* Update sonic-platform-modules-ingrasys submodule. * Fixed sfputil plugin for read QSFP EEPROM. * Add sfputil plugin for get presence. * Add sfputil plugin for get/set low power mode. * Add sfputil plugin for reset QSFP. Signed-off-by: Wade He chihen.he@gmail.com
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# sfputil.py
# Platform-specific SFP transceiver interface for SONiC
import time
from sonic_sfp.sfputilbase import SfpUtilBase
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError("%s - required module not found" % str(e))
class SfpUtil(SfpUtilBase):
"""Platform-specific SfpUtil class"""
BASE_DIR_PATH = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio{0}/direction"
BASE_VAL_PATH = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio{0}/value"
_port_to_eeprom_mapping = {}
port_to_i2c_mapping = {
0: 11,
1: 10,
2: 13,
3: 12,
4: 15,
5: 14,
6: 17,
7: 16,
8: 19,
9: 18,
10: 21,
11: 20,
12: 23,
13: 22,
14: 25,
15: 24,
16: 27,
17: 26,
18: 29,
19: 28,
20: 31,
21: 30,
22: 33,
23: 32,
24: 35,
25: 34,
26: 37,
27: 36,
28: 39,
29: 38,
30: 41,
31: 40
abs_to_gpio_mapping = {
0: 241,
1: 240,
2: 243,
3: 242,
4: 245,
5: 244,
6: 247,
7: 246,
8: 249,
9: 248,
10: 251,
11: 250,
12: 253,
13: 252,
14: 255,
15: 254,
16: 225,
17: 224,
18: 227,
19: 226,
20: 229,
21: 228,
22: 231,
23: 230,
24: 233,
25: 232,
26: 235,
27: 234,
28: 237,
29: 236,
30: 239,
31: 238
lpmode_to_gpio_mapping = {
0: 177,
1: 176,
2: 179,
3: 178,
4: 181,
5: 180,
6: 183,
7: 182,
8: 185,
9: 184,
10: 187,
11: 186,
12: 189,
13: 188,
14: 191,
15: 190,
16: 161,
17: 160,
18: 163,
19: 162,
20: 165,
21: 164,
22: 167,
23: 166,
24: 169,
25: 168,
26: 171,
27: 170,
28: 173,
29: 172,
30: 175,
31: 174
reset_to_gpio_mapping = {
0: 145,
1: 144,
2: 147,
3: 146,
4: 149,
5: 148,
6: 151,
7: 150,
8: 153,
9: 152,
10: 155,
11: 154,
12: 157,
13: 156,
14: 159,
15: 158,
16: 129,
17: 128,
18: 131,
19: 130,
20: 133,
21: 132,
22: 135,
23: 134,
24: 137,
25: 136,
26: 139,
27: 138,
28: 141,
29: 140,
30: 143,
31: 142
def port_start(self):
return self.PORT_START
def port_end(self):
return self.PORT_END
def qsfp_ports(self):
return range(0, self.PORTS_IN_BLOCK + 1)
def port_to_eeprom_mapping(self):
return self._port_to_eeprom_mapping
def __init__(self):
# Override port_to_eeprom_mapping for class initialization
eeprom_path = "/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-{0}/{0}-0050/eeprom"
for x in range(self.port_start, self.port_end + 1):
port_eeprom_path = eeprom_path.format(self.port_to_i2c_mapping[x])
self.port_to_eeprom_mapping[x] = port_eeprom_path
def get_presence(self, port_num):
# Check for invalid port_num
if port_num < self.port_start or port_num > self.port_end:
return False
abs_device_file = self.BASE_VAL_PATH.format(
val_file = open(abs_device_file)
except IOError as e:
print "Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e)
return False
content = val_file.readline().rstrip()
# content is a string, either "0" or "1"
if content == "1":
return True
return False
def get_low_power_mode(self, port_num):
# Check for invalid port_num
if port_num < self.port_start or port_num > self.port_end:
return False
lpmode_val_device_file = self.BASE_VAL_PATH.format(
val_file = open(lpmode_val_device_file)
except IOError as e:
print "Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e)
return False
content = val_file.readline().rstrip()
# content is a string, either "0" or "1"
if content == "1":
return True
return False
def set_low_power_mode(self, port_num, lpmode):
# Check for invalid port_num
if port_num < self.port_start or port_num > self.port_end:
return False
lpmode_val_device_file = self.BASE_VAL_PATH.format(
val_file = open(lpmode_val_device_file, "w")
except IOError as e:
print "Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e)
return False
val_file.write("1" if lpmode is True else "0")
return True
def reset(self, port_num):
# Check for invalid port_num
if port_num < self.port_start or port_num > self.port_end:
return False
reset_val_device_file = self.BASE_VAL_PATH.format(
val_file = open(reset_val_device_file, "w")
except IOError as e:
print "Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e)
return False
# Sleep 1 second to allow it to settle
reset_val_device_file = self.BASE_VAL_PATH.format(
val_file = open(reset_val_device_file, "w")
except IOError as e:
print "Error: unable to open file: %s" % str(e)
return False
return True