* Add new device CIG CS6436-56P * Delete minigraph.xml It isn't necessary in the current system, just delete it * Update qos.json.j2 * Update port_config.ini Add the speed column. The cmd to show interface status as: root@switch1:~# show interface status Interface Lanes Speed MTU Alias Oper Admin Type Asym PFC ----------- --------------- ------- ----- ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---------- Ethernet0 8 25G 9100 Ethernet1/1 up up SFP N/A Ethernet1 9 25G 9100 Ethernet2/1 up up SFP N/A Ethernet2 10 25G 9100 Ethernet3/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet3 11 25G 9100 Ethernet4/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet4 12 25G 9100 Ethernet5/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet5 13 25G 9100 Ethernet6/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet6 14 25G 9100 Ethernet7/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet7 15 25G 9100 Ethernet8/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet8 16 25G 9100 Ethernet9/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet9 17 25G 9100 Ethernet10/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet10 18 25G 9100 Ethernet11/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet11 19 25G 9100 Ethernet12/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet12 20 25G 9100 Ethernet13/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet13 21 25G 9100 Ethernet14/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet14 22 25G 9100 Ethernet15/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet15 23 25G 9100 Ethernet16/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet16 32 25G 9100 Ethernet17/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet17 33 25G 9100 Ethernet18/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet18 34 25G 9100 Ethernet19/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet19 35 25G 9100 Ethernet20/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet20 40 25G 9100 Ethernet21/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet21 41 25G 9100 Ethernet22/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet22 42 25G 9100 Ethernet23/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet23 43 25G 9100 Ethernet24/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet24 48 25G 9100 Ethernet25/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet25 49 25G 9100 Ethernet26/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet26 50 25G 9100 Ethernet27/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet27 51 25G 9100 Ethernet28/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet28 56 25G 9100 Ethernet29/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet29 57 25G 9100 Ethernet30/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet30 58 25G 9100 Ethernet31/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet31 59 25G 9100 Ethernet32/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet32 64 25G 9100 Ethernet33/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet33 65 25G 9100 Ethernet34/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet34 66 25G 9100 Ethernet35/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet35 67 25G 9100 Ethernet36/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet36 68 25G 9100 Ethernet37/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet37 69 25G 9100 Ethernet38/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet38 70 25G 9100 Ethernet39/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet39 71 25G 9100 Ethernet40/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet40 72 25G 9100 Ethernet41/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet41 73 25G 9100 Ethernet42/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet42 74 25G 9100 Ethernet43/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet43 75 25G 9100 Ethernet44/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet44 76 25G 9100 Ethernet45/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet45 77 25G 9100 Ethernet46/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet46 78 25G 9100 Ethernet47/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet47 79 25G 9100 Ethernet48/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet48 84,85,86,87 100G 9100 Ethernet49/1 up up QSFP28 N/A Ethernet49 80,81,82,83 100G 9100 Ethernet50/1 up up QSFP28 N/A Ethernet50 92,93,94,95 100G 9100 Ethernet51/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet51 88,89,90,91 100G 9100 Ethernet52/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet52 108,109,110,111 100G 9100 Ethernet53/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet53 104,105,106,107 100G 9100 Ethernet54/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet54 116,117,118,119 100G 9100 Ethernet55/1 down down N/A N/A Ethernet55 112,113,114,115 100G 9100 Ethernet56/1 down down N/A N/A root@switch1:~#
87 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File
87 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-
# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
export INSTALL_MOD_DIR:=extra
PYTHON ?= python2
PACKAGE_PRE_NAME := sonic-platform-cig
KVERSION ?= $(shell uname -r)
KERNEL_SRC := /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)
MOD_SRC_DIR:= $(shell pwd)
MODULE_DIRS:= cs6436-56p
MODULE_DIR := modules
UTILS_DIR := utils
SERVICE_DIR := service
CLASSES_DIR := classes
CONF_DIR := conf
dh $@ --with systemd,python2,python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
#make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MODULE_SRC)
(for mod in $(MODULE_DIRS); do \
make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/modules; \
$(PYTHON) $${mod}/setup.py build; \
binary: binary-arch binary-indep
# Nothing to do
# Nothing to do
#install: build
#dh_clean -k
# Custom package commands
(for mod in $(MODULE_DIRS); do \
dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \
dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/usr/local/bin; \
dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/lib/systemd/system; \
cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/$(MODULE_DIR)/*.ko debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \
cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/$(UTILS_DIR)/* debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/usr/local/bin/; \
cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/$(SERVICE_DIR)/*.service debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/lib/systemd/system/; \
$(PYTHON) $${mod}/setup.py install --root=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod} --install-layout=deb; \
# Resuming debhelper scripts
.PHONY: build binary binary-arch binary-indep clean