name: AutoMergeScan on: schedule: - cron: '31 */2 * * *' workflow_dispatch: jobs: automerge_scan: if: github.repository_owner == 'sonic-net' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Debug env: TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} run: | set -e echo ${TOKEN} | gh auth login --with-token gh pr list -R sonic-net/sonic-buildimage -A mssonicbld -L 100 -S "label:automerge" --json url,body,title,createdAt,labels,statusCheckRollup > prs.log cat prs.log | jq - name: Main run: | set -e # PR merge run per 2 hours # Other operation run per day. # Cherry pick PR: # more than 3 days, comment @author to check # more than 10 days, stop comment. # more than 28 days, comment @author PR will be closed # more than 30 days, close PR date_3d_ago=$(date --date "3 day ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") date_10d_ago=$(date --date "10 day ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") date_28d_ago=$(date --date "28 day ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") date_30d_ago=$(date --date "30 day ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") date_now=$(date -u +"%T") operate=false [[ "$date_now" < "02:00:00" ]] && operate=true count=$(cat prs.log | jq 'length') for ((i=0;i<$count;i++)) do url=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].url") body=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].body") title=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].title") origin_pr_id=$(echo $title | grep -Eo "\[action\] \[PR:[0-9]*\]" | grep -Eo [0-9]* || true) created_at=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].createdAt") echo PR: $(($i+1))/$count, URL: $url, origin PR: $origin_pr_id, createdAt: $created_at, operate: $operate [[ "$url" == "" ]] && continue [[ $created_at > $(date --date "1 hour ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") ]] && continue checks=$(cat prs.log | jq ".[$i].statusCheckRollup") checks_count=$(echo $checks | jq 'length') pr_success=true for ((j=0;j<$checks_count;j++)) do check=$(echo $checks | jq ".[$j]") status=$(echo $check | jq -r '.status') conclusion=$(echo $check | jq -r '.conclusion') name=$(echo $check | jq -r '.name') # EasyCLA success flag: state=SUCCESS # Others success flag: conclusion in SUCCESS,NEUTRAL # only check Azure.sonic-buildimage currently echo "$name" | grep -v "Azure.sonic-buildimage" > /dev/null && continue [[ "$status" != "COMPLETED" ]] && echo "$name: $status" && continue 2 success=true ( [[ "$conclusion" == "FAILURE" ]] || [[ "$conclusion" == "CANCELLED" ]] ) && success=false && pr_success=false ! $success && echo "FAIL: $name" done # rerun Azure.sonic-buildimage per day ! $pr_success && $operate && gh pr comment $url --body "/azp run Azure.sonic-buildimage" # If auto cherry pick PRs failed, comment in original PR and close cherry pick PR if [ -n "$origin_pr_id" ] && [[ $created_at < $date_3d_ago ]] && ! $pr_success;then origin_pr_url=$origin_pr_id author=$(gh pr view $origin_pr_url --json author | jq .author.login -r) echo "Original author will check." $operate && [[ $created_at > $date_10d_ago ]] && gh pr comment $origin_pr_url --body "@$author cherry pick PR didn't pass PR checker. Please check!!!
$url" $operate && [[ $created_at < $date_28d_ago ]] && gh pr comment $origin_pr_url --body "@$author cherry pick PR didn't pass PR checker. Please check!!! Auto cherry pick PR will be closed in 2 days.
$url" $operate && [[ $created_at < $date_30d_ago ]] && echo "$url Closed" && gh pr close $url fi ! $pr_success && continue # merge the PR echo ========Merging PR======== if echo $title | grep "^\[submodule\]";then gh pr merge --squash --admin -R sonic-net/sonic-buildimage $url -b "$body" || true else gh pr merge --rebase --admin -R sonic-net/sonic-buildimage $url || true fi echo ========Finished PR======== done