#!/bin/bash # read SONiC immutable variables [ -f /etc/sonic/sonic-environment ] && . /etc/sonic/sonic-environment function help() { echo -e "Usage: $0 -n [0 to $(($NUM_ASIC-1))] [OPTION]... " 1>&2; exit 1; } DEV="" PLATFORM=${PLATFORM:-`sonic-cfggen -H -v DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.platform`} # Parse the device specific asic conf file, if it exists ASIC_CONF=/usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM/asic.conf [ -f $ASIC_CONF ] && . $ASIC_CONF if [[ ($NUM_ASIC -gt 1) ]]; then while getopts ":n:h:" opt; do case "${opt}" in h) help ;; n) DEV=${OPTARG} [ $DEV -lt $NUM_ASIC -a $DEV -ge 0 ] || help ;; esac done if [ -z "${DEV}" ]; then help fi # Skip the arguments -n while passing to docker command shift 2 fi # Determine whether stdout is on a terminal if [ -t 1 ] ; then # Prepare a function to send HUP signal to vtysh in the container # we mark the new instance of vtysh with the current tty as a tag TTY=$(tty) function cleanup { docker exec -i bgp$DEV pkill -HUP -f "vtysh $TTY" } trap cleanup HUP docker exec -ti bgp$DEV vtysh "$TTY" "$@" else docker exec -i bgp$DEV vtysh "$@" fi