{% set prefix = DEFAULT_CONTAINER_REGISTRY %} FROM {{ prefix }}ubuntu:20.04 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https \ apt-utils \ build-essential \ ca-certificates \ cmake \ curl \ default-jre \ git \ iproute2 \ iputils-ping \ isc-dhcp-client \ libffi-dev \ libssl-dev \ libxml2 \ libxslt1-dev \ lsb-release \ jq \ openssh-server \ psmisc \ python \ python-dev \ python3-pip \ python3-venv \ rsyslog \ shellcheck \ snmp \ software-properties-common \ sshpass \ sudo \ tcpdump \ telnet \ vim RUN curl -fsSL http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/scapy/python-scapy_2.3.3-3_all.deb \ --output python-scapy_2.3.3-3_all.deb \ && dpkg -i python-scapy_2.3.3-3_all.deb \ && rm -f python-scapy_2.3.3-3_all.deb RUN curl -fsSL https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py --output get-pip.py \ && python2 get-pip.py \ && rm -f get-pip.py \ && ln -sf `which pip2` /usr/bin/pip RUN pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel RUN pip install allure-pytest==2.8.22 \ ansible==2.8.12 \ azure-storage-blob==12.9.0 \ celery[redis]==4.4.7 \ cffi==1.12.0 \ contextlib2==0.6.0.post1 \ cryptography==3.3.2 \ dpkt \ "future>=0.16.0" \ gitpython \ ipaddr \ ipython==5.4.1 \ ixnetwork-restpy==1.0.64 \ ixnetwork-open-traffic-generator==0.0.79 \ jinja2==2.10.1 \ jsonpatch \ lazy-object-proxy==1.6.0 \ lxml \ mock \ msrest==0.6.21 \ natsort \ netaddr \ netmiko==2.4.2 \ paramiko==2.7.1 \ passlib \ pexpect \ prettytable \ psutil \ pyasn1==0.1.9 \ pycryptodome==3.9.8 \ pyfiglet \ pylint==1.8.1 \ pyro4 \ pysnmp==4.2.5 \ pysubnettree \ pytest==4.6.11 \ pytest-ansible \ pytest-repeat \ pytest-html \ pytest-xdist==1.28.0 \ python-dateutil \ redis \ requests \ retry \ rpyc \ scandir \ six \ snappi[ixnetwork,convergence]==0.7.44 \ statistics \ tabulate \ textfsm==1.1.3 \ thrift==0.11.0 \ virtualenv \ && git clone https://github.com/p4lang/scapy-vxlan.git \ && cd scapy-vxlan \ && python setup.py install \ && cd .. \ && rm -fr scapy-vxlan \ && wget https://github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg/archive/1.0.0.tar.gz \ && tar xvfz 1.0.0.tar.gz \ && cd nanomsg-1.0.0 \ && mkdir -p build \ && cd build \ && cmake .. \ && make install \ && ldconfig \ && cd ../.. \ && rm -fr nanomsg-1.0.0 \ && rm -f 1.0.0.tar.gz \ && pip install nnpy \ && pip install scapy==2.4.5 --upgrade --ignore-installed # Install docker-ce-cli RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ gnupg-agent \ && curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | apt-key add - \ && add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y docker-ce-cli # Install Azure CLI RUN curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | bash ## Copy and install sonic-mgmt docker dependencies COPY \ {% for deb in docker_sonic_mgmt_debs.split(' ') -%} debs/{{ deb }}{{' '}} {%- endfor -%} debs/ RUN dpkg -i \ {% for deb in docker_sonic_mgmt_debs.split(' ') -%} debs/{{ deb }}{{' '}} {%- endfor %} RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd EXPOSE 22 # Add user ARG user ARG uid ARG guid ARG hostname ENV BUILD_HOSTNAME $hostname ENV USER $user ENV CC=gcc CPP=cpp CXX=c++ LDSHARED="gcc -pthread -shared" PYMSSQL_BUILD_WITH_BUNDLED_FREETDS=1 RUN groupadd -f -r -g $guid g$user RUN useradd $user -l -u $uid -g $guid -d /var/$user -m -s /bin/bash COPY sonic-jenkins.pub /var/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys2 RUN echo "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" > /var/$user/.ssh/config RUN chown $user /var/$user/.ssh -R RUN chmod go= /var/$user/.ssh -R # Add user to sudoers RUN echo "$user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >>/etc/sudoers USER $user WORKDIR /var/$user # Add az symlink for backwards compatibility RUN mkdir bin && ln -s /usr/bin/az bin/az RUN python3 -m venv env-python3 # Activating a virtualenv. The virtualenv automatically works for RUN, ENV and CMD. ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=env-python3 ARG BACKUP_OF_PATH="$PATH" ENV PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH" ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel RUN python3 -m pip install aiohttp \ allure-pytest==2.8.22 \ ansible==2.9.27 \ azure-storage-blob==12.9.0 \ azure-kusto-data \ azure-kusto-ingest \ defusedxml \ celery[redis]==4.4.7 \ cffi \ contextlib2==0.6.0.post1 \ cryptography==3.3.2 \ dpkt \ "future>=0.16.0" \ gitpython \ ipaddr \ ipython==5.4.1 \ ixnetwork-restpy==1.0.64 \ ixnetwork-open-traffic-generator==0.0.79 \ jinja2==2.10.1 \ jsonpatch \ lxml \ markupsafe==2.0.1 \ mock \ msrest==0.6.21 \ natsort \ ncclient \ netaddr \ netmiko==2.4.2 \ nnpy \ paramiko==2.7.1 \ passlib \ pexpect \ prettytable \ psutil \ ptf \ pyasn1==0.4.8 \ pycryptodome==3.9.8 \ pyfiglet \ pylint==1.8.1 \ pyro4 \ pysnmp==4.4.12 \ pysubnettree \ pytest-ansible \ pytest-html \ pytest-repeat \ pytest-xdist==1.28.0 \ python-dateutil \ pytest==7.1.3 \ redis \ requests \ retry \ rpyc \ scandir \ scapy==2.4.5 \ setuptools-rust \ six \ snappi[ixnetwork,convergence]==0.7.44 \ tabulate \ textfsm==1.1.2 \ thrift==0.11.0 \ virtualenv # Deactivating a virtualenv ENV PATH="$BACKUP_OF_PATH" USER root WORKDIR /azp COPY ./start.sh . RUN chmod +x start.sh USER $user WORKDIR /var/$user