lo_prefix_v6:
results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {('lo_v6', lo_prefix_v6): {}}
mgmt_intf = {}
mgmtipn = ipaddress.ip_network(UNICODE_TYPE(mgmt_prefix), False)
gwaddr = ipaddress.ip_address((next(mgmtipn.hosts())))
results['MGMT_INTERFACE'] = {('eth0', mgmt_prefix): {'gwaddr': gwaddr}}
return results
def parse_asic_sub_role(filename, asic_name):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return None
root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
for child in root:
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "MetadataDeclaration")):
sub_role, _, _, _ = parse_asic_meta(child, asic_name)
return sub_role
def parse_asic_meta_get_devices(root):
local_devices = []
for child in root:
if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "MetadataDeclaration")):
device_metas = child.find(str(QName(ns, "Devices")))
for device in device_metas.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceMetadata"))):
name = device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text.lower()
return local_devices
port_alias_map = {}
port_alias_asic_map = {}
def print_parse_xml(filename):
results = parse_xml(filename)
print((json.dumps(results, indent=3, cls=minigraph_encoder)))