288 lines
10 KiB
288 lines
10 KiB
{% set port_names_list = [] %}
{% for port in PORT %}
{%- if port_names_list.append(port) %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set port_names = port_names_list | join(',') %}
"BUFFER_POOL_TABLE:ingress_lossy_pool": {
"size": "6422528",
"type": "ingress",
"mode": "dynamic"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_POOL_TABLE:egress_lossless_pool": {
"size": "7291456",
"type": "egress",
"mode": "dynamic"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_POOL_TABLE:egress_lossy_pool": {
"size": "8254464",
"type": "egress",
"mode": "dynamic"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:ingress_lossless_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:ingress_lossy_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:egress_lossless_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:egress_lossy_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:pg_lossy_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:q_lossless_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:q_lossy_profile": {
"OP": "SET"
"profile_list" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:ingress_lossless_profile],[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:ingress_lossy_profile]"
"OP": "SET"
"profile_list" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:egress_lossless_profile],[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:egress_lossy_profile]"
"OP": "SET"
{# The following template part is for variable PG profile configuration #}
{% set non_pg_lossless_pool_size = 866726 %}
{% set pg_range = '3-4' %}
{# Lists of supported speed and cable length #}
{% set supported_speed = [10000, 25000, 40000, 50000, 100000] %}
{% set supported_cable = [5, 40, 300] %}
{# The key in this lictionary consist of two parts: (port speed)_(cable length) #}
{%- set portconfig2profile = {
'10000_5' : 'pg_lossless_10G_5m_profile',
'25000_5' : 'pg_lossless_25G_5m_profile',
'40000_5' : 'pg_lossless_40G_5m_profile',
'50000_5' : 'pg_lossless_50G_5m_profile',
'100000_5' : 'pg_lossless_100G_5m_profile',
'10000_40' : 'pg_lossless_10G_40m_profile',
'25000_40' : 'pg_lossless_25G_40m_profile',
'40000_40' : 'pg_lossless_40G_40m_profile',
'50000_40' : 'pg_lossless_50G_40m_profile',
'100000_40' : 'pg_lossless_100G_40m_profile',
'10000_300' : 'pg_lossless_10G_300m_profile',
'25000_300' : 'pg_lossless_25G_300m_profile',
'40000_300' : 'pg_lossless_40G_300m_profile',
'50000_300' : 'pg_lossless_50G_300m_profile',
'100000_300': 'pg_lossless_100G_300m_profile'
{# PG profiles. All profiles reffered in portconfig2profile dictionary should be declared here #}
{# Only those which were actually used will be created in SAI #}
{%- set pg_profiles = {
'pg_lossless_10G_5m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 16384, 'size': 34816, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_25G_5m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 16384, 'size': 34816, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_40G_5m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 16384, 'size': 34816, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_50G_5m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 16384, 'size': 34816, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_100G_5m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 18432, 'size': 36864, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_10G_40m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 18432, 'size': 36864, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_25G_40m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 21504, 'size': 39936, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_40G_40m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 23552, 'size': 41984, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_50G_40m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 23552, 'size': 41984, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_100G_40m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 35840, 'size': 54272, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_10G_300m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 30720, 'size': 49152, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_25G_300m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 53248, 'size': 71680, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_40G_300m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 75776, 'size': 94208, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_50G_300m_profile': { 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 75776, 'size': 94208, 'dynamic_th': 1 },
'pg_lossless_100G_300m_profile':{ 'xon': 18432, 'xoff': 165888,'size': 184320,'dynamic_th': 1 },
{# Port configuration to cable length look-up table #}
{# Each record describes mapping of DUT (DUT port) role and neighbor role to cable length #}
{# Roles described in the minigraph #}
{% set ports2cable = {
'ToRRouter_Server' : '5',
'LeafRouter_ToRRouter' : '40',
'SpineRouter_LeafRouter' : '300'
{% set switch_role = DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] %}
{%- macro cable_length(port_name) -%}
{%- set cable_len = [] -%}
{%- for local_port in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR -%}
{%- if local_port == port_name -%}
{%- set neighbor = DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[local_port].name] -%}
{%- set neighbor_role = neighbor.type -%}
{%- set roles1 = switch_role + '_' + neighbor_role %}
{%- set roles2 = neighbor_role + '_' + switch_role -%}
{%- if roles1 in ports2cable -%}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles1]) -%}{%- endif -%}
{%- elif roles2 in ports2cable -%}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles2]) -%}{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if cable_len -%}
{{ cable_len.0 }}
{%- else -%}
{{ supported_cable | last }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro find_closest_greater_config(speed, cable) -%}
{%- set new_speed = [] -%}
{%- for std_speed in supported_speed -%}
{%- if std_speed | int >= speed | int -%}
{%- if new_speed.append(std_speed) -%}{%- endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set new_cable = [] -%}
{%- for std_cable in supported_cable -%}
{% if std_cable | int >= cable | int -%}
{%- if new_cable.append(std_cable) -%}{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ new_speed.0 }}_{{ new_cable.0 }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% set ingress_lossless_pg_pool_size = [] %}
{% set used_pg_profiles = [] %}
{% for port in PORT %}
{%- if PORT[port].speed -%}
{%- set speed = PORT[port]['speed'] -%}
{% else %}
{%- set speed = supported_speed|last -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set cable = cable_length(port) -%}
{%- set port_config = speed|string + '_' + cable -%}
{%- if not port_config in portconfig2profile -%}
{% set port_config = find_closest_greater_config(speed, cable) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% set profile = portconfig2profile[port_config] -%}
{% if ingress_lossless_pg_pool_size.append(pg_profiles[profile]['size']) %}{% endif %}
{# add to list profiles which were actually used #}
{%- if profile not in used_pg_profiles and used_pg_profiles.append(profile) %}{% endif -%}
"BUFFER_PG_TABLE:{{ port }}:{{ pg_range }}": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:{{ profile }}]"
"OP": "SET"
{% endfor -%}
{# PG profiles declaration #}
{% for profile_name in used_pg_profiles %}
{%- set profile_config = pg_profiles[profile_name] %}
"BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:{{ profile_name }}": {
"xon":"{{ profile_config['xon'] }}",
"xoff":"{{ profile_config['xoff'] }}",
"size":"{{ profile_config['size'] }}",
"dynamic_th":"{{ profile_config['dynamic_th'] }}"
"OP": "SET"
{% endfor -%}
{# Lossless pool declaration #}
"BUFFER_POOL_TABLE:ingress_lossless_pool": {
"size": "{{ ingress_lossless_pg_pool_size | sum + non_pg_lossless_pool_size }}",
"type": "ingress",
"mode": "dynamic"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_PG_TABLE:{{ port_names }}:0-1": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:pg_lossy_profile]"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_QUEUE_TABLE:{{ port_names }}:3-4": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:q_lossless_profile]"
"OP": "SET"
"BUFFER_QUEUE_TABLE:{{ port_names }}:0-1": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:q_lossy_profile]"
"OP": "SET"
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"3": "3",
"4": "4"
"OP": "SET"
"PORT_QOS_MAP_TABLE:{{ port_names }}": {
"OP": "SET"