Why I did it
To upgrade SSD firmware in initramfs while rebooting from SONiC to SONiC and during NOS to SONiC migration.
How I did it
New option 'ssd-upgrader-part’ is introduced in grub command line, to indicate the partition and its filesystem type in which the SSD firmware updater is present. ‘ssd-upgrader-part’ syntax is ssd-upgrader-part=<partition>,<filesystem type>. Example: ssd-upgrader-part=/dev/sda8,ext4
A new initramfs script ‘ssd-upgrade’ is included in init-premount and it invokes the SSD firmware updater (ssd-fw-upgrade) present in the partition indicated by the boot option 'ssd-upgrader-part'
How to verify it
In SONiC, the SSD firmware updater is copied to “/host/” directory.
Fast-reboot is to be initiated with the ‘-u’ option ([scripts/fast-reboot] Add option to include ssd-upgrader-part boot option with SONiC partition sonic-utilities#2150)
After reboot, while booting into SONiC the SSD firmware updater will be executed in initramfs.