# # Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license # agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to # you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the # "GPL"), available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, # with the following added to such license: # # As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give # you permission to link this software with independent modules, and to # copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your # choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent # module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An # independent module is a module which is not derived from this # software. The special exception does not apply to any modifications # of the software. # # -*- Makefile -*- # $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 Broadcom SDK $ # $Copyright: (c) 2005 Broadcom Corp. # All Rights Reserved.$ # # Makefile for Linux kernel BDE # LOCALDIR = systems/bde/linux/kernel # Make sure we build for the kernel if this is a user-mode build ifneq ($(platform), ) override-target=linux-$(platform) endif include $(SDK)/make/Make.config LIBS = $(LIBDIR)/libkern.a BDE = linux-kernel-bde.o ifdef ROBO_CHIPS CFLAGS += -I$(ET_ROBO) -I${SDK}/include/shared/et ET_ROBO = ${SDK}/systems/drv/et endif # need to add vpath sources VPATH = ../shared $(ET_ROBO) # Add the srcs to be found by vpath LSRCS += mpool.c ifdef ROBO_CHIPS platformsplt = $(subst -, , ${platform}) # change hyphens to spaces platformbase = $(word 1,${platformsplt}) ifeq ($(platformbase), keystone) LSRCS += etc_robo_spi.c aiutils.c else ifeq ($(platformbase), keystone_le) LSRCS += etc_robo_spi.c aiutils.c else ifeq ($(platformbase), iproc) LSRCS += robo_srab.c robo_spi.c aiutils.c endif endif endif # platformbase endif # ROBO_CHIPS # Add shared BDE sources VPATH += ../../shared LSRCS += shbde_pci.c shbde_iproc.c shbde_mdio.c CFLAGS += -I../../shared/include LHDRS += mpool.h LOBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LSRCS))) BOBJS = $(addprefix $(BLDDIR)/,$(LOBJS)) ifneq ($(kernel_version),2_4) KERNEL_MODULE_DIR = kernel_module THIS_MOD_NAME := linux-kernel-bde MODULE = $(LIBDIR)/$(THIS_MOD_NAME).o KMODULE = $(LIBDIR)/$(THIS_MOD_NAME).ko build: kernel_libs $(MODULE) $(KMODULE) else MODULE = $(LIBDIR)/linux-kernel-bde.o build: kernel_libs $(MODULE) endif $(MODULE): $(BLDDIR)/.tree kernel_libs $(BOBJS) mkdir -p $(@D) $(LD) $(MODULE_LDFLAGS) -r -d $(BOBJS) $(LIBS) -o $@ ifneq ($(kernel_version),2_4) $(KMODULE): $(MODULE) rm -fr $(BLDDIR)/$(KERNEL_MODULE_DIR) mkdir $(BLDDIR)/$(KERNEL_MODULE_DIR) cp ${SDK}/make/Makefile.linux-kmodule $(BLDDIR)/$(KERNEL_MODULE_DIR)/Makefile MOD_NAME=$(THIS_MOD_NAME) $(MAKE) -C $(BLDDIR)/$(KERNEL_MODULE_DIR) $(THIS_MOD_NAME).ko endif kernel_libs: $(MAKE) -C $(SDK)/systems/linux/kernel/modules/shared include $(SDK)/make/Make.depend # Make.depend is before clean:: so that Make.depend's clean:: runs first. clean:: $(MAKE) -C $(SDK)/systems/linux/kernel/modules/shared $@ $(RM) $(BOBJS) $(MODULE) $(RM) $(BLDDIR)/$(KERNEL_MODULE_DIR) distclean:: ifneq ($(kernel_version),2_4) .PHONY: build kernel_libs endif