from swsscommon import swsscommon import os import re import time import json import random def output(dvs, title): print "=========================== %s ===========================" % title exit_cod, sum_res = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp sum"]) exit_code, all_route = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp"]) exit_code, neig_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors"]) exit_code, announce_route_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) exit_code, received_route_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors routes"]) exit_code, announce_route_3 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) exit_code, received_route_3 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors routes"]) print "Summary:" print sum_res print "Received routes:" print "" print received_route_1 print "" print received_route_3 print "Announces routes:" print "" print announce_route_1 print "" print announce_route_3 print "Neighbors" print "" print neig_1 print "======================================================" def mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def remove(path): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) def get_target_env(idx): return '/usr/local/etc/exabgp/exabgp_%d.env' % idx def prepare_exa_env(dvs, idx): mkdir('/usr/local/etc') mkdir('/usr/local/etc/exabgp') tmp_name = '/tmp/env.%d.%d' % (random.randint(0, 10000000), os.getpid()) dvs.servers[idx].runcmd("exabgp --fi > %s" % tmp_name) with open(tmp_name) as r_fp: with open(get_target_env(idx), 'w') as w_fp: for line in r_fp: if line.startswith('pipename'): line = "pipename = 'exabgp.%d'\n" % idx w_fp.write(line) os.unlink(tmp_name) def run_exa(dvs, idx, cfg): prepare_exa_env(dvs, idx) run_dir = "/var/run/exabgp" mkdir(run_dir) fifo_in_path = "%s/" % (run_dir, idx) fifo_out_path = "%s/exabgp.%d.out" % (run_dir, idx) remove(fifo_in_path) remove(fifo_out_path) os.mkfifo(fifo_in_path) os.mkfifo(fifo_out_path) os.chmod(fifo_in_path, 0666) os.chmod(fifo_out_path, 0666) print "!!! Start exabgp instance %d" % idx cmd = "exabgp -d --env %s %s" % (get_target_env(idx), cfg) print "Cmd is ___ %s ___" % cmd return dvs.servers[idx].runcmd_async(cmd) def run_exacli(dvs, idx, cmd): return dvs.servers[idx].runcmd('exabgpcli --env %s %s' % (get_target_env(idx), cmd)) def test_gr_livelock(dvs, testlog): # update exabgp to version 4.0.10 dvs.servers[0].runcmd("pip install 'exabgp==4.0.10' --force-reinstall ") # dvs.copy_file("/etc/quagga/", "bgp/files/gr_livelock/bgpd.conf") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("pkill exabgp") # In case previous test didn't stop exa dvs.runcmd("supervisorctl stop bgpd") time.sleep(5) dvs.runcmd("supervisorctl start bgpd") dvs.runcmd("ip addr add dev Ethernet0") dvs.runcmd("ifconfig Ethernet0 up") dvs.runcmd("ip addr add dev Ethernet4") dvs.runcmd("ifconfig Ethernet4 up") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("ip addr add dev eth0") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("ifconfig eth0 up") dvs.servers[1].runcmd("ip addr add dev eth0") dvs.servers[1].runcmd("ifconfig eth0 up") time.sleep(5) # Run two bgp neighbors p1 = run_exa(dvs, 0, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp1.conf") p2 = run_exa(dvs, 1, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp2.conf") time.sleep(30) output(dvs, "First neighbor doesn't have GR enabled") # Check that we announce routes from the 1st neigbbor to 2nd, if 1st neighbor doesn't support graceful restart _, announced_routes = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) assert '' in announced_routes # Stop 1st neighbor run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'shutdown') p1 = p1.wait() # Wait until quagga thinks that 1st neighbor was shut down time.sleep(300) # Start the 1st neighbor again with graceful restart enabled p1 = run_exa(dvs, 0, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp1.graceful.conf") time.sleep(60) output(dvs, "First neighbor has GR enalbed") run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'announce route next-hop self') time.sleep(60) output(dvs, "Announced a new route from the first neighbor") # Check that we announce all routes from the 1st neighbor _, announced_routes = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) assert '' in announced_routes assert '' in announced_routes run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'shutdown') p1 = p1.wait() run_exacli(dvs, 1, 'shutdown') p2 = p2.wait()