anamehra 2b302e83c0 chassis-packet: Update arp_update script for FAILED and STALE check (#16311)
chassis-packet: Update arp_update script for FAILED and STALE check (#16311)

1. Fixing an issue with FAILED entry resolution retry.
Neighbor entries in arp table may sometimes enter a FAILED state when the far end is down and reports the state as follows:
2603:10e2:400:3::1 dev PortChannel19 router FAILED
While the arp_update script handles the entries for FAILED in the following format, the above was not handled due to the token location (extra router keyword at index 4):
2603:10e2:400:3::1 dev PortChannel19 FAILED

The former format may appear if an arp resolution is tried on a link that is known but the far end goes down, e.g., pinging a STALE entry while the far end is down.

2. Refreshing STALE entries to make sure the far end is reachable.
STALE entries for some backend ports may appear in chassis-packet when no traffic is received for a while on the port. When the far end goes down, it is expected for BFD to stop sending packets on the session for which the far end is not reachable. But as the entry is known as stale, on the Cisco chassis, BFD keeps sending packets. Refreshing the stale entry will keep active links as reachable in the neighbor table while the entries for the far end down will enter a failed state. FAILED state entries will be retired and entered reachable when far end comes back up.
2023-09-09 09:26:53 +08:00

171 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File

# usage:
# arp_update:
# Send ipv6 multicast pings to all "UP" L3 interfaces including vlan interfaces to
# refresh link-local addresses from neighbors.
# Send gratuitous ARP/NDP requests to VLAN member neighbors to refresh
# the ipv4/ipv6 neighbors state.
while /bin/true; do
# find L3 interfaces which are UP, send ipv6 multicast pings
ARP_UPDATE_VARS=$(sonic-cfggen -d -t ${ARP_UPDATE_VARS_FILE})
SWITCH_TYPE=$(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.switch_type')
if [[ "$SWITCH_TYPE" == "chassis-packet" ]]; then
# Get array of Nexthops and ifnames. Nexthops and ifnames are mapped one to one
STATIC_ROUTE_NEXTHOPS=($(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.static_route_nexthops'))
STATIC_ROUTE_IFNAMES=($(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.static_route_ifnames'))
# on supervisor/rp exit the script gracefully
if [[ -z "$STATIC_ROUTE_NEXTHOPS" ]] || [[ -z "$STATIC_ROUTE_IFNAMES" ]]; then
logger "arp_update: exiting as no static route in packet based chassis"
exit 0
for i in ${!STATIC_ROUTE_NEXTHOPS[@]}; do
if [[ $nexthop == *"."* ]]; then
neigh_state=$(ip -4 neigh show | grep -w $nexthop | tr -s ' ')
elif [[ $nexthop == *":"* ]] ; then
neigh_state=$(ip -6 neigh show | grep -w $nexthop | tr -s ' ')
# Check if there is an INCOMPLETE, FAILED, or STALE entry and try to resolve it again.
# STALE entries may be present if there is no traffic on a path. A far-end down event may not
# clear the STALE entry. Refresh the STALE entry to clear the table.
if [[ -z "${neigh_state}" ]] || [[ -n $(echo ${neigh_state} | grep 'INCOMPLETE\|FAILED\|STALE') ]]; then
if [[ -z "$interface" ]]; then
# should never be here, handling just in case
logger "ERR: arp_update: missing interface entry for static route $nexthop"
intf_up=$(ip link show $interface | grep "state UP")
if [[ -n "$intf_up" ]]; then
pingcmd="timeout 0.2 $ping_prefix -I ${interface} -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 1 $nexthop >/dev/null"
eval $pingcmd
# STALE entries may appear more often, not logging to prevent periodic syslogs
if [[ -z $(echo ${neigh_state} | grep 'STALE') ]]; then
logger "arp_update: static route nexthop not resolved ($neigh_state), pinging $nexthop on $interface"
sleep 150
# find L3 interfaces which are UP, send ipv6 multicast pings
INTERFACE=$(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.interface')
PC_INTERFACE=$(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.pc_interface')
VLAN_SUB_INTERFACE=$(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.vlan_sub_interface')
for intf in $ALL_INTERFACE; do
ping6cmd="ping6 -I $intf -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 0 ff02::1 >/dev/null"
intf_up=$(ip link show $intf | grep "state UP")
if [[ -n "$intf_up" ]]; then
eval $ping6cmd
VLAN=$(echo $ARP_UPDATE_VARS | jq -r '.vlan')
SUBTYPE=$(sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB hget 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost' 'subtype' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
for vlan in $VLAN; do
# generate a list of arping commands:
# arping -q -w 0 -c 1 -i <VLAN interface> <IP 1>;
# arping -q -w 0 -c 1 -i <VLAN interface> <IP 2>;
# ...
arpingcmd="sed -e 's/ / -i /' -e 's/^/arping -q -w 0 -c 1 /' -e 's/$/;/'"
ipcmd="ip -4 neigh show | grep $vlan | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 | $arpingcmd"
eval `eval $ipcmd`
# send ipv6 multicast pings to Vlan interfaces to get/refresh link-local addrs
ping6cmd="timeout 1 ping6 -I $vlan -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 0 ff02::1 >/dev/null"
eval $ping6cmd
# generate a list of ndisc6 commands (exclude link-local addrs since it is done above):
# ndisc6 -q -w 0 -1 <IP 1> <VLAN interface>;
# ndisc6 -q -w 0 -1 <IP 2> <VLAN interface>;
# ...
ndisc6cmd="sed -e 's/^/ndisc6 -q -w 0 -1 /' -e 's/$/;/'"
ip6cmd="ip -6 neigh show | grep -v fe80 | grep $vlan | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 | $ndisc6cmd"
eval `eval $ip6cmd`
if [[ $SUBTYPE == "dualtor" ]]; then
# capture all current failed/incomplete IPv6 neighbors in the kernel to avoid situations where new neighbors are learned
# in the middle of the below sequence of commands
unresolved_kernel_neighbors=$(ip -6 neigh show | grep -v fe80 | grep $vlan | grep -E 'FAILED|INCOMPLETE')
failed_kernel_neighbors=$(echo "$unresolved_kernel_neighbors" | grep FAILED | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
# it's possible for kernel neighbors to fall out of sync with the hardware
# this can result in failed neighbors entries that don't have corresponding zero MAC neighbor entries
# and therefore don't have tunnel routes installed in the hardware
# flush these neighbors from the kernel to force relearning and resync them to the hardware:
# 1. for every FAILED or INCOMPLETE neighbor in the kernel, check if there is a corresponding zero MAC neighbor in APPL_DB
# 2. if no zero MAC neighbor entry exists, flush the kernel neighbor entry
# - generates the command 'ip neigh flush <neighbor IPv6>' for all such neighbors
unsync_neighbors=$(echo "$unresolved_kernel_neighbors" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -I{} bash -c "if [[ -z \"\$(sonic-db-cli APPL_DB hget NEIGH_TABLE:$vlan:{} neigh)\" ]]; then echo '{}'; fi")
if [[ ! -z "$unsync_neighbors" ]]; then
ip_neigh_flush_cmd="echo \"$unsync_neighbors\" | sed -e 's/^/ip neigh flush /' -e 's/$/;/'"
eval `eval "$ip_neigh_flush_cmd"`
sleep 2
# generates the following command for each FAILED or INCOMPLETE IPv6 neighbor
# timeout 0.2 ping <neighbor IPv6> -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 1 -I <VLAN name> >/dev/null
if [[ ! -z "$unresolved_kernel_neighbors" ]]; then
ping6_template="sed -e 's/^/timeout 0.2 ping /' -e 's/,/ -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 1 -I /' -e 's/$/ >\/dev\/null;/'"
failed_ip6_neigh_cmd="echo \"$unresolved_kernel_neighbors\" | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 --output-delimiter=',' | $ping6_template"
eval `eval "$failed_ip6_neigh_cmd"`
# allow some time for any transient INCOMPLETE neighbors to transition to FAILED
sleep 5
# manually set any remaining FAILED entries to permanently INCOMPLETE
# once these entries are INCOMPLETE, any subsequent neighbor advertisement messages are able to resolve the entry
# ignore INCOMPLETE neighbors since if they are transiently incomplete (i.e. new kernel neighbors that we are attempting to resolve for the first time),
# setting them to permanently incomplete here means the kernel will never generate a netlink message for that neighbor
# generates the following command for each FAILED IPv6 neighbor
# ip neigh replace <neighbor IPv6> dev <VLAN name> nud incomplete
failed_kernel_neighbors=$(ip -6 neigh show | grep -v fe80 | grep $vlan | grep -E 'FAILED')
if [[ ! -z "$failed_kernel_neighbors" ]]; then
neigh_replace_template="sed -e 's/^/ip neigh replace /' -e 's/,/ dev /' -e 's/$/ nud incomplete;/'"
ip_neigh_replace_cmd="echo \"$failed_kernel_neighbors\" | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 --output-delimiter=',' | $neigh_replace_template"
eval `eval "$ip_neigh_replace_cmd"`
# sleep here before handling the mismatch as it is not required during startup
sleep 300
# refresh neighbor entries from APP_DB in case of mismatch with kernel
DBNEIGH=$(sonic-db-cli APPL_DB keys NEIGH_TABLE*)
# resolve neighbor entries from CONFIG_DB in case of mismatch with kernel
DBNEIGH="$DBNEIGH $(sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB keys NEIGH* | sed -e 's/|/:/g')"
KERNEIGH4=$(ip -4 neigh show | grep Vlan | grep -v 'FAILED\|INCOMPLETE' | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 --output-delimiter=',')
KERNEIGH6=$(ip -6 neigh show | grep -v fe80 | grep Vlan | grep -v 'FAILED\|INCOMPLETE' | cut -d ' ' -f 1,3 --output-delimiter=',')
for neigh in $DBNEIGH; do
intf="$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< "$neigh" )"
ip="$( cut -d ':' -f 3- <<< "$neigh" )"
if [[ $intf == *"Vlan"* ]]; then
if [[ $ip == *"."* ]] && [[ ! $KERNEIGH4 =~ "${ip},${intf}" ]]; then
pingcmd="timeout 0.2 ping -I $intf -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 1 $ip >/dev/null"
eval $pingcmd
logger "arp_update: mismatch arp entry, pinging ${ip} on ${intf}"
elif [[ $ip == *":"* ]] && [[ ! $KERNEIGH6 =~ "${ip},${intf}" ]]; then
ping6cmd="timeout 0.2 ping6 -I $intf -n -q -i 0 -c 1 -W 1 $ip >/dev/null"
eval $ping6cmd
logger "arp_update: mismatch v6 nbr entry, pinging ${ip} on ${intf}"