#This configuration file is for customer init value feature. Please refer to nps_cfg.h/nps_cfg.c for detail. #1. The lines beginning with # are comment lines. The lines beginning with number are the setting lines. #2. There are five parameters which can be set. # 1) the first is unit. # 2) the second is NPS_CFG_TYPE_XXX. Refer to NPS_CFG_TYPE_T. # 3) the 3-5 are {param0, param1, value} pairs. Refer to NPS_CFG_VALUE_T. Support HEX format. # 4) the (unit, NPS_CFG_TYPE_XXX, param0, param1) group is the key to get the correspingding value. # There should be no same (unit, NPS_CFG_TYPE_XXX, param0, param1) group. #3. User must follow correct format to apply the setting. Please refer to below commentted example(#0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_L2_ADDR_MODE 0 0 1); #4. Usage under the linux shell: # 1) ./image-path/image-name -c cfg-path/NPS_TAU_EVB_6T4_64.cfg : mamually specify directory path if they are not in current work dirctory. # 2) ./image-name -c NPS_TAU_EVB_6T4_64.cfg : the image and the NPS_TAU_EVB_3T2_32.cfg are in the current work directory. #unit NPS_CFG_TYPE_XXX param0 param1 value #---- ---------------- ------ ------ ----- 0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_USE_UNIT_PORT 0 0 1 0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_LED_CFG 0 0 2 0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_CPI_PORT_MODE 129 0 0 0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_CPI_PORT_MODE 130 0 0 0 NPS_CFG_TYPE_USER_BUF_CTRL 0 0 1