Tamer Ahmed 6754635010 [cfggen] Make Jinja2 Template Python 3 Compatible
Jinja2 templates rendered using Python 3 interpreter, are required
to conform with Python 3 new semantics.

singed-off-by: Tamer Ahmed <>
2020-09-30 07:07:43 -07:00

13 lines
637 B

{# If MGMT port alias is available, use it for port ID subtype, otherwise use port name #}
{% set mgmt_port_name = (MGMT_INTERFACE.keys()|list)[0][0] %}
{% set ipv4 = (MGMT_INTERFACE.keys()|list)[0][1].split('/')[0] %}
{% if MGMT_PORT and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name] and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name].alias %}
configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name].alias }}
{% else %}
configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ mgmt_port_name }}
{% endif %}
configure system ip management pattern {{ ipv4 }}
{% endif %}
configure system hostname {{ DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['hostname'] }}