#!/usr/bin/env python import calendar import os import sys import socket import struct import json import copy import ipaddr as ipaddress from collections import defaultdict from lxml import etree as ET from lxml.etree import QName from portconfig import get_port_config """minigraph.py version_added: "1.9" author: Guohan Lu (gulv@microsoft.com) short_description: Parse minigraph xml file and device description xml file """ ns = "Microsoft.Search.Autopilot.Evolution" ns1 = "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Microsoft.Search.Autopilot.Evolution" ns2 = "Microsoft.Search.Autopilot.NetMux" ns3 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" KEY_SEPARATOR = '|' class minigraph_encoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, ( ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network, ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address )): return str(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def parse_device(device): lo_prefix = None mgmt_prefix = None d_type = None # don't shadow type() hwsku = None name = None if str(QName(ns3, "type")) in device.attrib: d_type = device.attrib[str(QName(ns3, "type"))] for node in device: if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "Address")): lo_prefix = node.find(str(QName(ns2, "IPPrefix"))).text elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "ManagementAddress")): mgmt_prefix = node.find(str(QName(ns2, "IPPrefix"))).text elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "Hostname")): name = node.text elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "HwSku")): hwsku = node.text return (lo_prefix, mgmt_prefix, name, hwsku, d_type) def parse_png(png, hname): neighbors = {} devices = {} console_dev = '' console_port = '' mgmt_dev = '' mgmt_port = '' for child in png: if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")): for link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "DeviceLinkBase"))): linktype = link.find(str(QName(ns, "ElementType"))).text if linktype != "DeviceInterfaceLink" and linktype != "UnderlayInterfaceLink": continue enddevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndDevice"))).text endport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPort"))).text startdevice = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartDevice"))).text startport = link.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPort"))).text if enddevice == hname: if port_alias_map.has_key(endport): endport = port_alias_map[endport] neighbors[endport] = {'name': startdevice, 'port': startport} else: if port_alias_map.has_key(startport): startport = port_alias_map[startport] neighbors[startport] = {'name': enddevice, 'port': endport} if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "Devices")): for device in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "Device"))): (lo_prefix, mgmt_prefix, name, hwsku, d_type) = parse_device(device) device_data = {'lo_addr': lo_prefix, 'type': d_type, 'mgmt_addr': mgmt_prefix, 'hwsku': hwsku } devices[name] = device_data if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInterfaceLinks")): for if_link in child.findall(str(QName(ns, 'DeviceLinkBase'))): if str(QName(ns3, "type")) in if_link.attrib: link_type = if_link.attrib[str(QName(ns3, "type"))] if link_type == 'DeviceSerialLink': for node in if_link: if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndPort")): console_port = node.text.split()[-1] elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndDevice")): console_dev = node.text elif link_type == 'DeviceMgmtLink': for node in if_link: if node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndPort")): mgmt_port = node.text.split()[-1] elif node.tag == str(QName(ns, "EndDevice")): mgmt_dev = node.text return (neighbors, devices, console_dev, console_port, mgmt_dev, mgmt_port) def parse_dpg(dpg, hname): for child in dpg: hostname = child.find(str(QName(ns, "Hostname"))) if hostname.text != hname: continue ipintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "IPInterfaces"))) intfs = {} for ipintf in ipintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "IPInterface"))): intfalias = ipintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text intfname = port_alias_map.get(intfalias, intfalias) ipprefix = ipintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Prefix"))).text intfs[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {} lointfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "LoopbackIPInterfaces"))) lo_intfs = {} for lointf in lointfs.findall(str(QName(ns1, "LoopbackIPInterface"))): intfname = lointf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text ipprefix = lointf.find(str(QName(ns1, "PrefixStr"))).text lo_intfs[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {} mgmtintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "ManagementIPInterfaces"))) mgmt_intf = {} for mgmtintf in mgmtintfs.findall(str(QName(ns1, "ManagementIPInterface"))): intfname = mgmtintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text ipprefix = mgmtintf.find(str(QName(ns1, "PrefixStr"))).text mgmtipn = ipaddress.IPNetwork(ipprefix) gwaddr = ipaddress.IPAddress(int(mgmtipn.network) + 1) mgmt_intf[(intfname, ipprefix)] = {'gwaddr': gwaddr} pcintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "PortChannelInterfaces"))) pc_intfs = [] pcs = {} for pcintf in pcintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "PortChannel"))): pcintfname = pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text pcintfmbr = pcintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text pcmbr_list = pcintfmbr.split(';') for i, member in enumerate(pcmbr_list): pcmbr_list[i] = port_alias_map.get(member, member) pcs[pcintfname] = {'members': pcmbr_list} vlanintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "VlanInterfaces"))) vlan_intfs = [] vlans = {} vlan_members = {} for vintf in vlanintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "VlanInterface"))): vintfname = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Name"))).text vlanid = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "VlanID"))).text vintfmbr = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text vmbr_list = vintfmbr.split(';') for i, member in enumerate(vmbr_list): vmbr_list[i] = port_alias_map.get(member, member) sonic_vlan_member_name = "Vlan%s%s%s" % (vlanid, KEY_SEPARATOR, vmbr_list[i]) vlan_members[sonic_vlan_member_name] = {'tagging_mode': 'untagged'} vlan_attributes = {'vlanid': vlanid} # If this VLAN requires a DHCP relay agent, it will contain a element # containing a list of DHCP server IPs if vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "DhcpRelays"))) is not None: vintfdhcpservers = vintf.find(str(QName(ns, "DhcpRelays"))).text vdhcpserver_list = vintfdhcpservers.split(';') vlan_attributes['dhcp_servers'] = vdhcpserver_list sonic_vlan_name = "Vlan%s" % vlanid vlans[sonic_vlan_name] = vlan_attributes aclintfs = child.find(str(QName(ns, "AclInterfaces"))) acls = {} for aclintf in aclintfs.findall(str(QName(ns, "AclInterface"))): aclname = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "InAcl"))).text.upper().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") aclattach = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text.split(';') acl_intfs = [] is_mirror = False for member in aclattach: member = member.strip() if pcs.has_key(member): acl_intfs.extend(pcs[member]['members']) # For ACL attaching to port channels, we break them into port channel members elif vlans.has_key(member): print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: ACL " + aclname + " is attached to a Vlan interface, which is currently not supported" elif port_alias_map.has_key(member): acl_intfs.append(port_alias_map[member]) elif member.lower() == 'erspan': is_mirror = True; # Erspan session will be attached to all front panel ports acl_intfs = port_alias_map.values() break; if acl_intfs: acls[aclname] = { 'policy_desc': aclname, 'ports': acl_intfs, 'type': 'MIRROR' if is_mirror else 'L3'} return intfs, lo_intfs, mgmt_intf, vlans, vlan_members, pcs, acls return None, None, None, None, None, None, None def parse_cpg(cpg, hname): bgp_sessions = {} myasn = None bgp_peers_with_range = {} for child in cpg: tag = child.tag if tag == str(QName(ns, "PeeringSessions")): for session in child.findall(str(QName(ns, "BGPSession"))): start_router = session.find(str(QName(ns, "StartRouter"))).text start_peer = session.find(str(QName(ns, "StartPeer"))).text end_router = session.find(str(QName(ns, "EndRouter"))).text end_peer = session.find(str(QName(ns, "EndPeer"))).text rrclient = 1 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "RRClient"))) is not None else 0 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "HoldTime"))) is not None: holdtime = session.find(str(QName(ns, "HoldTime"))).text else: holdtime = 180 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "KeepAliveTime"))) is not None: keepalive = session.find(str(QName(ns, "KeepAliveTime"))).text else: keepalive = 60 nhopself = 1 if session.find(str(QName(ns, "NextHopSelf"))) is not None else 0 if end_router == hname: bgp_sessions[start_peer] = { 'name': start_router, 'local_addr': end_peer, 'rrclient': rrclient, 'holdtime': holdtime, 'keepalive': keepalive, 'nhopself': nhopself } else: bgp_sessions[end_peer] = { 'name': end_router, 'local_addr': start_peer, 'rrclient': rrclient, 'holdtime': holdtime, 'keepalive': keepalive, 'nhopself': nhopself } elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "Routers")): for router in child.findall(str(QName(ns1, "BGPRouterDeclaration"))): asn = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "ASN"))).text hostname = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "Hostname"))).text if hostname == hname: myasn = asn peers = router.find(str(QName(ns1, "Peers"))) for bgpPeer in peers.findall(str(QName(ns, "BGPPeer"))): addr = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns, "Address"))).text if bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeersRange"))) is not None: name = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text ip_range = bgpPeer.find(str(QName(ns1, "PeersRange"))).text ip_range_group = ip_range.split(';') if ip_range and ip_range != "" else [] bgp_peers_with_range[name] = { 'name': name, 'ip_range': ip_range_group } else: for peer in bgp_sessions: bgp_session = bgp_sessions[peer] if hostname == bgp_session['name']: bgp_session['asn'] = asn bgp_sessions = { key: bgp_sessions[key] for key in bgp_sessions if bgp_sessions[key].has_key('asn') and int(bgp_sessions[key]['asn']) != 0 } return bgp_sessions, myasn, bgp_peers_with_range def parse_meta(meta, hname): syslog_servers = [] dhcp_servers = [] ntp_servers = [] mgmt_routes = [] erspan_dst = [] deployment_id = None device_metas = meta.find(str(QName(ns, "Devices"))) for device in device_metas.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceMetadata"))): if device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text == hname: properties = device.find(str(QName(ns1, "Properties"))) for device_property in properties.findall(str(QName(ns1, "DeviceProperty"))): name = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Name"))).text value = device_property.find(str(QName(ns1, "Value"))).text value_group = value.split(';') if value and value != "" else [] if name == "DhcpResources": dhcp_servers = value_group elif name == "NtpResources": ntp_servers = value_group elif name == "SyslogResources": syslog_servers = value_group elif name == "ForcedMgmtRoutes": mgmt_routes = value_group elif name == "ErspanDestinationIpv4": erspan_dst = value_group elif name == "DeploymentId": deployment_id = value return syslog_servers, dhcp_servers, ntp_servers, mgmt_routes, erspan_dst, deployment_id def parse_deviceinfo(meta, hwsku): ethernet_interfaces = {} for device_info in meta.findall(str(QName(ns, "DeviceInfo"))): dev_sku = device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "HwSku"))).text if dev_sku == hwsku: interfaces = device_info.find(str(QName(ns, "EthernetInterfaces"))) for interface in interfaces.findall(str(QName(ns1, "EthernetInterface"))): alias = interface.find(str(QName(ns, "InterfaceName"))).text speed = interface.find(str(QName(ns, "Speed"))).text ethernet_interfaces[port_alias_map.get(alias, alias)] = speed return ethernet_interfaces def parse_xml(filename, platform=None, port_config_file=None): root = ET.parse(filename).getroot() mini_graph_path = filename u_neighbors = None u_devices = None hwsku = None bgp_sessions = None bgp_asn = None intfs = None vlan_intfs = None pc_intfs = None vlans = None vlan_members = None pcs = None mgmt_intf = None lo_intf = None neighbors = None devices = None hostname = None port_speeds = {} syslog_servers = [] dhcp_servers = [] ntp_servers = [] mgmt_routes = [] erspan_dst = [] bgp_peers_with_range = None deployment_id = None hwsku_qn = QName(ns, "HwSku") hostname_qn = QName(ns, "Hostname") for child in root: if child.tag == str(hwsku_qn): hwsku = child.text if child.tag == str(hostname_qn): hostname = child.text (ports, alias_map) = get_port_config(hwsku, platform, port_config_file) port_alias_map.update(alias_map) for child in root: if child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DpgDec")): (intfs, lo_intfs, mgmt_intf, vlans, vlan_members, pcs, acls) = parse_dpg(child, hostname) elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "CpgDec")): (bgp_sessions, bgp_asn, bgp_peers_with_range) = parse_cpg(child, hostname) elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "PngDec")): (neighbors, devices, console_dev, console_port, mgmt_dev, mgmt_port) = parse_png(child, hostname) elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "UngDec")): (u_neighbors, u_devices, _, _, _, _) = parse_png(child, hostname) elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "MetadataDeclaration")): (syslog_servers, dhcp_servers, ntp_servers, mgmt_routes, erspan_dst, deployment_id) = parse_meta(child, hostname) elif child.tag == str(QName(ns, "DeviceInfos")): port_speeds = parse_deviceinfo(child, hwsku) results = {} results['DEVICE_METADATA'] = {'localhost': { 'bgp_asn': bgp_asn, 'deployment_id': deployment_id, 'hostname': hostname, 'hwsku': hwsku, 'type': devices[hostname]['type'] }} results['BGP_NEIGHBOR'] = bgp_sessions results['BGP_PEER_RANGE'] = bgp_peers_with_range if mgmt_routes: # TODO: differentiate v4 and v6 mgmt_intf.itervalues().next()['forced_mgmt_routes'] = mgmt_routes results['MGMT_INTERFACE'] = mgmt_intf results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = lo_intfs phyport_intfs = {} vlan_intfs = {} pc_intfs = {} for intf in intfs: if intf[0][0:4] == 'Vlan': vlan_intfs[intf] = {} elif intf[0][0:11] == 'PortChannel': pc_intfs[intf] = {} else: phyport_intfs[intf] = {} results['INTERFACE'] = phyport_intfs results['VLAN_INTERFACE'] = vlan_intfs results['PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE'] = pc_intfs for port_name in port_speeds: ports.setdefault(port_name, {})['speed'] = port_speeds[port_name] results['PORT'] = ports results['PORTCHANNEL'] = pcs results['VLAN'] = vlans results['VLAN_MEMBER'] = vlan_members results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'] = neighbors results['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA'] = { key:devices[key] for key in devices if key != hostname } results['SYSLOG_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in syslog_servers) results['DHCP_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in dhcp_servers) results['NTP_SERVER'] = dict((item, {}) for item in ntp_servers) results['ACL_TABLE'] = acls mirror_sessions = {} if erspan_dst: lo_addr = '' for lo in lo_intfs: lo_network = ipaddress.IPNetwork(lo[1]) if lo_network.version == 4: lo_addr = str(lo_network.ip) break count = 0 for dst in erspan_dst: mirror_sessions['everflow{}'.format(count)] = {"dst_ip": dst, "src_ip": lo_addr} count += 1 results['MIRROR_SESSION'] = mirror_sessions return results def parse_device_desc_xml(filename): root = ET.parse(filename).getroot() (lo_prefix, mgmt_prefix, hostname, hwsku, d_type) = parse_device(root) results = {} results['DEVICE_METADATA'] = {'localhost': { 'hostname': hostname, 'hwsku': hwsku, }} results['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {('lo', lo_prefix): {}} mgmt_intf = {} mgmtipn = ipaddress.IPNetwork(mgmt_prefix) gwaddr = ipaddress.IPAddress(int(mgmtipn.network) + 1) results['MGMT_INTERFACE'] = {('eth0', mgmt_prefix): {'gwaddr': gwaddr}} return results port_alias_map = {} def print_parse_xml(filename): results = parse_xml(filename) print(json.dumps(results, indent=3, cls=minigraph_encoder))