Wirut Getbamrung cfda77b3de
[device/celestica]: Add thermalctld support on Haliburton platform APIs (#6493)
- Removed the old function for detecting a faulty fan.
- Removed the old function for detecting excess temperature.
- Implement thermal_manager APIs based on ThermalManagerBase
- Implement thermal_conditions APIs based on ThermalPolicyConditionBase
- Implement thermal_actions APIs based on ThermalPolicyActionBase
- Implement thermal_info APIs based on ThermalPolicyInfoBase
- Add thermal_policy.json
2021-05-03 09:14:35 -07:00

284 lines
9.6 KiB

import os
import imp
import yaml
import subprocess
from sonic_py_common import device_info
class Common:
DEVICE_PATH = '/usr/share/sonic/device/'
PMON_PLATFORM_PATH = '/usr/share/sonic/platform/'
CONFIG_DIR = 'sonic_platform_config'
OUTPUT_SOURCE_SYSFS = 'sysfs_value'
OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_VER_HEX_ADDR = 'hex_version_getreg'
SET_METHOD_IPMI = 'ipmitool'
HOST_CHK_CMD = "docker > /dev/null 2>&1"
REF_KEY = '$ref:'
def __init__(self, conf=None):
self._main_conf = conf
(self.platform, self.hwsku) = device_info.get_platform_and_hwsku()
def run_command(self, command):
status = False
output = ""
p = subprocess.Popen(
command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
raw_data, err = p.communicate()
if err == '':
status, output = True, raw_data.strip()
except Exception:
return status, output
def _clean_input(self, input, config):
cleaned_input = input
ai = config.get('avaliable_input')
if ai and input not in ai:
return None
input_translator = config.get('input_translator')
if type(input_translator) is dict:
cleaned_input = input_translator.get(input)
elif type(input_translator) is str:
cleaned_input = eval(input_translator.format(input))
return cleaned_input
def _clean_output(self, index, output, config):
output_translator = config.get('output_translator')
if type(output_translator) is dict:
output = output_translator.get(output)
elif type(output_translator) is str:
output = eval(output_translator.format(output))
elif type(output_translator) is list:
output = eval(output_translator[index].format(output))
return output
def _ipmi_get(self, index, config):
argument = config.get('argument')
cmd = config['command'].format(
config['argument'][index]) if argument else config['command']
status, output = self.run_command(cmd)
return output if status else None
def _sysfs_read(self, index, config):
sysfs_path = config.get('sysfs_path')
argument = config.get('argument', '')
if self.REF_KEY in argument:
argument = self._main_conf[argument.split(":")[1]]
if type(argument) is list:
sysfs_path = sysfs_path.format(argument[index])
content = ""
content = open(sysfs_path)
content = content.readline().rstrip()
except IOError as e:
print("Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e))
return False
return content
def _sysfs_write(self, index, config, input):
sysfs_path = config.get('sysfs_path')
argument = config.get('argument', '')
if self.REF_KEY in argument:
argument = self._main_conf[argument.split(":")[1]]
if type(argument) is list:
sysfs_path = sysfs_path.format(argument[index])
write_offset = int(config.get('write_offset', 0))
output = ""
open_file = open(sysfs_path, "r+")
except IOError as e:
print("Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e))
return False, output
return True, output
def _ipmi_set(self, index, config, input):
arg = config['argument'][index].format(input)
return self.run_command(config['command'].format(arg))
def _hex_ver_decode(self, hver, num_of_bits, num_of_points):
ver_list = []
c_bit = 0
bin_val = bin(int(hver, 16))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)
bit_split = num_of_bits / (num_of_points + 1)
for x in range(0, num_of_points+1):
split_bin = bin_val[c_bit:c_bit+bit_split]
ver_list.append(str(int(split_bin, 2)))
c_bit += bit_split
return '.'.join(ver_list)
def _get_class(self, config):
Retreives value of expected attribute
A value of the attribute of object
path = config['host_path'] if self.is_host() else config['pmon_path']
module = imp.load_source(config['class'], path)
class_ = getattr(module, config['class'])
return class_
def get_reg(self, path, reg_addr):
cmd = "echo {1} > {0}; cat {0}".format(path, reg_addr)
status, output = self.run_command(cmd)
return output if status else None
def read_txt_file(self, path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
output = f.readline()
return output.strip('\n')
def write_txt_file(self, file_path, value):
with open(file_path, 'w') as fd:
except Exception:
return False
return True
def is_host(self):
return os.system(self.HOST_CHK_CMD) == 0
def load_json_file(self, path):
Retrieves the json object from json file path
A json object
with open(path, 'r') as f:
json_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
return json_data
def get_config_path(self, config_name):
Retrieves the path to platform api config directory
config_name: A string containing the name of config file.
A string containing the path to json file
return os.path.join(self.DEVICE_PATH, self.platform, self.CONFIG_DIR, config_name) if self.is_host() else os.path.join(self.PMON_PLATFORM_PATH, self.CONFIG_DIR, config_name)
def get_output(self, index, config, default):
Retrieves the output for each function base on config
index: An integer containing the index of device.
config: A dict object containing the configuration of specified function.
default: A string containing the default output of specified function.
A string containing the output of specified function in config
output_source = config.get('output_source')
if output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_IPMI:
output = self._ipmi_get(index, config)
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_VALUE:
output = config["value"]
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_CLASS:
output = self._get_class(config)
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_LIST:
output = config["value_list"][index]
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_SYSFS:
output = self._sysfs_read(index, config)
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_FUNC:
func_conf = self._main_conf[config['function'][index]]
output = self.get_output(index, func_conf, default)
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_TXT_FILE:
path = config.get('path')
output = self.read_txt_file(path)
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_VER_HEX_FILE:
path = config.get('path')
hex_ver = self.read_txt_file(path)
output = self._hex_ver_decode(
hex_ver, config['num_of_bits'], config['num_of_points'])
elif output_source == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_GIVEN_VER_HEX_ADDR:
path = config.get('path')
addr = config.get('reg_addr')
hex_ver = self.get_reg(path, addr)
output = self._hex_ver_decode(
hex_ver, config['num_of_bits'], config['num_of_points'])
output = default
return self._clean_output(index, output, config) or default
def set_output(self, index, input, config):
Sets the output of specified function on config
config: A dict object containing the configuration of specified function.
index: An integer containing the index of device.
input: A string containing the input of specified function.
bool: True if set function is successfully, False if not
cleaned_input = self._clean_input(input, config)
if not cleaned_input:
return False
set_method = config.get('set_method')
if set_method == self.SET_METHOD_IPMI:
output = self._ipmi_set(index, config, cleaned_input)[0]
elif set_method == self.OUTPUT_SOURCE_SYSFS:
output = self._sysfs_write(index, config, cleaned_input)[0]
output = False
return output
def get_event(self, timeout, config, sfp_list):
Returns a nested dictionary containing all devices which have
experienced a change at chassis level
event_class = self._get_class(config)
return event_class(sfp_list).get_event(timeout)