try: import ast import json import os import re import sys from swsscommon import swsscommon from sonic_py_common import device_info from sonic_py_common.multi_asic import get_asic_id_from_name except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("%s - required module not found" % str(e)) try: if os.environ["CFGGEN_UNIT_TESTING"] == "2": modules_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".") tests_path = os.path.join(modules_path, "tests") sys.path.insert(0, modules_path) sys.path.insert(0, tests_path) import mock_tables.dbconnector mock_tables.dbconnector.load_namespace_config() except KeyError: pass # Global Variable PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH = '/usr/share/sonic/device' PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH_DOCKER = '/usr/share/sonic/platform' SONIC_ROOT_PATH = '/usr/share/sonic' HWSKU_ROOT_PATH = '/usr/share/sonic/hwsku' PLATFORM_JSON = 'platform.json' PORT_CONFIG_INI = 'port_config.ini' HWSKU_JSON = 'hwsku.json' PORT_STR = "Ethernet" BRKOUT_MODE = "default_brkout_mode" CUR_BRKOUT_MODE = "brkout_mode" INTF_KEY = "interfaces" OPTIONAL_HWSKU_ATTRIBUTES = ["fec", "autoneg"] BRKOUT_PATTERN = r'(\d{1,6})x(\d{1,6}G?)(\[(\d{1,6}G?,?)*\])?(\((\d{1,6})\))?' BRKOUT_PATTERN_GROUPS = 6 # # Helper Functions # def readJson(filename): # Read 'platform.json' or 'hwsku.json' file try: with open(filename) as fp: try: data = json.load(fp) except json.JSONDecodeError: print("Json file does not exist") data_dict = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(data)) return data_dict except Exception as e: print("error occurred while parsing json: {}".format(sys.exc_info()[1])) return None def db_connect_configdb(namespace=None): """ Connect to configdb """ try: if namespace is not None: swsscommon.SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_global_db_config(namespace=namespace) config_db = swsscommon.ConfigDBConnector(use_unix_socket_path=True, namespace=namespace) except Exception as e: return None if config_db is None: return None try: """ This could be blocking during the config load_minigraph phase, as the CONFIG_DB_INITIALIZED is not yet set in the configDB. We can ignore the check by using config_db.db_connect('CONFIG_DB') instead """ # Connect only if available & initialized config_db.connect(wait_for_init=False) except Exception as e: config_db = None return config_db def get_hwsku_file_name(hwsku=None, platform=None): hwsku_candidates_Json = [] hwsku_candidates_Json.append(os.path.join(HWSKU_ROOT_PATH, HWSKU_JSON)) if hwsku: if platform: hwsku_candidates_Json.append(os.path.join(PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH, platform, hwsku, HWSKU_JSON)) hwsku_candidates_Json.append(os.path.join(PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH_DOCKER, hwsku, HWSKU_JSON)) hwsku_candidates_Json.append(os.path.join(SONIC_ROOT_PATH, hwsku, HWSKU_JSON)) for candidate in hwsku_candidates_Json: if os.path.isfile(candidate): return candidate return None def get_port_config(hwsku=None, platform=None, port_config_file=None, hwsku_config_file=None, asic_name=None): config_db = db_connect_configdb(asic_name) # If available, Read from CONFIG DB first if config_db is not None and port_config_file is None: port_data = config_db.get_table("PORT") if bool(port_data): ports = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(port_data)) port_alias_map = {} port_alias_asic_map = {} for intf_name in ports.keys(): if "alias" in ports[intf_name]: port_alias_map[ports[intf_name]["alias"]] = intf_name return (ports, port_alias_map, port_alias_asic_map) if asic_name is not None: asic_id = str(get_asic_id_from_name(asic_name)) else: asic_id = None if not port_config_file: port_config_file = device_info.get_path_to_port_config_file(hwsku, asic_id) if not port_config_file: return ({}, {}, {}) # Read from 'platform.json' file if port_config_file.endswith('.json'): if not hwsku_config_file: hwsku_json_file = get_hwsku_file_name(hwsku, platform) if not hwsku_json_file: return ({}, {}, {}) else: hwsku_json_file = hwsku_config_file return parse_platform_json_file(hwsku_json_file, port_config_file) # If 'platform.json' file is not available, read from 'port_config.ini' else: return parse_port_config_file(port_config_file) def parse_port_config_file(port_config_file): ports = {} port_alias_map = {} port_alias_asic_map = {} # Default column definition titles = ['name', 'lanes', 'alias', 'index'] with open(port_config_file) as data: for line in data: if line.startswith('#'): if "name" in line: titles = line.strip('#').split() continue; tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) < 2: continue name_index = titles.index('name') name = tokens[name_index] data = {} for i, item in enumerate(tokens): if i == name_index: continue data[titles[i]] = item data.setdefault('alias', name) ports[name] = data port_alias_map[data['alias']] = name # asic_port_name to sonic_name mapping also included in # port_alias_map if (('asic_port_name' in data) and (data['asic_port_name'] != name)): port_alias_map[data['asic_port_name']] = name # alias to asic_port_name mapping if 'asic_port_name' in data: port_alias_asic_map[data['alias']] = data['asic_port_name'].strip() return (ports, port_alias_map, port_alias_asic_map) class BreakoutCfg(object): class BreakoutModeEntry: def __init__(self, num_ports, default_speed, supported_speed, num_assigned_lanes=None): self.num_ports = int(num_ports) self.default_speed = self._speed_to_int(default_speed) self.supported_speed = set((self.default_speed, )) self._parse_supported_speed(supported_speed) self.num_assigned_lanes = self._parse_num_assigned_lanes(num_assigned_lanes) @classmethod def _speed_to_int(cls, speed): try: if speed.endswith('G'): return int(speed.replace('G', '')) * 1000 return int(speed) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported speed format '{}'".format(speed)) def _parse_supported_speed(self, speed): if not speed: return if not speed.startswith('[') and not speed.endswith(']'): raise RuntimeError("Unsupported port breakout format!") for s in speed[1:-1].split(','): self.supported_speed.add(self._speed_to_int(s.strip())) def _parse_num_assigned_lanes(self, num_assigned_lanes): if not num_assigned_lanes: return if isinstance(num_assigned_lanes, int): return num_assigned_lanes if not num_assigned_lanes.startswith('(') and not num_assigned_lanes.endswith(')'): raise RuntimeError("Unsupported port breakout format!") return int(num_assigned_lanes[1:-1]) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, BreakoutCfg.BreakoutModeEntry): if self.num_ports != other.num_ports: return False if self.supported_speed != other.supported_speed: return False if self.num_assigned_lanes != other.num_assigned_lanes: return False return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash((self.num_ports, tuple(self.supported_speed), self.num_assigned_lanes)) def __init__(self, name, bmode, properties): self._interface_base_id = int(name.replace(PORT_STR, '')) self._properties = properties self._lanes = properties ['lanes'].split(',') self._indexes = properties ['index'].split(',') self._breakout_mode_entry = self._str_to_entries(bmode) self._breakout_capabilities = None # Find specified breakout mode in port breakout mode capabilities for supported_mode in self._properties['breakout_modes']: if self._breakout_mode_entry == self._str_to_entries(supported_mode): self._breakout_capabilities = self._properties['breakout_modes'][supported_mode] break if not self._breakout_capabilities: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported breakout mode {}!".format(bmode)) def _re_group_to_entry(self, group): if len(group) != BRKOUT_PATTERN_GROUPS: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported breakout mode format!") num_ports, default_speed, supported_speed, _, num_assigned_lanes, _ = group if not num_assigned_lanes: num_assigned_lanes = len(self._lanes) return BreakoutCfg.BreakoutModeEntry(num_ports, default_speed, supported_speed, num_assigned_lanes) def _str_to_entries(self, bmode): """ Example of match_list for some breakout_mode using regex Breakout Mode -------> Match_list ----------------------------- 2x25G(2)+1x50G(2) ---> [('2', '25G', None, '(2)', '2'), ('1', '50G', None, '(2)', '2')] 1x50G(2)+2x25G(2) ---> [('1', '50G', None, '(2)', '2'), ('2', '25G', None, '(2)', '2')] 1x100G[40G] ---------> [('1', '100G', '[40G]', None, None)] 2x50G ---------------> [('2', '50G', None, None, None)] """ try: groups_list = [re.match(BRKOUT_PATTERN, i).groups() for i in bmode.split("+")] except Exception: raise RuntimeError('Breakout mode "{}" validation failed!'.format(bmode)) return [self._re_group_to_entry(group) for group in groups_list] def get_config(self): # Ensure that we have corret number of configured lanes lanes_used = 0 for entry in self._breakout_mode_entry: lanes_used += entry.num_assigned_lanes if lanes_used > len(self._lanes): raise RuntimeError("Assigned lines count is more that available!") ports = {} lane_id = 0 alias_id = 0 for entry in self._breakout_mode_entry: lanes_per_port = entry.num_assigned_lanes // entry.num_ports for port in range(entry.num_ports): interface_name = PORT_STR + str(self._interface_base_id + lane_id) lanes = self._lanes[lane_id:lane_id + lanes_per_port] ports[interface_name] = { 'alias': self._breakout_capabilities[alias_id], 'lanes': ','.join(lanes), 'speed': str(entry.default_speed), 'index': self._indexes[lane_id] } lane_id += lanes_per_port alias_id += 1 return ports """ Given a port and breakout mode, this method returns the list of child ports using platform_json file """ def get_child_ports(interface, breakout_mode, platform_json_file): port_dict = readJson(platform_json_file) mode_handler = BreakoutCfg(interface, breakout_mode, port_dict[INTF_KEY][interface]) return mode_handler.get_config() def parse_platform_json_file(hwsku_json_file, platform_json_file): ports = {} port_alias_map = {} port_alias_asic_map = {} port_dict = readJson(platform_json_file) hwsku_dict = readJson(hwsku_json_file) if port_dict is None: raise Exception("port_dict is none") if hwsku_dict is None: raise Exception("hwsku_dict is none") if INTF_KEY not in port_dict or INTF_KEY not in hwsku_dict: raise Exception("INTF_KEY is not present in appropriate file") for intf in port_dict[INTF_KEY]: if intf not in hwsku_dict[INTF_KEY]: raise Exception("{} is not available in hwsku_dict".format(intf)) # take default_brkout_mode from hwsku.json brkout_mode = hwsku_dict[INTF_KEY][intf][BRKOUT_MODE] child_ports = get_child_ports(intf, brkout_mode, platform_json_file) # take optional fields from hwsku.json for key, item in hwsku_dict[INTF_KEY][intf].items(): if key in OPTIONAL_HWSKU_ATTRIBUTES: child_ports.get(intf)[key] = item ports.update(child_ports) if ports is None: raise Exception("Ports dictionary is None") for i in ports.keys(): port_alias_map[ports[i]["alias"]]= i return (ports, port_alias_map, port_alias_asic_map) def get_breakout_mode(hwsku=None, platform=None, port_config_file=None): if not port_config_file: port_config_file = device_info.get_path_to_port_config_file(hwsku) if not port_config_file: return None if port_config_file.endswith('.json'): hwsku_json_file = get_hwsku_file_name(hwsku, platform) if not hwsku_json_file: raise Exception("'hwsku_json' file does not exist!!! This file is necessary to proceed forward.") return parse_breakout_mode(hwsku_json_file) else: return None def parse_breakout_mode(hwsku_json_file): brkout_table = {} hwsku_dict = readJson(hwsku_json_file) if not hwsku_dict: raise Exception("hwsku_dict is empty") if INTF_KEY not in hwsku_dict: raise Exception("INTF_KEY is not present in hwsku_dict") for intf in hwsku_dict[INTF_KEY]: brkout_table[intf] = {} brkout_table[intf][CUR_BRKOUT_MODE] = hwsku_dict[INTF_KEY][intf][BRKOUT_MODE] return brkout_table