#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. # As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a # dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. # This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export INSTALL_MOD_DIR:=extra PACKAGE_PRE_NAME := platform-modules-e530 KVERSION ?= $(shell uname -r) KERNEL_SRC := /lib/modules/$(KVERSION) MOD_SRC_DIR:= $(shell pwd) MODULE_DIRS:= 48t4x-p 24x2c 48s4x 24x2q MODULE_DIR := modules SERVICE_DIR := service CLASSES_DIR := classes CONF_DIR := conf KDAL_DIR := ../../centec/centec-dal/ FAN_DIR := fan PCA954X_DIR := pca954x %: dh $@ clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_clean build: #make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MODULE_SRC) (for mod in $(KDAL_DIR); do \ make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/; \ done) (for mod in $(FAN_DIR); do \ make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/; \ done) (for mod in $(PCA954X_DIR); do \ make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/; \ done) (for mod in $(MODULE_DIRS); do \ make modules -C $(KERNEL_SRC)/build M=$(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/modules; \ cd $${mod}; \ python3 -m build --wheel --no-isolation --outdir $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/modules; \ cd -; \ done) binary: binary-arch binary-indep # Nothing to do binary-arch: # Nothing to do #install: build #dh_testdir #dh_testroot #dh_clean -k #dh_installdirs binary-indep: dh_testdir dh_installdirs # Custom package commands (for mod in $(MODULE_DIRS); do \ dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod} $(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \ dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod} lib/systemd/system; \ dh_installdirs -p$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod} etc; \ cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/$(MODULE_DIR)/*.ko debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \ cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$(KDAL_DIR)/*.ko debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \ cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$(FAN_DIR)/*.ko debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \ cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$(PCA954X_DIR)/*.ko debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/$(KERNEL_SRC)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR); \ cp $(MOD_SRC_DIR)/$${mod}/$(SERVICE_DIR)/*.service debian/$(PACKAGE_PRE_NAME)-$${mod}/lib/systemd/system/; \ done) # Resuming debhelper scripts dh_testroot dh_install dh_installchangelogs dh_installdocs dh_systemd_enable dh_installinit dh_systemd_start dh_link dh_fixperms dh_compress dh_strip dh_installdeb dh_gencontrol dh_md5sums dh_builddeb .PHONY: build binary binary-arch binary-indep clean