This feature caches all the deb files during docker build and stores them into version cache. It loads the cache file if already exists in the version cache and copies the extracted deb file from cache file into Debian cache path( /var/cache/apt/archives). The apt-install always installs the deb file from the cache if exists, this avoid unnecessary package download from the repo and speeds up the overall build. The cache file is selected based on the SHA value of version dependency files. Why I did it How I did it How to verify it * 03.Version-cache - framework environment settings It defines and passes the necessary version cache environment variables to the caching framework. It adds the utils script for shared cache file access. It also adds the post-cleanup logic for cleaning the unwanted files from the docker/image after the version cache creation. * 04.Version cache - debug framework Added DBGOPT Make variable to enable the cache framework scripts in trace mode. This option takes the part name of the script to enable the particular shell script in trace mode. Multiple shell script names can also be given. Eg: make DBGOPT="image|docker" Added verbose mode to dump the version merge details during build/dry-run mode. Eg: scripts/versions_manager.py freeze -v \ 'dryrun|cmod=docker-swss|cfile=versions-deb|cname=all|stage=sub|stage=add' * 05.Version cache - docker dpkg caching support This feature caches all the deb files during docker build and stores them into version cache. It loads the cache file if already exists in the version cache and copies the extracted deb file from cache file into Debian cache path( /var/cache/apt/archives). The apt-install always installs the deb file from the cache if exists, this avoid unnecessary package download from the repo and speeds up the overall build. The cache file is selected based on the SHA value of version dependency files.
787 lines
34 KiB
Executable File
787 lines
34 KiB
Executable File
import argparse
import glob
import os
import sys
import re
ALL_DIST = 'all'
ALL_ARCH = 'all'
DEFAULT_MODULE = 'default'
DEFAULT_VERSION_PATH = 'files/build/versions'
VERSION_DEB_PREFERENCE = '01-versions-deb'
class Component:
The component consists of mutiple packages
ctype -- Component Type, such as deb, py2, etc
dist -- Distribution, such as stretch, buster, etc
arch -- Architectrue, such as amd64, arm64, etc
def __init__(self, verbose=None, versions={}, ctype="deb", dist=ALL_DIST, arch=ALL_ARCH):
self.versions = versions
self.ctype = ctype
if not dist:
dist = ALL_DIST
if not arch:
arch = ALL_ARCH
self.dist = dist
self.arch = arch
self.verbose = verbose
def get_versions(cls, version_file):
result = {}
if not os.path.exists(version_file):
return result
with open(version_file) as fp:
for line in fp.readlines():
offset = line.rfind('==')
if offset > 0:
package = line[:offset].strip()
if 'py2' in version_file.lower() or 'py3' in version_file.lower():
package = package.lower()
version = line[offset+2:].strip()
result[package] = version
return result
def clone(self):
return Component(self.verbose, self.versions.copy(), self.ctype, self.dist, self.arch)
def merge(self, versions, overwritten=True):
for package in versions:
if overwritten or package not in self.versions:
self.versions[package] = versions[package]
def subtract(self, versions):
for package in versions:
if package in self.versions and self.versions[package] == versions[package]:
del self.versions[package]
def dump(self, config=False, priority=999):
result = []
for package in sorted(self.versions.keys(), key=str.casefold):
if config and self.ctype == 'deb':
lines = 'Package: {0}\nPin: version {1}\nPin-Priority: {2}\n\n'.format(package, self.versions[package], priority)
result.append('{0}=={1}'.format(package, self.versions[package]))
return "\n".join(result)+'\n'
def dump_to_file(self, version_file, config=False, priority=999):
if len(self.versions) <= 0:
with open(version_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(self.dump(config, priority))
def dump_to_path(self, file_path, config=False, priority=999):
if len(self.versions) <= 0:
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
filename = self.get_filename()
if config and self.ctype == 'deb':
none_config_file_path = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
self.dump_to_file(none_config_file_path, False, priority)
file_path = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
self.dump_to_file(file_path, config, priority)
def print(self, file_path):
if len(self.versions) <= 0:
if self.verbose is None:
filename = self.get_filename()
file_path = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
if self.verbose and re.search("cfile=", self.verbose) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cfile=all".format(filename)) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cfile={}".format(filename)):
print("VERSION : {}".format(file_path))
for package in sorted(self.versions.keys(), key=str.casefold):
if self.verbose and re.search("ctype=", self.verbose) \
and not re.search("ctype=all".format(self.ctype), self.verbose) \
and not re.search("ctype={}".format(self.ctype), self.verbose):
if self.verbose and re.search("cname=", self.verbose) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cname=all".format(package)) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cname={}".format(package)):
if self.verbose and re.search("cver=", self.verbose) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cver=all".format(self.versions[package])) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cver={}".format(self.versions[package])):
print('{0}=={1}'.format(package, self.versions[package]))
# Check if the self component can be overwritten by the input component
def check_overwritable(self, component, for_all_dist=False, for_all_arch=False):
if self.ctype != component.ctype:
return False
if self.dist != component.dist and not (for_all_dist and self.dist == ALL_DIST):
return False
if self.arch != component.arch and not (for_all_arch and self.arch == ALL_ARCH):
return False
return True
# Check if the self component can inherit the package versions from the input component
def check_inheritable(self, component):
if self.ctype != component.ctype:
return False
if self.dist != component.dist and component.dist != ALL_DIST:
return False
if self.arch != component.arch and component.arch != ALL_ARCH:
return False
return True
Get the file name
The file name format: versions-{ctype}-{dist}-{arch}
If {arch} is all, then the file name format: versions-{ctype}-{dist}
if {arch} is all and {dist} is all, then the file name format: versions-{ctype}
def get_filename(self):
filename = VERSION_PREFIX + self.ctype
dist = self.dist
if self.arch and self.arch != ALL_ARCH:
if not dist:
dist = ALL_DIST
return filename + '-' + dist + '-' + self.arch
if dist and self.dist != ALL_DIST:
filename = filename + '-' + dist
return filename
def get_order_keys(self):
dist = self.dist
if not dist or dist == ALL_DIST:
dist = ''
arch = self.arch
if not arch or arch == ALL_ARCH:
arch = ''
return (self.ctype, dist, arch)
def clean_info(self, clean_dist=True, clean_arch=True, force=False):
if clean_dist:
if force or self.ctype != 'deb':
self.dist = ALL_DIST
if clean_arch:
self.arch = ALL_ARCH
class VersionModule:
The version module represents a build target, such as docker image, host image, consists of multiple components.
name -- The name of the image, such as sonic-slave-buster, docker-lldp, etc
def __init__(self, verbose=None, name=None, components=None):
self.name = name
self.components = components
# Overwrite the docker/host image/base image versions
def overwrite(self, module, for_all_dist=False, for_all_arch=False):
# Overwrite from generic one to detail one
# For examples: versions-deb overwrtten by versions-deb-buster, and versions-deb-buster overwritten by versions-deb-buster-amd64
components = sorted(module.components, key = lambda x : x.get_order_keys())
for merge_component in components:
merged = False
for component in self.components:
if component.check_overwritable(merge_component, for_all_dist=for_all_dist, for_all_arch=for_all_arch):
component.merge(merge_component.versions, True)
merged = True
if not merged:
tmp_component = merge_component.clone()
tmp_component.clean_info(clean_dist=for_all_dist, clean_arch=for_all_arch)
def get_config_module(self, source_path, dist, arch):
if self.is_individule_version():
return self
default_module_path = VersionModule.get_module_path_by_name(source_path, DEFAULT_MODULE)
default_module = VersionModule()
default_module.load(default_module_path, filter_dist=dist, filter_arch=arch)
module = default_module
if self.name == 'host-image':
base_module_path = VersionModule.get_module_path_by_name(source_path, 'host-base-image')
base_module = VersionModule()
base_module.load(base_module_path, filter_dist=dist, filter_arch=arch)
module = default_module.clone(exclude_ctypes=DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_COMPONENTS)
module.overwrite(base_module, True, True)
elif not self.is_aggregatable_module(self.name):
module = default_module.clone(exclude_ctypes=DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_COMPONENTS)
return self._get_config_module(module, dist, arch)
#Merge the default with specific version
def _get_config_module(self, default_module, dist, arch):
module = default_module.clone()
default_ctype_components = module._get_components_per_ctypes()
config_components = []
ctype_components = module._get_components_per_ctypes()
for ctype in default_ctype_components:
if ctype not in ctype_components:
ctype_components[ctype] = []
for components in ctype_components.values():
if len(components) == 0:
config_component = self._get_config_for_ctype(components, dist, arch)
config_module = VersionModule(self.verbose, self.name, config_components)
return config_module
def _get_config_for_ctype(self, components, dist, arch):
result = Component(self.verbose, {}, components[0].ctype, dist, arch)
for component in sorted(components, key = lambda x : x.get_order_keys()):
if result.check_inheritable(component):
result.merge(component.versions, True)
return result
def subtract(self, default_module):
module = self.clone()
result = []
ctype_components = module._get_components_per_ctypes()
for ctype in ctype_components:
components = ctype_components[ctype]
components = sorted(components, key = lambda x : x.get_order_keys())
for i in range(0, len(components)):
component = components[i]
base_module = VersionModule(self.verbose, self.name, components[0:i])
config_module = base_module._get_config_module(default_module, component.dist, component.arch)
config_components = config_module._get_components_by_ctype(ctype)
if len(config_components) > 0:
config_component = config_components[0]
if len(component.versions):
self.components = result
def adjust(self):
result_components = []
ctype_components = self._get_components_per_ctypes()
for components in ctype_components.values():
result_components += self._adjust_components_for_ctype(components)
self.components = result_components
def _get_components_by_ctype(self, ctype):
components = []
for component in self.components:
if component.ctype == ctype:
return components
def _adjust_components_for_ctype(self, components):
components = sorted(components, key = lambda x : x.get_order_keys())
result = []
for i in range(0, len(components)):
component = components[i]
inheritable_component = Component(self.verbose, {}, component.ctype)
for j in range(0, i):
base_component = components[j]
if component.check_inheritable(base_component):
inheritable_component.merge(base_component.versions, True)
if len(component.versions) > 0:
return result
def _get_components_per_ctypes(self):
result = {}
for component in self.components:
components = result.get(component.ctype, [])
result[component.ctype] = components
return result
def load(self, image_path, filter_ctype=None, filter_dist=None, filter_arch=None):
version_file_pattern = os.path.join(image_path, VERSION_PREFIX) + '*'
file_paths = glob.glob(version_file_pattern)
components = []
self.name = os.path.basename(image_path)
self.module_path = image_path
self.components = components
for file_path in file_paths:
filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
items = filename.split('-')
if len(items) < 2:
ctype = items[1]
if filter_ctype and filter_ctype != ctype:
dist = ''
arch = ''
if len(items) > 2:
dist = items[2]
if filter_dist and dist and filter_dist != dist and dist != ALL_DIST:
if len(items) > 3:
arch = items[3]
if filter_arch and arch and filter_arch != arch and arch != ALL_ARCH:
versions = Component.get_versions(file_path)
component = Component(self.verbose, versions, ctype, dist, arch)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=load", self.verbose):
def load_from_target(self, image_path):
post_versions = os.path.join(image_path, 'post-versions')
if os.path.exists(post_versions):
self.name = os.path.basename(image_path)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=post", self.verbose):
pre_versions = os.path.join(image_path, 'pre-versions')
if os.path.exists(pre_versions):
pre_module = VersionModule(self.verbose)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=pre", self.verbose):
def dump(self, module_path, config=False, priority=999):
version_file_pattern = os.path.join(module_path, VERSION_PREFIX + '*')
for filename in glob.glob(version_file_pattern):
for component in self.components:
component.dump_to_path(module_path, config, priority)
def print(self, module_path):
if self.verbose is None:
if re.search("cmod=", self.verbose) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cmod=all".format(self.name)) \
and not re.search(self.verbose, "cmod={}".format(self.name)):
for component in self.components:
def filter(self, ctypes=[]):
if 'all' in ctypes:
return self
components = []
for component in self.components:
if component.ctype in ctypes:
self.components = components
def clean_info(self, clean_dist=True, clean_arch=True, force=False):
for component in self.components:
component.clean_info(clean_dist=clean_dist, clean_arch=clean_arch, force=force)
def clone(self, ctypes=None, exclude_ctypes=None):
components = []
for component in self.components:
if exclude_ctypes and component.ctype in exclude_ctypes:
if ctypes and component.ctype not in ctypes:
return VersionModule(self.verbose, self.name, components)
def is_slave_module(self):
return self.name.startswith('sonic-slave-')
# Do not inherit the version from the default module
def is_individule_version(self):
return self.is_slave_module() and SLAVE_INDIVIDULE_VERSION
def is_aggregatable_module(cls, module_name):
if module_name.startswith('sonic-slave-'):
return False
if module_name.startswith('build-sonic-slave-'):
return False
if module_name == DEFAULT_MODULE:
return False
if module_name == 'host-image' or module_name == 'host-base-image':
return False
return True
def get_module_path_by_name(cls, source_path, module_name):
common_modules = ['default', 'host-image', 'host-base-image']
if module_name in common_modules:
return os.path.join(source_path, 'files/build/versions', module_name)
if module_name.startswith('build-sonic-slave-'):
return os.path.join(source_path, 'files/build/versions/build', module_name)
return os.path.join(source_path, 'files/build/versions/dockers', module_name)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.name)
class VersionBuild:
The VersionBuild consists of multiple version modules.
def __init__(self, verbose=None, target_path="./target", source_path='.'):
self.target_path = target_path
self.source_path = source_path
self.verbose = verbose
self.modules = {}
def load_from_target(self):
dockers_path = os.path.join(self.target_path, 'versions/dockers')
build_path = os.path.join(self.target_path, 'versions/build')
default_path = os.path.join(self.target_path, 'versions/default')
modules = {}
self.modules = modules
file_paths = glob.glob(dockers_path + '/*')
file_paths += glob.glob(build_path + '/build-*')
file_paths += glob.glob(default_path)
file_paths.append(os.path.join(self.target_path, 'versions/host-image'))
file_paths.append(os.path.join(self.target_path, 'versions/host-base-image'))
for file_path in file_paths:
if not os.path.isdir(file_path):
module = VersionModule(self.verbose)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=tmodname", self.verbose):
print("Target modname={}, path={}".format(module.name, file_path))
modules[module.name] = module
def load_from_source(self):
# Load default versions and host image versions
versions_path = os.path.join(self.source_path, 'files/build/versions')
dockers_path = os.path.join(versions_path, "dockers")
build_path = os.path.join(versions_path, "build")
paths = [os.path.join(versions_path, 'default')]
paths += glob.glob(versions_path + '/host-*')
paths += glob.glob(dockers_path + '/*')
paths += glob.glob(build_path + '/*')
modules = {}
self.modules = modules
for image_path in paths:
module = VersionModule(self.verbose)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=smodname", self.verbose):
print("Source modname={}, path={}".format(module.name, image_path))
modules[module.name] = module
def overwrite(self, build, for_all_dist=False, for_all_arch=False):
for target_module in build.modules.values():
module = self.modules.get(target_module.name, None)
tmp_module = target_module.clone()
tmp_module.clean_info(for_all_dist, for_all_arch)
if module:
module.overwrite(tmp_module, for_all_dist=for_all_dist, for_all_arch=for_all_arch)
self.modules[target_module.name] = tmp_module
def dump(self):
for module in self.modules.values():
module_path = self.get_module_path(module)
def print(self, message=None):
if self.verbose is None:
if message is not None:
for module in [ self.modules[x] for x in (sorted(self.modules, key = lambda x : x)) ]:
def subtract(self, default_module):
none_aggregatable_module = default_module.clone(exclude_ctypes=DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_COMPONENTS)
for module in self.modules.values():
if module.name == DEFAULT_MODULE:
if module.name == 'host-base-image':
if module.is_individule_version():
tmp_module = default_module
if not module.is_aggregatable_module(module.name):
tmp_module = none_aggregatable_module
def freeze(self, rebuild=False, for_all_dist=False, for_all_arch=False, ctypes=['all']):
if rebuild:
default_module = self.get_default_module()
self.modules[DEFAULT_MODULE] = default_module
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=init", self.verbose):
self.print("Initial Source")
default_module = self.modules.get(DEFAULT_MODULE, None)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=init", self.verbose):
default_module.print("Default Module")
target_build = VersionBuild(self.verbose, self.target_path, self.source_path)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=init", self.verbose):
target_build.print("Initial Target")
if not default_module:
raise Exception("The default versions does not exist")
for module in [ target_build.modules[x] for x in (sorted(target_build.modules, key = lambda x : x)) ] :
if module.is_individule_version():
tmp_module = module.clone(exclude_ctypes=DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_COMPONENTS)
default_module.overwrite(tmp_module, for_all_dist=True, for_all_arch=True)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=tmp", self.verbose):
default_module.print("TMP DEFAULT MODULE")
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=tmp", self.verbose):
target_build.print("After Subtract Target")
self.print("After Subtract Source")
self.overwrite(target_build, for_all_dist=for_all_dist, for_all_arch=for_all_arch)
if self.verbose and re.search("stage=add", self.verbose):
self.print("After Merge")
if not self.verbose or not re.search("dryrun", self.verbose):
def filter(self, ctypes=[]):
for module in self.modules.values():
def get_default_module(self):
if DEFAULT_MODULE in self.modules:
return self.modules[DEFAULT_MODULE]
ctypes = self.get_component_types()
dists = self.get_dists()
components = []
for ctype in ctypes:
if ctype == 'deb':
for dist in dists:
versions = self._get_versions(ctype, dist)
common_versions = self._get_common_versions(versions)
component = Component(self.verbose, common_versions, ctype, dist)
versions = self._get_versions(ctype)
common_versions = self._get_common_versions(versions)
component = Component(self.verbose, common_versions, ctype)
return VersionModule(self.verbose, DEFAULT_MODULE, components)
def get_aggregatable_modules(self):
modules = {}
for module_name in self.modules:
if not VersionModule.is_aggregatable_module(module_name):
module = self.modules[module_name]
modules[module_name] = module
return modules
def get_components(self):
components = []
for module_name in self.modules:
module = self.modules[module_name]
for component in module.components:
return components
def get_component_types(self):
ctypes = []
for module_name in self.modules:
module = self.modules[module_name]
for component in module.components:
if component.ctype not in ctypes:
return ctypes
def get_dists(self):
dists = []
components = self.get_components()
for component in components:
if component.dist not in dists:
return dists
def get_archs(self):
archs = []
components = self.get_components()
for component in components:
if component.arch not in archs:
return archs
def get_module_path(self, module):
return self.get_module_path_by_name(module.name)
def get_module_path_by_name(self, module_name):
return VersionModule.get_module_path_by_name(self.source_path, module_name)
def _merge_dgb_modules(self):
dbg_modules = []
for module_name in self.modules:
if not module_name.endswith('-dbg'):
base_module_name = module_name[:-4]
if base_module_name not in self.modules:
raise Exception('The Module {0} not found'.format(base_module_name))
base_module = self.modules[base_module_name]
dbg_module = self.modules[module_name]
for module_name in dbg_modules:
del self.modules[module_name]
def _clean_component_info(self, clean_dist=True, clean_arch=True):
for module in self.modules.values():
module.clean_info(clean_dist, clean_arch)
def _get_versions(self, ctype, dist=None, arch=None):
versions = {}
modules = self.get_aggregatable_modules()
for module_name in self.modules:
if module_name not in modules:
temp_module = self.modules[module_name].clone(exclude_ctypes=DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_COMPONENTS)
modules[module_name] = temp_module
for module in modules.values():
for component in module.components:
if ctype != component.ctype:
if dist and dist != component.dist:
if arch and arch != component.arch:
for package in component.versions:
version = component.versions[package]
package_versions = versions.get(package, [])
if version not in package_versions:
versions[package] = package_versions
return versions
def _get_common_versions(self, versions):
common_versions = {}
for package in versions:
package_versions = versions[package]
if len(package_versions) == 1:
common_versions[package] = package_versions[0]
return common_versions
class VersionManagerCommands:
def __init__(self):
usage = 'version_manager.py <command> [<args>]\n\n'
usage = usage + 'The most commonly used commands are:\n'
usage = usage + ' freeze Freeze the version files\n'
usage = usage + ' generate Generate the version files\n'
usage = usage + ' merge Merge the version files'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Version manager', usage=usage)
parser.add_argument('command', help='Subcommand to run')
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:2])
if not hasattr(self, args.command):
print('Unrecognized command: {0}'.format(args.command))
getattr(self, args.command)()
def freeze(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Freeze the version files')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target_path', default='./target', help='target path')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--source_path', default='.', help='source path')
# store_true which implies default=False
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild', action='store_true', help='rebuild all versions')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--for_all_dist', action='store_true', help='apply the versions for all distributions')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--for_all_arch', action='store_true', help='apply the versions for all architectures')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--ctypes', default='all', help='component types to freeze')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=None, help="verbose mode")
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:])
ctypes = args.ctypes.split(',')
if len(ctypes) == 0:
ctypes = ['all']
build = VersionBuild(verbose=args.verbose, target_path=args.target_path, source_path=args.source_path)
build.freeze(rebuild=args.rebuild, for_all_dist=args.for_all_dist, for_all_arch=args.for_all_arch, ctypes=ctypes)
def merge(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Merge the version files')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target_path', required=True, help='target path to save the merged version files')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--module_path', default=None, help='merge path, use the target path if not specified')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--base_path', required=True, help='base path, merge to the module path')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude_module_path', default=None, help='exclude module path')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--include_module_path', default=None, help='include module path')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=None, help="verbose mode")
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:])
module_path = args.module_path
if not module_path:
module_path = args.target_path
if not os.path.exists(module_path):
print('The module path {0} does not exist'.format(module_path))
if not os.path.exists(args.target_path):
module = VersionModule(args.verbose)
base_module = VersionModule(args.verbose)
if args.exclude_module_path:
exclude_module = VersionModule(args.verbose)
if args.include_module_path:
include_module = VersionModule(args.verbose)
if args.verbose:
def generate(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Generate the version files')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target_path', required=True, help='target path to generate the version lock files')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-n', '--module_name', help="module name, such as docker-lldp, sonic-slave-buster, etc")
group.add_argument('-m', '--module_path', help="module apth, such as files/docker/versions/dockers/docker-lldp, files/docker/versions/dockers/sonic-slave-buster, etc")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--source_path', default='.', help='source path')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--distribution', required=True, help="distribution")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--architecture', required=True, help="architecture")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--priority', default=999, help="priority of the debian apt preference")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=None, help="verbose mode")
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:])
module_path = args.module_path
if not module_path:
module_path = VersionModule.get_module_path_by_name(args.source_path, args.module_name)
if not os.path.exists(args.target_path):
module = VersionModule(args.verbose)
module.load(module_path, filter_dist=args.distribution, filter_arch=args.architecture)
config = module.get_config_module(args.source_path, args.distribution, args.architecture)
if args.verbose:
config.dump(args.target_path, config=True, priority=args.priority)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Dry run examples:
scripts/versions_manager.py freeze -v 'dryrun|cmod=docker-config-engine-stretch|cfile=versions-py2|cname=all|stage=sub|stage=add|stage=init|stage=tmodname|stage=tmp'
scripts/versions_manager.py freeze -v 'dryrun|cmod=default|cfile=versions-docker|cname=all|stage=sub|stage=add|stage=init|stage=tmodname|stage=tmp'