name: PreCherryPick on: pull_request_target: types: - labeled - closed branches: - master jobs: pre_cherry_pick: if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true && ( (github.event.action == 'closed' && contains(join(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, ','), 'Approved for 20')) || (github.event.action == 'labeled' && startsWith(, 'Approved for 20')) ) runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 persist-credentials: false - name: Debug env: GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} run: echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq - name: Main env: GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} run: | set -e sha=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha") pr_id=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.number") pr_url=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.pull_request._links.html.href") repository=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".repository") labels=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.pull_request.labels[].name") author=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.pull_request.user.login") branches=$(git branch -a --list 'origin/20????' | awk -F/ '{print$3}' | grep -E "202[0-9]{3}") if [[ $(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.action") == "labeled" ]];then labels=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r "") fi title=$(echo $GITHUB_CONTEXT | jq -r ".event.pull_request.title") echo ============================= echo SHA: $sha echo PRID: $pr_id echo pr_url: $pr_url echo repository: $repository echo branches: $branches echo labels: echo "$labels" echo ${TOKEN} | gh auth login --with-token echo author: $author echo title: $title echo ============================= git config mssonicbld git config git config credential. mssonicbld git remote add mssonicbld https://mssonicbld:${TOKEN} git fetch mssonicbld git remote -vv cherry_pick(){ set -e local create_pr='' while read label do echo label: $label if [[ "$label" == "Approved for $branch Branch" ]];then create_pr=1 fi if [[ "$label" == "Created PR to $branch Branch" ]];then echo "already has tag: Created PR to $branch Branch, return" return 0 fi if [[ "$label" == "Included in $branch Branch" ]];then echo "already has tag: Included in $branch Branch, return" return 0 fi if [[ "$label" == "Cherry Pick Conflict_$branch" ]];then echo "already has tag: Cherry Pick Conflict_$branch, return" return 0 fi done <<< "$labels" if [[ "$create_pr" != "1" ]];then echo "Didn't find 'Approved for $branch Branch' tag." return 0 fi # Begin to cherry-pick PR git cherry-pick --abort 2>/dev/null || true git clean -xdff 2>/dev/null || true git reset HEAD --hard || true git checkout -b $branch --track origin/$branch git status | grep "working tree clean" if ! git cherry-pick $sha;then echo 'cherry-pick failed.' git cherry-pick --abort git status | grep "working tree clean" # Add label gh pr edit $pr_url --add-label "Cherry Pick Conflict_$branch" echo 'Add label "Cherry Pick Conflict_$branch" success' gh pr comment $pr_url --body "@${author} PR conflicts with $branch branch" echo 'Add commnet "@${author} PR conflicts with $branch branch"' else # Create PR to release branch git push mssonicbld HEAD:cherry/$branch/${pr_id} -f result=$(gh pr create -R ${repository} -H mssonicbld:cherry/$branch/${pr_id} -B $branch -t "[action] [PR:$pr_id] $title" -b '' 2>&1) echo $result | grep "already exists" && { echo $result; return 0; } echo $result | grep || { echo $result; return 1; } new_pr_rul=$(echo $result | grep echo new_pr_rul: $new_pr_rul # Add label to old PR gh pr edit $pr_url --add-label "Created PR to $branch Branch" echo Add label Created PR to $branch Branch # Add comment to old PR gh pr comment $pr_url --body "Cherry-pick PR to $branch: ${new_pr_rul}" echo Add comment to old PR # Add label to new PR gh pr edit $new_pr_rul --add-label "automerge" echo Add label automerge to new PR # Add comment to new PR gh pr comment $new_pr_rul --body "Original PR: ${pr_url}" echo Add comment to new PR fi } for branch in $branches do echo ------------------------------------------- echo Begin to parse Branch: $branch cherry_pick done