Why I did it Support Mellanox-SN4600C-C64 as T1 switch in dual-ToR scenario 1. Support additional queue and PG in buffer templates, including both traditional and dynamic model 2. Support mapping DSCP 2/6 to lossless traffic in the QoS template. 3. Add macros to generate additional lossless PG in the dynamic model 4. Adjust the order in which the generic/dedicated (with additional lossless queues) macros are checked and called to generate buffer tables in common template buffers_config.j2 - Buffer tables are rendered via using macros. - Both generic and dedicated macros are defined on our platform. Currently, the generic one is called as long as it is defined, which causes the generic one always being called on our platform. To avoid it, the dedicated macrio is checked and called first and then the generic ones. 5. Support MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP on ports with additional lossless queues. On Mellanox-SN4600C-C64, buffer configuration for t1 is calculated as: 40 * 100G downlink ports with 4 lossless PGs/queues, 1 lossy PG, and 3 lossy queues 16 * 100G uplink ports with 2 lossless PGs/queues, 1 lossy PG, and 5 lossy queues Signed-off-by: Stephen Sun stephens@nvidia.com How to verify it Run regression test.
340 lines
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{%- set PORT_ALL = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT %}
{%- if PORT_ALL.append(port) %}{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if PORT_ALL | sort_by_port_index %}{% endif %}
{%- set port_names_list_all = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ALL %}
{%- if port_names_list_all.append(port) %}{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_all = port_names_list_all | join(',') -%}
{%- set PORT_ACTIVE = [] %}
{%- if DEVICE_NEIGHBOR is not defined %}
{%- else %}
{%- for port in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR.keys() %}
{%- if PORT_ACTIVE.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if PORT_ACTIVE | sort_by_port_index %}{% endif %}
{%- set port_names_list_active = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
{%- if port_names_list_active.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set port_names_active = port_names_list_active | join(',') -%}
{%- set tunnel_qos_remap_enable = false %}
{%- if ((SYSTEM_DEFAULTS is defined) and ('tunnel_qos_remap' in SYSTEM_DEFAULTS) and (SYSTEM_DEFAULTS['tunnel_qos_remap']['status'] == 'enabled')) %}
{%- set tunnel_qos_remap_enable = true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set port_names_list_extra_queues = [] %}
{%- for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
{% if ((generate_dscp_to_tc_map is defined) and tunnel_qos_remap_enable) and
(('type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] == 'LeafRouter' and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name].type == 'ToRRouter') or
('subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA is defined and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name in DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA and DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA[DEVICE_NEIGHBOR[port].name].type == 'LeafRouter')) %}
{%- if port_names_list_extra_queues.append(port) %}{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set pfc_to_pg_map_supported_asics = ['mellanox', 'barefoot', 'marvell'] -%}
{%- set backend_device_types = ['BackEndToRRouter', 'BackEndLeafRouter'] -%}
{%- set apollo_resource_types = ['DL-NPU-Apollo'] -%}
{% if (generate_tc_to_pg_map is defined) and tunnel_qos_remap_enable %}
{{- generate_tc_to_pg_map() }}
{% else %}
"AZURE": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "0",
"6": "0",
"7": "7"
{% endif %}
"AZURE": {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7"
{% if (generate_tc_to_queue_map is defined) and tunnel_qos_remap_enable %}
{{- generate_tc_to_queue_map() }}
{% else %}
"AZURE": {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7"
{% endif %}
{% if 'type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] in backend_device_types and 'storage_device' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['storage_device'] == 'true' %}
"AZURE": {
"0": "1",
"1": "0",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7"
{% elif (generate_dscp_to_tc_map is defined) and tunnel_qos_remap_enable %}
{{- generate_dscp_to_tc_map() }}
{% else %}
"AZURE": {
"0" : "1",
"1" : "1",
"2" : "1",
"3" : "3",
"4" : "4",
"5" : "2",
"6" : "1",
"7" : "1",
"8" : "0",
"9" : "1",
"10": "1",
"11": "1",
"12": "1",
"13": "1",
"14": "1",
"15": "1",
"16": "1",
"17": "1",
"18": "1",
"19": "1",
"20": "1",
"21": "1",
"22": "1",
"23": "1",
"24": "1",
"25": "1",
"26": "1",
"27": "1",
"28": "1",
"29": "1",
"30": "1",
"31": "1",
"32": "1",
"33": "1",
"34": "1",
"35": "1",
"36": "1",
"37": "1",
"38": "1",
"39": "1",
"40": "1",
"41": "1",
"42": "1",
"43": "1",
"44": "1",
"45": "1",
"46": "5",
"47": "1",
"48": "6",
"49": "1",
"50": "1",
"51": "1",
"52": "1",
"53": "1",
"54": "1",
"55": "1",
"56": "1",
"57": "1",
"58": "1",
"59": "1",
"60": "1",
"61": "1",
"62": "1",
"63": "1"
{% endif %}
{% if (generate_tc_to_dscp_map is defined) and tunnel_qos_remap_enable %}
{{- generate_tc_to_dscp_map() }}
{% endif %}
{% if 'resource_type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['resource_type'] in apollo_resource_types %}
"scheduler.0": {
"type" : "DWRR",
"weight": "1"
"scheduler.1": {
"type" : "DWRR",
"weight": "1"
"scheduler.2": {
"type" : "DWRR",
"weight": "100"
{% else %}
"scheduler.0": {
"type" : "DWRR",
"weight": "14"
"scheduler.1": {
"type" : "DWRR",
"weight": "15"
{% endif %}
{% if asic_type in pfc_to_pg_map_supported_asics %}
{% if port_names_list_extra_queues|length > 0 %}
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"6": "6"
{% endif %}
"AZURE": {
"3": "3",
"4": "4"
{% endif %}
{% if generate_global_dscp_to_tc_map is defined %}
{{- generate_global_dscp_to_tc_map() }}
{% else %}
"global": {
"dscp_to_tc_map" : "[DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE]"
}{% if PORT_ACTIVE %},{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}": {
{% if 'type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['type'] in backend_device_types and 'storage_device' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['storage_device'] == 'true' %}
"dot1p_to_tc_map" : "[DOT1P_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE]",
{% else %}
"dscp_to_tc_map" : "[DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE]",
{% endif %}
"tc_to_queue_map" : "[TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE]",
"tc_to_pg_map" : "[TC_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP|AZURE]",
"pfc_to_queue_map": "[MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_QUEUE|AZURE]",
{% if asic_type in pfc_to_pg_map_supported_asics %}
{% if port in port_names_list_extra_queues %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if port in port_names_list_extra_queues %}
"pfc_enable" : "2,3,4,6",
{% else %}
"pfc_enable" : "3,4",
{% endif %}
"pfcwd_sw_enable" : "3,4"
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if generate_wred_profiles is defined %}
{{- generate_wred_profiles() }}
{% else %}
"wred_green_enable" : "true",
"wred_yellow_enable" : "true",
"wred_red_enable" : "true",
"ecn" : "ecn_all",
"green_max_threshold" : "2097152",
"green_min_threshold" : "1048576",
"yellow_max_threshold" : "2097152",
"yellow_min_threshold" : "1048576",
"red_max_threshold" : "2097152",
"red_min_threshold" : "1048576",
"green_drop_probability" : "5",
"yellow_drop_probability": "5",
"red_drop_probability" : "5"
{% endif %}
"QUEUE": {
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|3": {
"scheduler" : "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.1]",
{% endfor %}
{% if 'resource_type' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['resource_type'] in apollo_resource_types %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|4": {
"scheduler" : "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.2]",
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|4": {
"scheduler" : "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.1]",
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|0": {
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.0]"
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|1": {
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.0]"
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|2": {
{% if port in port_names_list_extra_queues %}
"scheduler" : "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.1]",
{% else %}
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.0]"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|5": {
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.0]"
{% endfor %}
{% for port in PORT_ACTIVE %}
"{{ port }}|6": {
{% if port in port_names_list_extra_queues %}
"scheduler" : "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.1]",
{% else %}
"scheduler": "[SCHEDULER|scheduler.0]"
{% endif %}
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}