Xincun Li f886328897
[sn2700]: Add CPLD update. (#17376)
Why I did it
Porting #12173 to master, this will ensure all above 201911 version will have CPLD update files.

Microsoft ADO 25846069:

How I did it
Added Mellanox CPLD burn/refresh vme bundle for SN2700 platforms

How to verify it
Using update_firmware script to install private image that contains CPLD VME files with UPDATE_MLNX_CPLD_FW parameter.

Before update, the CPLD version was 15
admin@str2-msn2700-spy-1:~$ sudo fwutil show status
Chassis    Module    Component    Version                Description
---------  --------  -----------  ---------------------  ----------------------------------------
MSN2700    N/A       ONIE         2016.11-5.1.0012-9600  ONIE - Open Network Install Environment
                     SSD          0115-000               SSD - Solid-State Drive
                     BIOS         0ABZS017_01.01.213     BIOS - Basic Input/Output System
                     CPLD1        CPLD000085_REV1501     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
                     CPLD2        CPLD000043_REV0400     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
                     CPLD3        CPLD000000_REV0100     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
Do Update
admin@str2-msn2700-spy-1:/tmp$ sudo ./update_firmware sonic-mellanox-xincun-cpld.bin UPDATE_MLNX_CPLD_FW=1
Available space: 8101 MB
Warning: 'sonic_installer' command is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Please use 'sonic-installer' instead
Current FW version: SONiC-OS-20201231.110
Target FW version number: add-cpld-2.83464431-a0237f7aef
Target FW version: SONiC-OS-add-cpld-2.83464431-a0237f7aef
expr: non-integer argument
NOTICE: Reset Drop caches to index 1
Warning: 'sonic_installer' command is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Please use 'sonic-installer' instead
Image SONiC-OS-add-cpld-2.83464431-a0237f7aef is already installed. Setting it as default...
Command: grub-set-default --boot-directory=/host 0

Command: sync;sync;sync

Command: sleep 3

NOTICE: sonic_installer install successfully
Mellanox platform is detected: x86_64-mlnx_msn2700-r0
Mellanox ASIC maintenance...
Mellanox ASIC firmware is up to date
Mellanox CPLD maintenance...
NOTICE: Copy Mellanox firmware upgrade utility
'/tmp/image-add-cpld-2.83464431-a0237f7aef-fs//usr/bin/' -> '/usr/bin/'
NOTICE: Copy Mellanox cpldupdate utility
'/tmp/image-add-cpld-2.83464431-a0237f7aef-fs//usr/bin/cpldupdate' -> '/usr/bin/cpldupdate'
Mellanox CPLD firmware upgrade is required. Installing compatible version...
Current CPLD firmware version: 15
Target CPLD firmware version: 20
NOTICE: Upgrade MLNX CPLD FW from 15 to 20
CPLD burn firmware file: /tmp/tmp.42DXmW1pQS/FUI000193_Burn_Panther_CPLD000085_REV2000_CPLD000128_REV0600_CPLD000130_REV0300.vme
CPLD refresh firmware file: /tmp/tmp.42DXmW1pQS/FUI000193_Refresh_Panther_CPLD000085_REV2000_CPLD000128_REV0600_CPLD000130_REV0300.vme
[/] CPLD update...                 Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

             ispVME(tm) V12.2 Copyright 1998-2012.

               Customized for Mellanox products.

Processing virtual machine file (/tmp/tmp.42DXmW1pQS/FUI000193_Burn_Panther_CPLD000085_REV2000_CPLD000128_REV0600_CPLD000130_REV0300.vme)......

Diamond Deployment Tool 3.12
CREATION DATE: Tue Sep 20 09:41:49 2022

[|] CPLD update...+=======+
| PASS! |
Power cycle the device, then check CPLD version, it has changed to 20.
admin@str2-msn2700-spy-1:~$ sudo fwutil show status
Chassis    Module    Component    Version                Description
---------  --------  -----------  ---------------------  ----------------------------------------
MSN2700    N/A       ONIE         2016.11-5.1.0012-9600  ONIE - Open Network Install Environment
                     SSD          0115-000               SSD - Solid-State Drive
                     BIOS         0ABZS017_01.01.213     BIOS - Basic Input/Output System
                     CPLD1        CPLD000085_REV2000     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
                     CPLD2        CPLD000128_REV0600     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
                     CPLD3        CPLD000000_REV0000     CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
2024-03-06 07:39:00 -08:00

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