Shi Su 576864b769 [bgp]: Reduce bgp connect retry timer to 10 seconds (#7169)
The default bgp connect retry timer is 120 seconds. A reconnection will happen 120 seconds if the initial connection fails. This PR aims to allow a more frequent retry.
2021-03-31 08:49:23 -07:00

47 lines
1.8 KiB

! template: bgpd/templates/general/instance.conf.j2
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} remote-as {{ bgp_session['asn'] }}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} description {{ bgp_session['name'] }}
{# set the bgp neighbor timers if they have not default values #}
{% if (bgp_session['keepalive'] is defined and bgp_session['keepalive'] | int != 60)
or (bgp_session['holdtime'] is defined and bgp_session['holdtime'] | int != 180) %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} timers {{ bgp_session['keepalive'] | default("60") }} {{ bgp_session['holdtime'] | default("180") }}
{% endif %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} timers connect 10
{% if 'admin_status' in bgp_session and bgp_session['admin_status'] == 'down' or 'admin_status' not in bgp_session and 'default_bgp_status' in CONFIG_DB__DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and CONFIG_DB__DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['default_bgp_status'] == 'down' %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} shutdown
{% endif %}
{% if neighbor_addr | ipv4 %}
address-family ipv4
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} peer-group PEER_V4
{% elif neighbor_addr | ipv6 %}
address-family ipv6
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} peer-group PEER_V6
{% endif %}
{% if 'rrclient' in bgp_session and bgp_session['rrclient'] | int != 0 %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} route-reflector-client
{% endif %}
{% if 'nhopself' in bgp_session and bgp_session['nhopself'] | int != 0 %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} next-hop-self
{% endif %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} activate
{% if bgp_session["asn"] == bgp_asn and CONFIG_DB__DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] == "SpineChassisFrontendRouter" %}
address-family l2vpn evpn
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} activate
{% endif %}
! end of template: bgpd/templates/general/instance.conf.j2