from swsscommon import swsscommon import os import re import time import json import random def output(dvs, title): print "=========================== %s ===========================" % title exit_cod, sum_res = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp sum"]) exit_code, all_route = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp"]) exit_code, neig_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors"]) exit_code, announce_route_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) exit_code, received_route_1 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors routes"]) exit_code, announce_route_3 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) exit_code, received_route_3 = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors routes"]) print "Summary:" print sum_res print "Received routes:" print "" print received_route_1 print "" print received_route_3 print "Announces routes:" print "" print announce_route_1 print "" print announce_route_3 print "Neighbors" print "" print neig_1 print "======================================================" def mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def remove(path): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) def get_target_env(idx): return '/usr/local/etc/exabgp/exabgp_%d.env' % idx def prepare_exa_env(dvs, idx): mkdir('/usr/local/etc') mkdir('/usr/local/etc/exabgp') tmp_name = '/tmp/env.%d.%d' % (random.randint(0, 10000000), os.getpid()) dvs.servers[idx].runcmd("exabgp --fi > %s" % tmp_name) with open(tmp_name) as r_fp: with open(get_target_env(idx), 'w') as w_fp: for line in r_fp: if line.startswith('pipename'): line = "pipename = 'exabgp.%d'\n" % idx w_fp.write(line) os.unlink(tmp_name) def run_exa(dvs, idx, cfg): prepare_exa_env(dvs, idx) run_dir = "/var/run/exabgp" mkdir(run_dir) fifo_in_path = "%s/" % (run_dir, idx) fifo_out_path = "%s/exabgp.%d.out" % (run_dir, idx) remove(fifo_in_path) remove(fifo_out_path) os.mkfifo(fifo_in_path) os.mkfifo(fifo_out_path) os.chmod(fifo_in_path, 0666) os.chmod(fifo_out_path, 0666) print "!!! Start exabgp instance %d" % idx cmd = "exabgp -d --env %s %s" % (get_target_env(idx), cfg) print "Cmd is ___ %s ___" % cmd return dvs.servers[idx].runcmd_async(cmd) def run_exacli(dvs, idx, cmd): return dvs.servers[idx].runcmd('exabgpcli --env %s %s' % (get_target_env(idx), cmd)) def test_gr_livelock(dvs, testlog): # update exabgp to version 4.0.10 dvs.servers[0].runcmd("pip install 'exabgp==4.0.10' --force-reinstall ") # dvs.copy_file("/etc/frr/", "bgp/files/gr_livelock/bgpd.conf") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("pkill exabgp") # In case previous test didn't stop exa dvs.runcmd("supervisorctl stop bgpd") time.sleep(5) dvs.runcmd("supervisorctl start bgpd") dvs.runcmd("ip addr add dev Ethernet0") dvs.runcmd("config interface startup Ethernet0") dvs.runcmd("ip addr add dev Ethernet4") dvs.runcmd("config interface startup Ethernet4") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("ip addr add dev eth0") dvs.servers[0].runcmd("ifconfig eth0 up") dvs.servers[1].runcmd("ip addr add dev eth0") dvs.servers[1].runcmd("ifconfig eth0 up") time.sleep(5) # Run two bgp neighbors p1 = run_exa(dvs, 0, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp1.conf") p2 = run_exa(dvs, 1, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp2.conf") time.sleep(30) output(dvs, "First neighbor doesn't have GR enabled") # Check that we announce routes from the 1st neigbbor to 2nd, if 1st neighbor doesn't support graceful restart _, announced_routes = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) assert '' in announced_routes # Stop 1st neighbor run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'shutdown') p1 = p1.wait() # Wait until frr thinks that 1st neighbor was shut down time.sleep(300) # Start the 1st neighbor again with graceful restart enabled p1 = run_exa(dvs, 0, "bgp/files/gr_livelock/exabgp1.graceful.conf") time.sleep(60) output(dvs, "First neighbor has GR enalbed") run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'announce route next-hop self') time.sleep(60) output(dvs, "Announced a new route from the first neighbor") # Check that we announce all routes from the 1st neighbor _, announced_routes = dvs.runcmd(["vtysh", "-c", "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes"]) assert '' in announced_routes assert '' in announced_routes run_exacli(dvs, 0, 'shutdown') p1 = p1.wait() run_exacli(dvs, 1, 'shutdown') p2 = p2.wait()