#!/bin/bash ## This script is to generate an ONIE installer image based on a file system overload ## Read ONIE image related config file . ./onie-image.conf [ -n "$ONIE_IMAGE_PART_SIZE" ] || { echo "Error: Invalid ONIE_IMAGE_PART_SIZE in onie image config file" exit 1 } [ -n "$ONIE_INSTALLER_PAYLOAD" ] || { echo "Error: Invalid ONIE_INSTALLER_PAYLOAD in onie image config file" exit 1 } ## Retrieval short version of Git revision hash for partition metadata [ -z "$(git status --untracked-files=no -s --ignore-submodules)" ] || { echo "Error: There is local changes not committed to git repo. Cannot get a revision hash for partition metadata." exit 1 } GIT_REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) mkdir -p `dirname $OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE` sudo rm -f $OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE if [ "$IMAGE_TYPE" = "onie" ]; then ## Generate an ONIE installer image ## Note: Don't leave blank between lines. It is single line command. ./onie-mk-demo.sh $TARGET_PLATFORM $TARGET_MACHINE $TARGET_PLATFORM-$TARGET_MACHINE-$ONIEIMAGE_VERSION \ installer platform/$TARGET_MACHINE/platform.conf $OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE OS $GIT_REVISION $ONIE_IMAGE_PART_SIZE \ $ONIE_INSTALLER_PAYLOAD ## Use 'aboot' as target machine category which includes Aboot as bootloader elif [ "$IMAGE_TYPE" = "aboot" ]; then ## Add Aboot boot0 file into the image cp $ONIE_INSTALLER_PAYLOAD $OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE pushd files/Aboot && sudo zip -g $OLDPWD/$OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE boot0; popd echo "$GIT_REVISION" >> .imagehash zip -g $OUTPUT_ONIE_IMAGE .imagehash rm .imagehash else echo "Error: Non supported target platform: $TARGET_PLATFORM" exit 1 fi