To run VNET route consistency check periodically. For any failure, the monit will raise alert based on return code. The tool will log required details.
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## Monit configuration for SONiC host OS
## This includes system-level monitoring as well as processes which
## run in the host OS (i.e., not inside a Docker container)
check filesystem root-overlay with path /
if space usage > 90% for 10 times within 20 cycles then alert repeat every 1 cycles
check filesystem var-log with path /var/log
if space usage > 90% for 10 times within 20 cycles then alert repeat every 1 cycles
check system $HOST
if memory usage > 90% for 10 times within 20 cycles then alert repeat every 1 cycles
if cpu usage (user) > 90% for 10 times within 20 cycles then alert repeat every 1 cycles
if cpu usage (system) > 90% for 10 times within 20 cycles then alert repeat every 1 cycles
check process rsyslog with pidfile /var/run/rsyslogd.pid
start program = "/bin/systemctl start rsyslog.service"
stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop rsyslog.service"
if totalmem > 800 MB for 10 times within 20 cycles then restart
# route_check.py Verify routes between APPL-DB & ASIC-DB are in sync.
# For any discrepancy, details are logged and a non-zero code is returned
# which would trigger a monit alert.
# Hence for any discrepancy, there will be log messages for "ERR" level
# from both route_check.py & monit.
check program routeCheck with path "/usr/bin/route_check.py"
every 5 cycles
if status != 0 for 3 cycle then alert repeat every 1 cycles
# vnet_route_check.py: tool that verifies VNET routes consistancy between SONiC and vendor SDK DBs.
check program vnetRouteCheck with path "/usr/bin/vnet_route_check.py"
every 5 cycles
if status != 0 for 3 cycle then alert repeat every 1 cycles