Renuka Manavalan 8d8aadb615
Load config after subscribe (#5740)
- Why I did it
The update_all_feature_states can run in the range of 20+ seconds to one minute. With load of AAA & Tacacs preceding it, any DB updates in AAA/TACACS during the long running feature updates would get missed. To avoid, switch the order.

- How I did it
Do a load after after updating all feature states.

- How to verify it
Not a easy one
Have a script that
restart hostcfgd
sleep 2s
run redis-cli/config command to update AAA/TACACS table

Run the script above and watch the file /etc/pam.d/common-auth-sonic for a minute.

- When it repro:
The updates will not reflect in /etc/pam.d/common-auth-sonic
2020-10-31 16:38:32 -07:00

400 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python -u
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ast
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import syslog
import copy
import jinja2
import ipaddr as ipaddress
from swsssdk import ConfigDBConnector
from sonic_py_common import device_info
PAM_AUTH_CONF = "/etc/pam.d/common-auth-sonic"
PAM_AUTH_CONF_TEMPLATE = "/usr/share/sonic/templates/common-auth-sonic.j2"
NSS_TACPLUS_CONF = "/etc/tacplus_nss.conf"
NSS_TACPLUS_CONF_TEMPLATE = "/usr/share/sonic/templates/tacplus_nss.conf.j2"
NSS_CONF = "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
def is_true(val):
if val == 'True' or val == 'true':
return True
return False
def sub(l, start, end):
return l[start:end]
def obfuscate(data):
if data:
return data[0] + '*****'
return data
class Iptables(object):
def __init__(self):
Default MSS to 1460 - (MTU 1500 - 40 (TCP/IP Overhead))
For IPv6, it would be 1440 - (MTU 1500 - 60 octects)
self.tcpmss = 1460
self.tcp6mss = 1440
def is_ip_prefix_in_key(self, key):
Function to check if IP address is present in the key. If it
is present, then the key would be a tuple or else, it shall be
be string
return (isinstance(key, tuple))
def load(self, lpbk_table):
for row in lpbk_table:
self.iptables_handler(row, lpbk_table[row])
def command(self, chain, ip, ver, op):
cmd = 'iptables' if ver == '4' else 'ip6tables'
cmd += ' -t mangle --{} {} -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN'.format(op, chain)
cmd += ' -d' if chain == 'PREROUTING' else ' -s'
mss = self.tcpmss if ver == '4' else self.tcp6mss
cmd += ' {} -j TCPMSS --set-mss {}'.format(ip, mss)
return cmd
def iptables_handler(self, key, data, add=True):
if not self.is_ip_prefix_in_key(key):
iface, ip = key
ip_str = ip.split("/")[0]
ip_addr = ipaddress.IPAddress(ip_str)
if isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv6Address):
ver = '6'
ver = '4'
self.mangle_handler(ip_str, ver, add)
def mangle_handler(self, ip, ver, add):
if not add:
op = 'delete'
op = 'check'
iptables_cmds = []
for chain in chains:
cmd = self.command(chain, ip, ver, op)
if not add:
For add case, first check if rule exists. Iptables just appends to the chain
as a new rule even if it is the same as an existing one. Check this and
do nothing if rule exists
ret =, shell=True)
if ret == 0:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "{} rule exists in {}".format(ip, chain))
# Modify command from Check to Append
iptables_cmds.append(cmd.replace("check", "append"))
for cmd in iptables_cmds:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Running cmd - {}".format(cmd))
subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "'{}' failed. RC: {}, output: {}"
.format(err.cmd, err.returncode, err.output))
class AaaCfg(object):
def __init__(self):
self.auth_default = {
'login': 'local',
self.tacplus_global_default = {
self.auth = {}
self.tacplus_global = {}
self.tacplus_servers = {}
self.debug = False
# Load conf from ConfigDb
def load(self, aaa_conf, tac_global_conf, tacplus_conf):
for row in aaa_conf:
self.aaa_update(row, aaa_conf[row], modify_conf=False)
for row in tac_global_conf:
self.tacacs_global_update(row, tac_global_conf[row], modify_conf=False)
for row in tacplus_conf:
self.tacacs_server_update(row, tacplus_conf[row], modify_conf=False)
def aaa_update(self, key, data, modify_conf=True):
if key == 'authentication':
self.auth = data
if 'failthrough' in data:
self.auth['failthrough'] = is_true(data['failthrough'])
if 'debug' in data:
self.debug = is_true(data['debug'])
if modify_conf:
def tacacs_global_update(self, key, data, modify_conf=True):
if key == 'global':
self.tacplus_global = data
if modify_conf:
def tacacs_server_update(self, key, data, modify_conf=True):
if data == {}:
if key in self.tacplus_servers:
del self.tacplus_servers[key]
self.tacplus_servers[key] = data
if modify_conf:
def modify_single_file(self, filename, operations=None):
if operations:
cmd = "sed -e {0} {1} > {1}.new; mv -f {1} {1}.old; mv -f {1}.new {1}".format(' -e '.join(operations), filename)
def modify_conf_file(self):
auth = self.auth_default.copy()
tacplus_global = self.tacplus_global_default.copy()
if 'src_ip' in tacplus_global:
src_ip = tacplus_global['src_ip']
src_ip = None
servers_conf = []
if self.tacplus_servers:
for addr in self.tacplus_servers:
server = tacplus_global.copy()
server['ip'] = addr
servers_conf = sorted(servers_conf, key=lambda t: int(t['priority']), reverse=True)
template_file = os.path.abspath(PAM_AUTH_CONF_TEMPLATE)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader('/'), trim_blocks=True)
env.filters['sub'] = sub
template = env.get_template(template_file)
pam_conf = template.render(auth=auth, src_ip=src_ip, servers=servers_conf)
with open(PAM_AUTH_CONF, 'w') as f:
# Modify common-auth include file in /etc/pam.d/login and sshd
if os.path.isfile(PAM_AUTH_CONF):
self.modify_single_file('/etc/pam.d/sshd', [ "'/^@include/s/common-auth$/common-auth-sonic/'" ])
self.modify_single_file('/etc/pam.d/login', [ "'/^@include/s/common-auth$/common-auth-sonic/'" ])
self.modify_single_file('/etc/pam.d/sshd', [ "'/^@include/s/common-auth-sonic$/common-auth/'" ])
self.modify_single_file('/etc/pam.d/login', [ "'/^@include/s/common-auth-sonic$/common-auth/'" ])
# Add tacplus in nsswitch.conf if TACACS+ enable
if 'tacacs+' in auth['login']:
if os.path.isfile(NSS_CONF):
self.modify_single_file(NSS_CONF, [ "'/tacplus/b'", "'/^passwd/s/compat/tacplus &/'", "'/^passwd/s/files/tacplus &/'" ])
if os.path.isfile(NSS_CONF):
self.modify_single_file(NSS_CONF, [ "'/^passwd/s/tacplus //g'" ])
# Set tacacs+ server in nss-tacplus conf
template_file = os.path.abspath(NSS_TACPLUS_CONF_TEMPLATE)
template = env.get_template(template_file)
nss_tacplus_conf = template.render(debug=self.debug, src_ip=src_ip, servers=servers_conf)
with open(NSS_TACPLUS_CONF, 'w') as f:
class HostConfigDaemon:
def __init__(self):
self.config_db = ConfigDBConnector()
self.config_db.connect(wait_for_init=True, retry_on=True)
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'ConfigDB connect success')
self.aaacfg = AaaCfg()
self.iptables = Iptables()
# Cache the values of 'state' field in 'FEATURE' table of each container
self.cached_feature_states = {}
self.is_multi_npu = device_info.is_multi_npu()
def load(self):
aaa = self.config_db.get_table('AAA')
tacacs_global = self.config_db.get_table('TACPLUS')
tacacs_server = self.config_db.get_table('TACPLUS_SERVER')
self.aaacfg.load(aaa, tacacs_global, tacacs_server)
lpbk_table = self.config_db.get_table('LOOPBACK_INTERFACE')
def update_feature_state(self, feature_name, state, feature_table):
has_timer = ast.literal_eval(feature_table[feature_name].get('has_timer', 'False'))
has_global_scope = ast.literal_eval(feature_table[feature_name].get('has_global_scope', 'True'))
has_per_asic_scope = ast.literal_eval(feature_table[feature_name].get('has_per_asic_scope', 'False'))
# Create feature name suffix depending feature is running in host or namespace or in both
feature_name_suffix_list = (([feature_name] if has_global_scope or not self.is_multi_npu else []) +
([(feature_name + '@' + str(asic_inst)) for asic_inst in range(device_info.get_num_npus())
if has_per_asic_scope and self.is_multi_npu]))
if not feature_name_suffix_list:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Feature '{}' service not available"
feature_suffixes = ["service"] + (["timer"] if has_timer else [])
if state == "enabled":
start_cmds = []
for feature_name_suffix in feature_name_suffix_list:
for suffix in feature_suffixes:
start_cmds.append("sudo systemctl unmask {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, suffix))
# If feature has timer associated with it, start/enable corresponding systemd .timer unit
# otherwise, start/enable corresponding systemd .service unit
start_cmds.append("sudo systemctl enable {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, feature_suffixes[-1]))
start_cmds.append("sudo systemctl start {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, feature_suffixes[-1]))
for cmd in start_cmds:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Running cmd: '{}'".format(cmd))
subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "'{}' failed. RC: {}, output: {}"
.format(err.cmd, err.returncode, err.output))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Feature '{}.{}' failed to be enabled and started"
.format(feature_name, feature_suffixes[-1]))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Feature '{}.{}' is enabled and started"
.format(feature_name, feature_suffixes[-1]))
elif state == "disabled":
stop_cmds = []
for feature_name_suffix in feature_name_suffix_list:
for suffix in reversed(feature_suffixes):
stop_cmds.append("sudo systemctl stop {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, suffix))
stop_cmds.append("sudo systemctl disable {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, suffix))
stop_cmds.append("sudo systemctl mask {}.{}".format(feature_name_suffix, suffix))
for cmd in stop_cmds:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Running cmd: '{}'".format(cmd))
subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "'{}' failed. RC: {}, output: {}"
.format(err.cmd, err.returncode, err.output))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Feature '{}' failed to be stopped and disabled".format(feature_name))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Feature '{}' is stopped and disabled".format(feature_name))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Unexpected state value '{}' for feature '{}'"
.format(state, feature_name))
def update_all_feature_states(self):
feature_table = self.config_db.get_table('FEATURE')
for feature_name in feature_table.keys():
if not feature_name:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Feature is None")
state = feature_table[feature_name]['state']
if not state:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Eanble state of feature '{}' is None".format(feature_name))
# Store the initial value of 'state' field in 'FEATURE' table of a specific container
self.cached_feature_states[feature_name] = state
self.update_feature_state(feature_name, state, feature_table)
def aaa_handler(self, key, data):
self.aaacfg.aaa_update(key, data)
def tacacs_server_handler(self, key, data):
self.aaacfg.tacacs_server_update(key, data)
log_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
if 'passkey' in log_data:
log_data['passkey'] = obfuscate(log_data['passkey'])
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'value of {} changed to {}'.format(key, log_data))
def tacacs_global_handler(self, key, data):
self.aaacfg.tacacs_global_update(key, data)
log_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
if 'passkey' in log_data:
log_data['passkey'] = obfuscate(log_data['passkey'])
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'value of {} changed to {}'.format(key, log_data))
def lpbk_handler(self, key, data):
key = ConfigDBConnector.deserialize_key(key)
# Check if delete operation by fetch existing keys
keys = self.config_db.get_keys('LOOPBACK_INTERFACE')
if key in keys:
add = True
add = False
self.iptables.iptables_handler(key, data, add)
def feature_state_handler(self, key, data):
feature_name = key
feature_table = self.config_db.get_table('FEATURE')
if feature_name not in feature_table.keys():
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Feature '{}' not in FEATURE table".format(feature_name))
state = feature_table[feature_name]['state']
if not state:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Enable state of feature '{}' is None".format(feature_name))
# Enable/disable the container service if the feature state was changed from its previous state.
if self.cached_feature_states[feature_name] != state:
self.cached_feature_states[feature_name] = state
self.update_feature_state(feature_name, state, feature_table)
def start(self):
self.config_db.subscribe('AAA', lambda table, key, data: self.aaa_handler(key, data))
self.config_db.subscribe('TACPLUS_SERVER', lambda table, key, data: self.tacacs_server_handler(key, data))
self.config_db.subscribe('TACPLUS', lambda table, key, data: self.tacacs_global_handler(key, data))
self.config_db.subscribe('LOOPBACK_INTERFACE', lambda table, key, data: self.lpbk_handler(key, data))
self.config_db.subscribe('FEATURE', lambda table, key, data: self.feature_state_handler(key, data))
# Update all feature states once upon starting
# Defer load until subscribe
def main():
daemon = HostConfigDaemon()
if __name__ == "__main__":