Why I did it This PR is to backport #11569 into 202012 branch. This PR is to apply different DSCP_TO_TC_MAP to downlink and uplink ports on T1 in dualtor deployment. For T1 downlink ports (To T0) The DSCP_TO_TC_MAP is not changed. DSCP2 and DSCP6 are mapped to TC2 and TC6 respectively. For T1 uplink ports (To T1) A new DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE_UPLINK is defined and applied. DSCP2 and DSCP6 are mapped to TC1 to avoid mixing up lossy and lossless traffic from T2. The extra lossy PG2 and PG6 added in PR #11157 is reverted as well because no traffic from T2 is mapped to PG2 or PG6 now. How I did it Define a new map DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE_UPLINK for 7260 T1. How to verify it Verified by test case in test_j2files.py.
238 lines
9.4 KiB
238 lines
9.4 KiB
{%- macro set_default_topology() %}
{%- if default_topo is defined %}
{{ default_topo }}
{%- else %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# Determine device topology and filename postfix #}
{%- if DEVICE_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] is defined %}
{%- set switch_role = DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] %}
{%- if 'torrouter' in switch_role.lower() and 'mgmt' not in switch_role.lower()%}
{%- set filename_postfix = 't0' %}
{%- elif 'leafrouter' in switch_role.lower() and 'mgmt' not in switch_role.lower()%}
{%- set filename_postfix = 't1' %}
{%- else %}
{%- set filename_postfix = set_default_topology() %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- set filename_postfix = set_default_topology() %}
{%- set switch_role = '' %}
{%- endif -%}
{# Import default values from device HWSKU folder #}
{%- import 'buffers_defaults_%s.j2' % filename_postfix as defs with context %}
{%- set default_cable = defs.default_cable -%}
{# Port configuration to cable length look-up table #}
{# Each record describes mapping of DUT (DUT port) role and neighbor role to cable length #}
{# Roles described in the minigraph #}
{%- if defs.ports2cable is defined %}
{%- set ports2cable = defs.ports2cable %}
{%- else %}
{%- set ports2cable = {
'torrouter_server' : '5m',
'leafrouter_torrouter' : '40m',
'spinerouter_leafrouter' : '300m'
{%- endif %}
{%- macro cable_length(port_name) %}
{%- set cable_len = [] %}
{%- for local_port in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR %}
{%- if local_port == port_name %}
{%- set neighbor = DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[local_port].name] %}
{%- set neighbor_role = neighbor.type %}
{%- if 'asic' == neighbor_role | lower %}
{%- set roles1 = 'internal' %}
{%- if 'internal' not in ports2cable %}
{%- set _ = ports2cable.update({'internal': '5m'}) %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else %}
{%- set roles1 = switch_role + '_' + neighbor_role %}
{%- set roles2 = neighbor_role + '_' + switch_role %}
{%- set roles1 = roles1 | lower %}
{%- set roles2 = roles2 | lower %}
{%- set roles1 = roles1.replace('backend', '') %}
{%- set roles2 = roles2.replace('backend', '') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if roles1 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles1]) %}{% endif %}
{%- elif roles2 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles2]) %}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if cable_len -%}
{{ cable_len.0 }}
{%- else %}
{%- if 'torrouter' in switch_role.lower() and 'mgmt' not in switch_role.lower()%}
{%- for local_port in VLAN_MEMBER %}
{%- if local_port[1] == port_name %}
{%- set roles3 = switch_role + '_' + 'server' %}
{%- set roles3 = roles3 | lower %}
{%- set roles3 = roles3.replace('backend', '') %}
{%- if roles3 in ports2cable %}
{%- if cable_len.append(ports2cable[roles3]) %}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if cable_len -%}
{{ cable_len.0 }}
{%- else -%}
{{ default_cable }}
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
{{ default_cable }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- set PORT_ALL = [] %}
{%- if PORT is not defined %}
{%- if defs.generate_port_lists is defined %}
{%- if defs.generate_port_lists(PORT_ALL) %} {% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- for port in PORT %}
{%- if PORT_ALL.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set PORT_ACTIVE = [] %}
{%- set PORT_INACTIVE = [] %}
{%- if DEVICE_NEIGHBOR is not defined %}
{%- else %}
{%- for port in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR.keys() %}
{%- if PORT_ACTIVE.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for port in PORT_ALL %}
{%- if port not in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR.keys() %}
{%- if PORT_INACTIVE.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set port_names_list_active = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
{%- if port_names_list_active.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_active = port_names_list_active | join(',') %}
{%- set port_names_list_extra_queues = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
{%- if ((SYSTEM_DEFAULTS is defined) and ('tunnel_qos_remap' in SYSTEM_DEFAULTS) and (SYSTEM_DEFAULTS['tunnel_qos_remap']['status'] == 'enabled')) and
(('type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] == 'LeafRouter' and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name].type == 'ToRRouter') or
('subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name].type == 'LeafRouter')) %}
{%- if port_names_list_extra_queues.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_extra_queues = port_names_list_extra_queues | join(',') %}
{%- set port_names_list_inactive = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_INACTIVE %}
{%- if port_names_list_inactive.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_inactive = port_names_list_inactive | join(',') %}
"AZURE": {
{% for port in PORT_ALL %}
{%- set cable = cable_length(port) %}
"{{ port }}": "{{ cable }}"{%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if defs.generate_buffer_pool_and_profiles is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_buffer_pool_and_profiles() }}
{% elif defs.generate_buffer_pool_and_profiles_with_inactive_ports is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_buffer_pool_and_profiles_with_inactive_ports(port_names_inactive) }}
{% endif %}
{%- if port_names_active|length > 0 or port_names_inactive|length > 0 -%}
{%- if defs.generate_profile_lists is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_profile_lists(port_names_active) }},
{% elif defs.generate_profile_lists_with_inactive_ports is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_profile_lists_with_inactive_ports(port_names_active, port_names_inactive) }},
{% endif %}
{% if (defs.generate_pg_profiles_with_extra_lossless_pgs_with_inactive_ports is defined) and (port_names_extra_queues != '') %}
{{ defs.generate_pg_profiles_with_extra_lossless_pgs_with_inactive_ports(port_names_active, port_names_extra_queues, port_names_inactive) }},
{% elif defs.generate_pg_profiles_with_inactive_ports is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_pg_profiles_with_inactive_ports(port_names_active, port_names_inactive) }},
{% elif defs.generate_pg_profils is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_pg_profils(port_names_active) }}
{% else %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
{% if dynamic_mode is defined %}
"{{ port }}|3-4": {
"profile" : "NULL"
{% endif %}
"{{ port }}|0": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|ingress_lossy_profile]"
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if (defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_extra_lossless_queues_with_inactive_ports is defined) and (port_names_extra_queues != '') %}
{{ defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_extra_lossless_queues_with_inactive_ports(port_names_active, port_names_extra_queues, port_names_inactive) }}
{% elif (defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_extra_lossless_queues is defined) and (port_names_extra_queues != '') %}
{{ defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_extra_lossless_queues(port_names_active, port_names_extra_queues) }}
{% elif defs.generate_queue_buffers is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_queue_buffers(port_names_active) }}
{% elif defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_inactive_ports is defined %}
{{ defs.generate_queue_buffers_with_inactive_ports(port_names_active, port_names_inactive) }}
{% else %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|3-4": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|egress_lossless_profile]"
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|0-2": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|egress_lossy_profile]"
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|5-6": {
"profile" : "[BUFFER_PROFILE|egress_lossy_profile]"
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{%- if dynamic_mode is defined -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if dynamic_mode is defined %}
"AZURE": {
"default_dynamic_th": "0"
"AZURE": {
"mtu": "1024",
"small_packet_percentage": "100"
{% endif %}