* [sonic build] Define folder macro for target folder /usr/sonic/share/templates * [sonic-cfggen] allow templates to include from common folders - Allow templates to include files under /usr/share/sonic/templates - Allow templates to include files in the same folder as the root template * [Buffer config] install the buffer configuration template * [Arista7260cx3] Add buffer configuration for Arista7260CX3 T0 topology - pg profile look up table is incomplete. Currently contains T0 default values. * [Arista7260cx3] Adding QoS configuration * Address review comments 1. Stop generating ingress pg configuration for lossless pgs. 2. Stop putting ports into speed sets, put all ports in one set. 3. Remove ingress lossless profiles. 4. Added some tailing '-' back to remove leading spaces.
125 lines
4.1 KiB
125 lines
4.1 KiB
{%- macro set_default_topology() %}
{%- if default_topo is defined %}
{{ default_topo }}
{%- else %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{# Determine device topology and filename postfix #}
{%- if DEVICE_METADATA is defined %}
{%- set switch_role = DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] %}
{%- if switch_role.lower() == 'torrouter' %}
{%- set filename_postfix = 't0' %}
{%- elif switch_role.lower() == 'leafrouter' %}
{%- set filename_postfix = 't1' %}
{%- else %}
{%- set filename_postfix = set_default_topology() %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- set filename_postfix = set_default_topology() %}
{%- set switch_role = '' %}
{%- endif %}
{# Import default values from device HWSKU folder #}
{%- import 'buffers_defaults_%s.j2' % filename_postfix as defs %}
{%- set default_cable = defs.default_cable %}
{# Port configuration to cable length look-up table #}
{# Each record describes mapping of DUT (DUT port) role and neighbor role to cable length #}
{# Roles described in the minigraph #}
{%- set ports2cable = {
'torrouter_server' : '5m',
'leafrouter_torrouter' : '40m',
'spinerouter_leafrouter' : '300m'
{%- macro cable_length(port_name) %}
{%- set cable_len = [] %}
{%- for local_port in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR %}
{%- if local_port == port_name %}
{%- set neighbor = DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[local_port].name] %}
{%- set neighbor_role = neighbor.type %}
{%- set roles1 = switch_role + '_' + neighbor_role %}
{%- set roles2 = neighbor_role + '_' + switch_role %}
{%- set roles1 = roles1 | lower %}
{%- set roles2 = roles2 | lower %}
{%- if roles1 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles1]) %}{% endif %}
{%- elif roles2 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles2]) %}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if cable_len -%}
{{ cable_len.0 }}
{%- else %}
{%- if switch_role.lower() == 'torrouter' %}
{%- for local_port in VLAN_MEMBER %}
{%- set vlan_port = local_port.split("|") %}
{%- if vlan_port[1] == port_name %}
{%- set roles3 = switch_role + '_' + 'server' %}
{%- set roles3 = roles3 | lower %}
{%- if roles3 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles3]) %}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if cable_len -%}
{{ cable_len.0 }}
{%- else -%}
{{ default_cable }}
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
{{ default_cable }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- set PORT_ALL = [] %}
{%- if PORT is not defined %}
{%- if defs.generate_port_lists(PORT_ALL) %} {% endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- for port in PORT %}
{%- if PORT_ALL.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set port_names_list_all = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ALL %}
{%- if port_names_list_all.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_all = port_names_list_all | join(',') %}
"AZURE": {
{% for port in PORT %}
{%- set cable = cable_length(port) %}
"{{ port }}": "{{ cable }}"{%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set bufs = defs.generate_buffer_pool_and_profiles() %}
{{ bufs }}
"{{ port_names_all }}|0-1": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|ingress_lossy_profile]"
"{{ port_names_all }}|3-4": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|egress_lossless_profile]"
"{{ port_names_all }}|0-1": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|egress_lossy_profile]"