For multiasic, the back end asics use ip addresss of Loopback4096 for BGP router id. In VOQ multi-asic chassis there are no back end asics. All the asics are front end and the iBGP connections are established via Ethernet-IB of asics. Since these asics are not designated as BackEnd, the ip address of interface Loopback0 is used as BGP router id. Since the ip address of Loopback0 is same for all the asics in the line card, same router id is used for voq iBGP configurations and hence the iBGP connections are not established. Changes are done to fix this
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{% from "common/functions.conf.j2" import get_ipv4_loopback_address, get_ipv6_loopback_address, get_vnet_interfaces %}
! template: bgpd/bgpd.main.conf.j2
! bgp multiple-instance
! BGP configuration
! TSA configuration
ip prefix-list PL_LoopbackV4 permit {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/32
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") != 'None' %}
ipv6 prefix-list PL_LoopbackV6 permit {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | replace('/128', '/64') | ip_network }}/64
{% endif %}
{% if VLAN_INTERFACE is defined %}
{% set vnet_intfs = get_vnet_interfaces(VLAN_INTERFACE) %}
{% endif %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv4 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
ip prefix-list LOCAL_VLAN_IPV4_PREFIX seq {{ loop.index * 5 }} permit {{ prefix | ip_network }}/{{ prefix | prefixlen }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv6 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
ipv6 prefix-list LOCAL_VLAN_IPV6_PREFIX seq {{ loop.index * 5 }} permit {{ prefix | ip_network }}/{{ prefix | prefixlen }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'FrontEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' %}
{% set multi_asic = True %}
{% endif %}
{% if multi_asic is defined or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' %}
route-map HIDE_INTERNAL permit 10
set community no-export
{% if constants.bgp.peers is defined and constants.bgp.peers.internal is defined and constants.bgp.peers.internal.community is defined %}
on-match next
route-map HIDE_INTERNAL permit 20
set community {{ constants.bgp.peers.internal.community }} additive
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
router bgp {{ DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['bgp_asn'] }}
{% block bgp_init %}
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
{% if constants.bgp.multipath_relax.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.multipath_relax.enabled %}
bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
{% endif %}
{% if constants.bgp.graceful_restart.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.graceful_restart.enabled %}
bgp graceful-restart restart-time {{ constants.bgp.graceful_restart.restart_time | default(240) }}
bgp graceful-restart
bgp graceful-restart preserve-fw-state
{% endif %}
{# set router-id #}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' %}
bgp router-id {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}
{% else %}
bgp router-id {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}
{% endif %}
{# advertise loopback #}
network {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/32
{% if multi_asic is defined or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' %}
network {{ get_ipv4_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}/32 route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
{% endif %}
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") != 'None' %}
address-family ipv6
network {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback0") | ip }}/64
{% endif %}
{% if multi_asic is defined or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq'%}
{% if get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") != 'None' %}
address-family ipv6
network {{ get_ipv6_loopback_address(LOOPBACK_INTERFACE, "Loopback4096") | ip }}/128 route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock bgp_init %}
{% block vlan_advertisement %}
{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
{% if prefix | ipv4 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
network {{ prefix }}
{% elif prefix | ipv6 and name not in vnet_intfs %}
address-family ipv6
network {{ prefix }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock vlan_advertisement %}
{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'FrontEnd' or DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['switch_type'] == 'voq' %}
address-family ipv4
redistribute connected route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
address-family ipv6
redistribute connected route-map HIDE_INTERNAL
{% endif %}
{% if constants.bgp.maximum_paths.enabled is defined and constants.bgp.maximum_paths.enabled %}
{% block maximum_paths %}
address-family ipv4
maximum-paths {{ constants.bgp.maximum_paths.ipv4 | default(64) }}
address-family ipv6
maximum-paths {{ constants.bgp.maximum_paths.ipv6 | default(64) }}
{% endblock maximum_paths %}
{% endif %}
! end of template: bgpd/bgpd.main.conf.j2