{% from "dockers/dockerfile-macros.j2" import install_debian_packages, install_python_wheels, copy_files %} FROM docker-base-bullseye-{{DOCKER_USERNAME}}:{{DOCKER_USERTAG}} ## Make apt-get non-interactive ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ apt-utils \ build-essential \ python3-dev {%- if CONFIGURED_ARCH == "armhf" or CONFIGURED_ARCH == "arm64" %} RUN apt-get install -y \ libxslt-dev \ libz-dev {%- endif %} # For sonic-config-engine Python 3 package # Explicitly install pyangbind here, as pyangbind causes enum34 to be installed. # enum34 causes Python 're' package to not work properly as it redefines an incompatible enum.py module # https://github.com/robshakir/pyangbind/issues/232 RUN pip3 install pyangbind==0.8.1 RUN pip3 uninstall -y enum34 # Install python-redis RUN pip3 install redis==4.5.4 {% if docker_config_engine_bullseye_debs.strip() %} # Copy locally-built Debian package dependencies {{ copy_files("debs/", docker_config_engine_bullseye_debs.split(' '), "/debs/") }} # Install locally-built Debian packages and implicitly install their dependencies {{ install_debian_packages(docker_config_engine_bullseye_debs.split(' ')) }} {% endif %} {% if docker_config_engine_bullseye_whls.strip() %} # Copy locally-built Python wheel dependencies {{ copy_files("python-wheels/", docker_config_engine_bullseye_whls.split(' '), "/python-wheels/") }} # Install locally-built Python wheel dependencies {{ install_python_wheels(docker_config_engine_bullseye_whls.split(' ')) }} {% endif %} # Copy files COPY ["files/swss_vars.j2", "/usr/share/sonic/templates/"] COPY ["files/container_startup.py", "/usr/share/sonic/scripts/"] ## Clean up RUN apt-get purge -y \ python3-dev \ build-essential && \ apt-get clean -y && \ apt-get autoclean -y && \ apt-get autoremove -y && \ rm -rf /debs /python-wheels ~/.cache