#!/usr/bin/env bash # Generate supervisord config file mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ sonic-cfggen -d -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2 > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf # Generate the script that waits for all interfaces to come up and make it executable sonic-cfggen -d -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/wait_for_intf.sh.j2 > /usr/bin/wait_for_intf.sh chmod +x /usr/bin/wait_for_intf.sh # Generate port name-alias map for isc-dhcp-relay to parse. Each line contains one # name-alias pair of the form " " sonic-cfggen -d --var-json "PORT" | python -c "import sys, json, os; [sys.stdout.write('%s %s\n' % (k, v['alias'] if 'alias' in v else k)) for (k, v) in json.load(sys.stdin).iteritems()]" > /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt # The docker container should start this script as PID 1, so now that supervisord is # properly configured, we exec supervisord so that it runs as PID 1 for the # duration of the container's lifetime exec /usr/bin/supervisord