Liping Xu b53a8908b0 disable restapi for leafRouter in slim image (#17713)
Why I did it
For some devices with small memory, after upgrading to the latest image, the available memory is not enough.

Work item tracking
Microsoft ADO (number only):
How I did it
Disable restapi feature for LeafRouter which with slim image.

How to verify it
verified on 7050qx T1 (slim image), restapi disabled
verified on 7050qx T0 (slim image), restapi enabled
verified on 7260 T1 (normal image), restapi enabled
2024-01-12 20:47:37 +08:00

164 lines
8.3 KiB

"localhost": {
"buffer_model": {% if default_buffer_model == "dynamic" %}"dynamic"{% else %}"traditional"{% endif %},
{%- if include_p4rt == "y" %}"synchronous_mode":"enable",{% endif %}
"default_bgp_status": {% if shutdown_bgp_on_start == "y" %}"down"{% else %}"up"{% endif %},
"default_pfcwd_status": {% if enable_pfcwd_on_start == "y" %}"enable"{% else %}"disable"{% endif %},
"timezone": "UTC"
"CRM": {
"Config": {
"polling_interval": "300",
{%- for crm_res in ["ipv4_route", "ipv6_route", "ipv4_nexthop", "ipv6_nexthop", "ipv4_neighbor",
"ipv6_neighbor", "nexthop_group_member", "nexthop_group", "acl_table",
"acl_group", "acl_entry", "acl_counter", "fdb_entry", "snat_entry", "dnat_entry",
"ipmc_entry", "mpls_inseg", "mpls_nexthop"] %}
"{{crm_res}}_threshold_type": "percentage",
"{{crm_res}}_low_threshold": "70",
"{{crm_res}}_high_threshold": "85"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
"ACL": {
"POLL_INTERVAL": "10000"
"STATE": {
"tsa_enabled": "false"
{%- set features = [("bgp", "{% if not DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['ETHERNET_PORTS_PRESENT'] or ('CHASSIS_METADATA' in DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA and DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['CHASSIS_METADATA']['module_type'] in ['supervisor']) %}disabled{% else %}enabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled"),
("database", "always_enabled", false, "always_enabled"),
("lldp", "enabled", true, "enabled"),
("pmon", "enabled", true, "enabled"),
("snmp", "enabled", true, "enabled"),
("eventd", "enabled", false, "enabled"),
("swss", "enabled", false, "enabled"),
("syncd", "enabled", false, "enabled")] %}
{%- if include_router_advertiser == "y" %}{% do features.append(("radv", "enabled", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_teamd == "y" %}{% do features.append(("teamd", "{% if not DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['ETHERNET_PORTS_PRESENT'] %}disabled{% else %}enabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{% do features.append(("dhcp_relay", "{% if not (DEVICE_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] is not in ['ToRRouter', 'EPMS', 'MgmtTsToR', 'MgmtToRRouter', 'BmcMgmtToRRouter']) %}enabled{% else %}disabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled")) %}
{%- if sonic_asic_platform == "vs" %}{% do features.append(("gbsyncd", "enabled", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_iccpd == "y" %}{% do features.append(("iccpd", "disabled", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_mgmt_framework == "y" %}{% do features.append(("mgmt-framework", "enabled", true, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_mux == "y" %}{% do features.append(("mux", "{% if 'subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' %}enabled{% else %}always_disabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_nat == "y" %}{% do features.append(("nat", "disabled", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_p4rt == "y" %}{% do features.append(("p4rt", "disabled", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_restapi == "y" and BUILD_REDUCE_IMAGE_SIZE == "y" and sonic_asic_platform == "broadcom" %}
{% do features.append(("restapi", "{% if (DEVICE_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] is defined and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] is not in ['LeafRouter', 'BackEndLeafRouter']) %}enabled{% else %}disabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled")) %}
{%- elif include_restapi == "y" %}
{% do features.append(("restapi", "enabled", false, "enabled")) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if include_sflow == "y" %}{% do features.append(("sflow", "disabled", true, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_macsec == "y" %}{% do features.append(("macsec", "{% if 'type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] == 'SpineRouter' and DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['MACSEC_SUPPORTED'] %}enabled{% else %}disabled{% endif %}", false, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{%- if include_system_telemetry == "y" %}{% do features.append(("telemetry", "enabled", true, "enabled")) %}{% endif %}
{# delayed field if set, will start the feature systemd .timer unit instead of .service unit #}
{%- for feature, state, delayed, autorestart in features %}
"{{feature}}": {
"state": "{{state}}",
"delayed" : {{delayed | lower()}},
"has_global_scope": {% if feature + '.service' in installer_services.split(' ') %}true{% else %}false{% endif %},
{%- if feature in ["lldp"] %}
"has_per_asic_scope": {% raw %}"{% if not DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['ETHERNET_PORTS_PRESENT'] or ('CHASSIS_METADATA' in DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA and DEVICE_RUNTIME_METADATA['CHASSIS_METADATA']['module_type'] in ['supervisor']) %}False{% else %}True{% endif %}"{% endraw %},
{%- else %}
"has_per_asic_scope": {% if feature + '@.service' in installer_services.split(' ') %}"True"{% else %}"False"{% endif %},
{%- endif %}
"auto_restart": "{{autorestart}}",
"support_syslog_rate_limit" : "true",
{# Set check_up_status to true here when app readiness will be marked in state db #}
{# For now, to support the infrastrucure, setting the check_up_status to false for bgp,swss,pmon #}
{# Once apps like bgp,synd supports app readiness, then bgp,syncd can set check_up_status to true #}
{%- if feature in ["bgp", "swss", "pmon"] %}
"check_up_status" : "false",
{%- endif %}
{%- if include_kubernetes == "y" %}
{%- if feature in ["lldp", "pmon", "radv", "eventd", "snmp", "telemetry"] %}
"set_owner": "kube", {% else %}
"set_owner": "local", {% endif %} {% endif %}
"high_mem_alert": "disabled"
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{%- if enable_auto_tech_support == "y" %}
"state" : "enabled", {% else %}
"state" : "disabled", {% endif %}
"rate_limit_interval" : "180",
"max_techsupport_limit" : "10.0",
"max_core_limit" : "5.0",
"available_mem_threshold": "10.0",
"min_available_mem": "200",
"since" : "2 days ago"
{%- for feature, _, _, _ in features %}
"{{feature}}": {
{%- if enable_auto_tech_support == "y" %}
"state" : "enabled", {% else %}
"state" : "disabled", {% endif %}
"rate_limit_interval" : "600",
"available_mem_threshold": "10.0"
}{%if not loop.last %},{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
"rate_limit_interval" : "0",
"rate_limit_burst" : "0"
{%- for feature, _, _, _ in features %}
"{{feature}}": {
"rate_limit_interval" : "300",
"rate_limit_burst": "20000"
}{%if not loop.last %},{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
"state": "disabled",
"expiration": "180",
"expiration_warning": "15",
"history_cnt": "10",
"len_min": "8",
"reject_user_passw_match": "true",
"lower_class": "true",
"upper_class": "true",
"digits_class": "true",
"special_class": "true"
{%- if include_mux == "y" %}
"mux_tunnel_egress_acl": {
{%- if sonic_asic_platform == "mellanox" %}
"status": "enabled"
{% else %}
"status": "disabled"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
"KDUMP": {
"config": {
{%- if sonic_asic_platform == "cisco-8000" %}
"enabled": "true",
{% else %}
"enabled": "false",
{% endif %}
"memory": "0M-2G:256M,2G-4G:320M,4G-8G:384M,8G-:448M",
"num_dumps": "3"