name: AutoMergeScan on: schedule: - cron: '31 */2 * * *' workflow_dispatch: jobs: automerge_scan: if: github.repository_owner == 'sonic-net' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Debug env: TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} run: | set -e echo ${TOKEN} | gh auth login --with-token gh pr list -R sonic-net/sonic-buildimage -A mssonicbld --json additions,assignees,author,baseRefName,body,changedFiles,closed,closedAt,comments,commits,createdAt,deletions,files,headRefName,headRepository,headRepositoryOwner,id,isCrossRepository,isDraft,labels,latestReviews,maintainerCanModify,mergeCommit,mergeStateStatus,mergeable,mergedAt,mergedBy,milestone,number,potentialMergeCommit,projectCards,reactionGroups,reviewDecision,reviewRequests,reviews,state,statusCheckRollup,title,updatedAt,url > prs.log cat prs.log | jq - name: Main run: | set -e count=$(cat prs.log | jq 'length') for ((i=0;i<$count;i++)) do url=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].url") created_at=$(cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].createdAt") echo PR: $(($i+1))/$count, URL: $url, createdAt: $created_at, now: $(date -u +"%FT%TZ") [[ "$url" == "" ]] && continue [[ $created_at > $(date --date "1 hour ago" -u +"%FT%TZ") ]] && continue # only check automerge PR. cat prs.log | jq -r ".[$i].labels[].name" | grep automerge || continue checks=$(cat prs.log | jq ".[$i].statusCheckRollup") checks_count=$(echo $checks | jq 'length') echo Checks count: $checks_count for ((j=0;j<$checks_count;j++)) do check=$(echo $checks | jq ".[$j]") state=$(echo $check | jq -r '.state') conclusion=$(echo $check | jq -r '.conclusion') name=$(echo $check | jq -r '.name') # EasyCLA success flag: state=SUCCESS # Others success flag: conclusion in SUCCESS,NEUTRAL # Ignore Azure.sonic-buildimage stage check result. It may be set continueOnError echo "$name" | grep "Azure.sonic-buildimage (" && continue # Ignore Semgrep, it has issues. [[ "$name" == "Semgrep" ]] && continue if [[ "$state" == "SUCCESS" ]];then # check pass continue elif [[ "$conclusion" == "SUCCESS" ]] || [[ "$conclusion" == "NEUTRAL" ]];then # check pass continue else echo "$url Check failed!!!" echo $check | jq continue 2 fi done # merge the PR echo ========Merging PR======== gh pr merge --rebase --admin -R sonic-net/sonic-buildimage $url || true echo ========Finished PR======== done