Submodule updates include the following commits: * src/sonic-utilities 9dc58ea...f9eb739 (18): > Remove unnecessary calls to str.encode() now that the package is Python 3; Fix deprecation warning (#1260) > [generate_dump] Ignoring file/directory not found Errors (#1201) > Fixed porstat rate and util issues (#1140) > fix error: interface counters is mismatch after warm-reboot (#1099) > Remove unnecessary calls to str.decode() now that the package is Python 3 (#1255) > [acl-loader] Make list sorting compliant with Python 3 (#1257) > Replace hard-coded fast-reboot with variable. And some typo corrections (#1254) > [configlet][portconfig] Remove calls to dict.has_key() which is not available in Python 3 (#1247) > Remove unnecessary conversions to list() and calls to dict.keys() (#1243) > Clean up LGTM alerts (#1239) > Add 'requests' as install dependency in setup.py (#1240) > Convert to Python 3 (#1128) > Fix mock SonicV2Connector in python3: use decode_responses mode so caller code will be the same as python2 (#1238) > [tests] Do not trim from PATH if we did not append to it; Clean up/fix shebangs in scripts (#1233) > Updates to bgp config and show commands with BGP_INTERNAL_NEIGHBOR table (#1224) > [cli]: NAT show commands newline issue after migrated to Python3 (#1204) > [doc]: Update Command-Reference.md (#1231) > Added 'import sys' in feature.py file (#1232) * src/sonic-py-swsssdk 9d9f0c6...1664be9 (2): > Fix: no need to decode() after redis client scan, so it will work for both python2 and python3 (#96) > FieldValueMap `contains`(`in`) will also work when migrated to libswsscommon(C++ with SWIG wrapper) (#94) - Also fix Python 3-related issues: - Use integer (floor) division in config_samples.py (sonic-config-engine) - Replace print statement with print function in eeprom.py plugin for x86_64-kvm_x86_64-r0 platform - Update all platform plugins to be compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3 - Remove shebangs from plugins files which are not intended to be executable - Replace tabs with spaces in Python plugin files and fix alignment, because Python 3 is more strict - Remove trailing whitespace from plugins files
185 lines
6.4 KiB
185 lines
6.4 KiB
import importlib
import time
import os
import re
import sys
import errno
import datetime
import logging
import logging.config
import yaml
import pltfm_mgr_rpc
from pltfm_mgr_rpc.ttypes import *
from thrift.transport import TSocket
from thrift.transport import TTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift.protocol import TMultiplexedProtocol
from argparse import ArgumentParser
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
from io import StringIO
from cStringIO import StringIO
from sonic_eeprom import eeprom_base
from sonic_eeprom import eeprom_tlvinfo
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(str(e) + "- required module not found")
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
STRING_TYPE = basestring
eeprom_default_dict = {
"prod_name": ("Product Name", "0x21", 12),
"odm_pcba_part_num": ("Part Number", "0x22", 13),
"prod_ser_num": ("Serial Number", "0x23", 12),
"ext_mac_addr": ("Extended MAC Address Base", "0x24", 12),
"sys_mfg_date": ("System Manufacturing Date", "0x25", 4),
"prod_ver": ("Product Version", "0x26", 1),
"ext_mac_addr_size": ("Extende MAC Address Size", "0x2A", 2),
"sys_mfger": ("Manufacturer", "0x2B", 8)
eeprom_dict = {"version": ("Version", None, 0),
"pcb_mfger": ("PCB Manufacturer", "0x01", 8),
"prod_ser_num": ("Serial Number", "0x23", 12),
"bfn_pcba_part_num": ("Switch PCBA Part Number", "0x02", 12),
"odm_pcba_part_num": ("Part Number", "0x22", 13),
"bfn_pcbb_part_num": ("Switch PCBB Part Number", "0x04", 12),
"sys_asm_part_num": ("System Assembly Part Number", "0x05", 12),
"prod_state": ("Product Production State", "0x06", 1),
"location": ("EEPROM Location of Fabric", "0x07", 8),
"ext_mac_addr_size": ("Extende MAC Address Size", "0x08", 2),
"sys_mfg_date": ("System Manufacturing Date", "0x25", 4),
"prod_name": ("Product Name", "0x21", 12),
"prod_ver": ("Product Version", "0x26", 1),
"prod_part_num": ("Product Part Number", "0x09", 8),
"sys_mfger": ("Manufacturer", "0x2B", 8),
"assembled_at": ("Assembled at", "0x08", 8),
"prod_ast_tag": ("Product Asset Tag", "0x09", 12),
"loc_mac_addr": ("Local MAC address", "0x0A", 12),
"odm_pcba_ser_num": ("ODM PBCA Serial Number", "0x0B", 12),
"ext_mac_addr": ("Extended MAC Address Base", "0x0C", 12),
"prod_sub_ver": ("Product Sub Version", "0x0D", 1)
product_dict = {"Montara": "Wedge100BF-32X-O-AC-F-BF",
"Lower MAV": "Wedge100BF-65X-O-AC-F-BF",
"Upper MAV": "Wedge100BF-65X-O-AC-F-BF"
thrift_server = 'localhost'
transport = None
pltfm_mgr = None
EEPROM_SYMLINK = "/var/run/platform/eeprom/syseeprom"
EEPROM_STATUS = "/var/run/platform/eeprom/status"
class board(eeprom_tlvinfo.TlvInfoDecoder):
def __init__(self, name, path, cpld_root, ro):
with open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/logging.conf", 'r') as f:
config_dict = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(EEPROM_SYMLINK)):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
open(EEPROM_SYMLINK, 'a').close()
f = open(EEPROM_STATUS, 'w')
self.eeprom_path = EEPROM_SYMLINK
super(board, self).__init__(self.eeprom_path, 0, EEPROM_STATUS, True)
for attempt in range(self.RETRIES):
if self.eeprom_init():
if attempt + 1 == self.RETRIES:
raise RuntimeError("eeprom.py: Initialization failed")
def thrift_setup(self):
global thrift_server, transport, pltfm_mgr
transport = TSocket.TSocket(thrift_server, 9090)
transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(transport)
bprotocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
pltfm_mgr_client_module = importlib.import_module(
".".join(["pltfm_mgr_rpc", "pltfm_mgr_rpc"]))
pltfm_mgr_protocol = TMultiplexedProtocol.TMultiplexedProtocol(
bprotocol, "pltfm_mgr_rpc")
pltfm_mgr = pltfm_mgr_client_module.Client(pltfm_mgr_protocol)
def thrift_teardown(self):
global transport
def eeprom_init(self):
global pltfm_mgr
eeprom = pltfm_mgr.pltfm_mgr_sys_eeprom_get()
return False
f = open(EEPROM_STATUS, 'w')
eeprom_params = ""
for attr, val in eeprom.__dict__.items():
if val is None:
elem = eeprom_default_dict.get(attr)
if elem is None:
if isinstance(val, STRING_TYPE):
value = val.replace('\0', '')
value = str(val)
if attr == "sys_mfg_date":
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
value, '%m-%d-%y').strftime('%m/%d/%Y 00:00:00')
product = product_dict.get(value)
if product is not None:
value = product
if len(eeprom_params) > 0:
eeprom_params += ","
eeprom_params += "{0:s}={1:s}".format(elem[1], value)
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
new_e = eeprom_tlvinfo.TlvInfoDecoder.set_eeprom(
self, "", [eeprom_params])
sys.stdout = orig_stdout
eeprom_base.EepromDecoder.write_eeprom(self, new_e)
return True