import sys from collections import defaultdict from ipaddress import ip_interface from natsort import natsorted #TODO: Remove once Python 2 support is removed if sys.version_info.major == 3: UNICODE_TYPE = str else: UNICODE_TYPE = unicode def generate_common_config(data): data['FLEX_COUNTER_TABLE'] = { 'ACL': { 'FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS': 'disable', 'FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS': 'true', 'POLL_INTERVAL': '10000' } } return data # The following config generation methods exits: # 't1': generate_t1_sample_config, # 'l2': generate_l2_config, # 'empty': generate_empty_config, # 'l1': generate_l1_config, # 'l3': generate_l3_config def generate_l1_config(data): for port in natsorted(data['PORT']): data['PORT'][port]['admin_status'] = 'up' data['PORT'][port]['mtu'] = '9100' return data; def generate_l3_config(data): data['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {"Loopback0": {}, "Loopback0|": {}} data['BGP_NEIGHBOR'] = {} data['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'] = {} data['INTERFACE'] = {} for port in natsorted(data['PORT']): data['PORT'][port]['admin_status'] = 'up' data['PORT'][port]['mtu'] = '9100' data['INTERFACE']['{}'.format(port)] = {} return data; def generate_t1_sample_config(data): data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['hostname'] = 'sonic' data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['type'] = 'LeafRouter' data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['bgp_asn'] = '65100' data['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = {"Loopback0|": {}} data['BGP_NEIGHBOR'] = {} data['DEVICE_NEIGHBOR'] = {} data['INTERFACE'] = {} port_count = 0 total_port_amount = len(data['PORT']) for port in natsorted(data['PORT']): data['PORT'][port]['admin_status'] = 'up' data['PORT'][port]['mtu'] = '9100' local_addr = '10.0.{}.{}'.format(2 * port_count // 256, 2 * port_count % 256) peer_addr = '10.0.{}.{}'.format(2 * port_count // 256, 2 * port_count % 256 + 1) peer_name='ARISTA{0:02d}{1}'.format(1+port_count%(total_port_amount // 2), 'T2' if port_count < (total_port_amount // 2) else 'T0') peer_asn = 65200 if port_count < (total_port_amount // 2) else 64001 + port_count - (total_port_amount // 2) data['INTERFACE']['{}|{}/31'.format(port, local_addr)] = {} data['BGP_NEIGHBOR'][peer_addr] = { 'rrclient': 0, 'name': peer_name, 'local_addr': local_addr, 'nhopself': 0, 'holdtime': '180', 'asn': str(peer_asn), 'keepalive': '60' } port_count += 1 return data def generate_empty_config(data): new_data = {'DEVICE_METADATA': data['DEVICE_METADATA']} if 'hostname' not in new_data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']: new_data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['hostname'] = 'sonic' if 'type' not in new_data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']: new_data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['type'] = 'LeafRouter' return new_data def generate_global_dualtor_tables(): data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) data['LOOPBACK_INTERFACE'] = { 'Loopback2': {}, 'Loopback2|': {} } data['MUX_CABLE'] = {} data['PEER_SWITCH'] = { "peer_switch_hostname": { "address_ipv4": "" } } data['TUNNEL'] = { "MuxTunnel0": { "dscp_mode": "uniform", "dst_ip": "", "ecn_mode": "copy_from_outer", "encap_ecn_mode": "standard", "ttl_mode": "pipe", "tunnel_type": "IPINIP" } } return data def generate_l2_config(data): # Check if dual ToR configs are needed if 'is_dualtor' in data and data['is_dualtor']: is_dualtor = True data.pop('is_dualtor') else: is_dualtor = False if 'uplinks' in data: uplinks = data['uplinks'] data.pop('uplinks') if 'downlinks' in data: downlinks = data['downlinks'] data.pop('downlinks') # VLAN initial data data['VLAN'] = {'Vlan1000': {'vlanid': '1000'}} data['VLAN_MEMBER'] = {} if is_dualtor: data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['subtype'] = 'DualToR' data['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['peer_switch'] = 'peer_switch_hostname' data.update(generate_global_dualtor_tables()) server_ipv4_base = ip_interface(UNICODE_TYPE('')) server_ipv6_base = ip_interface(UNICODE_TYPE('fc02:1000::1/128')) server_offset = 1 for port in natsorted(data['PORT']): if is_dualtor: # Ports in use should be admin up, unused ports default to admin down if port in downlinks or port in uplinks: data['PORT'][port].setdefault('admin_status', 'up') data['VLAN_MEMBER']['Vlan1000|{}'.format(port)] = {'tagging_mode': 'untagged'} # Downlinks (connected to mux cable) need a MUX_CABLE entry # as well as the `mux_cable` field in the PORT table if port in downlinks: mux_cable_entry = { 'server_ipv4': str(server_ipv4_base + server_offset), 'server_ipv6': str(server_ipv6_base + server_offset), 'state': 'auto' } server_offset += 1 data['MUX_CABLE'][port] = mux_cable_entry data['PORT'][port]['mux_cable'] = 'true' else: data['PORT'][port].setdefault('admin_status', 'up') data['VLAN_MEMBER']['Vlan1000|{}'.format(port)] = {'tagging_mode': 'untagged'} return data _sample_generators = { 't1': generate_t1_sample_config, 'l2': generate_l2_config, 'empty': generate_empty_config, 'l1': generate_l1_config, 'l3': generate_l3_config } def get_available_config(): return list(_sample_generators.keys()) def generate_sample_config(data, setting_name): data = generate_common_config(data) return _sample_generators[setting_name.lower()](data)