Why I did it Support to trigger a pipeline to download and publish artifacts to storage and container registry. Support to specify the patterns which docker images to upload. How I did it Pass the pipeline information and the artifact information by pipeline parameters to the pipeline which will be triggered a new build. It is to decouple the artifacts generation and the publish logic, how and where the artifacts/docker images will be published, depends on the triggered pipeline. How to verify it
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# The steps to trigger the pipeline to publish the artifacts
- name: artifactName
type: string
default: ""
- name: publishPrefix
type: string
default: "$(Build.DefinitionName)/$(Build.SourceBranchName)"
- script: |
. functions.sh
latest_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
docker_tags="$sonic_version $(Build.SourceBranchName)"
if [ "$(Build.SourceBranchName)" == "master" ]; then
docker_tags="$docker_tags latest"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sonic_version]$sonic_version"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=latest_tag]$latest_tag"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=docker_tags]$docker_tags"
condition: ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
displayName: 'Set trigger build variables'
- task: TriggerBuild@4
condition: ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
definitionIsInCurrentTeamProject: false
teamProject: internal
tfsServer: $(System.CollectionUri)
buildDefinition: 'publish-artifacts'
queueBuildForUserThatTriggeredBuild: true
ignoreSslCertificateErrors: false
useSameSourceVersion: false
useCustomSourceVersion: false
useSameBranch: false
waitForQueuedBuildsToFinish: false
storeInEnvironmentVariable: true
authenticationMethod: 'Personal Access Token'
password: '$(system.accesstoken)'
enableBuildInQueueCondition: false
dependentOnSuccessfulBuildCondition: false
dependentOnFailedBuildCondition: false
checkbuildsoncurrentbranch: false
failTaskIfConditionsAreNotFulfilled: false
buildParameters: ''
templateParameters: |
pipelineContext: {"buildId":"$(Build.BuildId)",
"project": "$(System.TeamProject)",
artifactContext: {"artifactName":"${{ parameters.artifactName }}",
publishContext: {"publishPrefix":"${{ parameters.publishPrefix }}",