#!/bin/bash . /usr/local/bin/asic_status.sh function debug() { /usr/bin/logger $1 /bin/echo `date` "- $1" >> ${DEBUGLOG} } function check_warm_boot() { SYSTEM_WARM_START=`$SONIC_DB_CLI STATE_DB hget "WARM_RESTART_ENABLE_TABLE|system" enable` SERVICE_WARM_START=`$SONIC_DB_CLI STATE_DB hget "WARM_RESTART_ENABLE_TABLE|${SERVICE}" enable` if [[ x"$SYSTEM_WARM_START" == x"true" ]] || [[ x"$SERVICE_WARM_START" == x"true" ]]; then WARM_BOOT="true" else WARM_BOOT="false" fi } function validate_restore_count() { if [[ x"$WARM_BOOT" == x"true" ]]; then RESTORE_COUNT=`$SONIC_DB_CLI STATE_DB hget "WARM_RESTART_TABLE|${SERVICE}" restore_count` # We have to make sure db data has not been flushed. if [[ -z "$RESTORE_COUNT" ]]; then WARM_BOOT="false" fi fi } function check_fast_boot () { if [[ $($SONIC_DB_CLI STATE_DB GET "FAST_REBOOT|system") == "1" ]]; then FAST_BOOT="true" else FAST_BOOT="false" fi } start() { debug "Starting ${SERVICE}$DEV service..." check_warm_boot validate_restore_count check_fast_boot debug "Warm boot flag: ${SERVICE}$DEV ${WARM_BOOT}." debug "Fast boot flag: ${SERVICE}$DEV ${Fast_BOOT}." # On supervisor card, skip starting asic related services here. In wait(), # wait until the asic is detected by pmon and published via database. if ! is_chassis_supervisor; then # start service docker /usr/bin/${SERVICE}.sh start $DEV debug "Started ${SERVICE}$DEV service..." fi } wait() { # On supervisor card, wait for asic to be online before starting the docker. if is_chassis_supervisor; then check_asic_status ASIC_STATUS=$? # start service docker if [[ $ASIC_STATUS == 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/${SERVICE}.sh start $DEV debug "Started ${SERVICE}$DEV service..." fi fi /usr/bin/${SERVICE}.sh wait $DEV } stop() { debug "Stopping ${SERVICE}$DEV service..." check_warm_boot check_fast_boot debug "Warm boot flag: ${SERVICE}$DEV ${WARM_BOOT}." debug "Fast boot flag: ${SERVICE}$DEV ${FAST_BOOT}." if [[ x"$WARM_BOOT" == x"true" ]]; then # Send USR1 signal to all teamd instances to stop them # It will prepare teamd for warm-reboot # Note: We must send USR1 signal before syncd, because it will send the last packet through CPU port docker exec -i ${SERVICE}$DEV pkill -USR1 ${SERVICE} > /dev/null || [ $? == 1 ] elif [[ x"$FAST_BOOT" == x"true" ]]; then # Kill teamd processes inside of teamd container with SIGUSR2 to allow them to send last LACP frames # We call `docker kill teamd` to ensure the container stops as quickly as possible, # Note: teamd must be killed before syncd, because it will send the last packet through CPU port docker exec -i ${SERVICE}$DEV pkill -USR2 ${SERVICE} || [ $? == 1 ] while docker exec -i ${SERVICE}$DEV pgrep ${SERVICE} > /dev/null; do sleep 0.05 done docker kill ${SERVICE}$DEV &> /dev/null || debug "Docker ${SERVICE}$DEV is not running ($?) ..." fi /usr/bin/${SERVICE}.sh stop $DEV debug "Stopped ${SERVICE}$DEV service..." } DEV=$2 SERVICE="teamd" DEBUGLOG="/tmp/teamd-debug$DEV.log" NAMESPACE_PREFIX="asic" if [ "$DEV" ]; then NET_NS="$NAMESPACE_PREFIX$DEV" #name of the network namespace SONIC_DB_CLI="sonic-db-cli -n $NET_NS" else SONIC_DB_CLI="sonic-db-cli" fi case "$1" in start|wait|stop) $1 ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|wait|stop}" exit 1 ;; esac