module sonic-feature{ yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix feature; import sonic-types { prefix stypes; } description "Feature Table yang Module for SONiC"; typedef feature-state { description "configuration to set the feature running state"; type string; } typedef feature-owner { description "configuration to set if the container is controlled by kubernetes or locally"; type string { pattern "kube|local"; } } typedef feature-scope-status { description "configuration to set the feature has asic scope as true/false"; type string; } container sonic-feature { container FEATURE { description "feature table in config_db.json"; list FEATURE_LIST { key "name"; leaf name { description "feature name in Feature table"; type string { length 1..32; } } leaf state { description "state of the feature"; type feature-state; default "enabled"; } leaf auto_restart { type feature-state; default "enabled"; } leaf delayed { description "This configuration identicates if the feature needs to be delayed until system initialization"; type stypes:boolean_type; default "false"; } leaf has_global_scope { description "This configuration identicates there will only one service spawned for the device"; type stypes:boolean_type; default "false"; } leaf has_per_asic_scope { description "This configuration identicates there will only one service spawned per asic"; type feature-scope-status; default "false"; } leaf high_mem_alert { description "This configuration controls the trigger to generate alert on high memory utilization"; type feature-state; default "disabled"; } leaf set_owner { description " This configuration set the feature owner is kubernetes or local"; type feature-owner; default "local"; } leaf check_up_status { description "This configuration controls the system ready tool to check the app ready/up status"; type stypes:boolean_type; default "false"; } leaf support_syslog_rate_limit { description "This configuration indicates the feature support configuring syslog rate limit"; type stypes:boolean_type; default "false"; } } } } }