* Adjusting FRR's jinja template to meet latest sonic-cfgen requirements. Basically, i'm just extending #448 changes into FRR. * Eliminate FRR's integrated-config file to prevent daemons from bypassing their own config files. FRR daemons now default to an integrated-config file for config-parsing purposes. But we are still interested in having each daemon looking in their specific config file (bgpd.conf, zebra.conf, etc). So here i'm just deleting this integrating-config file to prevent FRR from running from a bogus config-file. RB= G=lnos-reviewers R=ntrianta,rjonnadu,rmolina,sfardeen,zxu A=
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{% block banner %}
! =========== Managed by sonic-cfggen DO NOT edit manually! ====================
! generated by templates/quagga/zebra.conf.j2 using minigraph_facts.py
! file: zebra.conf
{% endblock banner %}
{% block sys_init %}
hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}
password zebra
enable password zebra
{% endblock sys_init %}
{% block interfaces %}
! Enable link-detect (default disabled)
{% for interface in minigraph_interfaces %}
interface {{ interface['attachto'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in minigraph_portchannels.keys() %}
interface {{ interface }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock interfaces %}
{% block default_route %}
! set static default route to mgmt gateway as a backup to learned default
ip route {{ minigraph_mgmt_interface['gwaddr'] }} 200
{% endblock default_route %}
{% block source_loopback %}
! Set ip source to loopback for bgp learned routes
route-map RM_SET_SRC permit 10
set src {{ minigraph_lo_interfaces[0]['addr'] }}
{% set lo_ipv6_addrs = [] %}
{% if minigraph_lo_interfaces is defined %}
{% for interface in minigraph_lo_interfaces %}
{% if interface['addr'] is defined and interface['addr']|ipv6 %}
{% if lo_ipv6_addrs.append(interface['addr']) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if lo_ipv6_addrs|length > 0 %}
route-map RM_SET_SRC6 permit 10
set src {{ lo_ipv6_addrs[0] }}
{% endif %}
ip protocol bgp route-map RM_SET_SRC
{% if lo_ipv6_addrs|length > 0 %}
ipv6 protocol bgp route-map RM_SET_SRC6
{% endif %}
{% endblock source_loopback %}
{% block logging %}
log syslog informational
log facility local4
{% endblock logging %}