module sonic-loopback-interface { yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix lointf; import sonic-types { prefix stypes; } import sonic-extension { prefix ext; } import sonic-vrf { prefix vrf; } description "SONIC LOOPBACK INTERFACE"; revision 2021-04-05 { description "Modify the type of vrf name"; } revision 2020-02-05 { description "First Revision"; } container sonic-loopback-interface { container LOOPBACK_INTERFACE { list LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_LIST { key "name"; leaf name{ type string; } leaf vrf_name { type leafref { path "/vrf:sonic-vrf/vrf:VRF/vrf:VRF_LIST/vrf:name"; } } leaf nat_zone { description "NAT Zone for the loopback interface"; type uint8 { range "0..3" { error-message "Invalid nat zone for the loopback interface."; error-app-tag nat-zone-invalid; } } default "0"; } } /* end of LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_LIST */ list LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST { key "name ip-prefix"; leaf name{ description "Loopback interface name"; type leafref { path "../../LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_LIST/name"; } } leaf ip-prefix { type union { type stypes:sonic-ip4-prefix; type stypes:sonic-ip6-prefix; } } leaf scope { type enumeration { enum global; enum local; } } leaf family { /* family leaf needed for backward compatibility Both ip4 and ip6 address are string in IETF RFC 6021, so must statement can check based on : or ., family should be IPv4 or IPv6 according. */ must "(contains(../ip-prefix, ':') and current()='IPv6') or (contains(../ip-prefix, '.') and current()='IPv4')"; type stypes:ip-family; } } } /* end of LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST */ } }